Chapter 15: Aftermath

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Y/n: MP supervision, huh?

Y/n crossed his arms as he stared through the wall at the two places where MP officers manned his room like some dirty loyal guard dogs. "His room," he should really say his temporary jail cell in the Trost courthouse. All in all, it wasn't half bad. The room had a small bed, a window with a nice-ish view, being on the third story, and he had a nice set of comfy chairs. Y/n was currently standing by the window near the five chairs, which were mostly occupied by three of his closest family members. His father, Uncle, and Aunt.

Levi had his legs crossed and was currently sipping out a tea that he had brought up to him. He was holding the cup in the weird fashion he likes so much. Y/n always wondered how he even managed to drink without spilling on himself. But every time he asked, Levi dodged the question.

Hanji was on a chair beside Levi, a stack of books laid out on the table in front of her. She was currently skimming through a larger one at the moment. Her brown eyes flicking from one page to the other in fast succession.
His father, Commander Erwin Smith, was closest to him. His calculating eyes were on him, with comfort and kindness shimmering in his orbs. He wasn't too pleased with the current situation. After Y/n was escorted by a group of MP's, Erwin demanded to know what was going on. Once he learned that the higher-ups had given the command, Erwin had no choice but to comply.

Erwin: It's only temporary. Once Premier Zachery conducts his trial with Eren Jeager, he'll speak with you privately. You being close with this Jaeger boy doesn't help matters, but it should go our way if my plan works out.

Y/n: (Turning to his father) Is this another hunch of yours?

Erwin: Consider it an educated gamble.

Levi: That's more faith than I would have. (To Y/n) Hey, brat, what's this Titan kid's deal anyway?

Hanji: (Placing her book down on her lap, looking up at Y/n with excitement) Yes, I would like to know too. I've read the reports from all the members of the elite squad, but a human transforming into a Titan! It's incredible! I can't wait to meet this Eren.

Erwin: Calm down, Hanji. First, we need to get him in our ranks. And to do that, we need to convince Zachery not to hand him over to the MP"s.

Y/n: Wait, hold on, before any of that, I would like to ask you all something.

Y/n walked in front of the lounge area so they could all comfortably see him. Each of their eyes was staring at him with curiosity and interest at what he had to say.

Y/n: In the battle for Trost, I-- (Looking down at his leg) --well, I lost my leg to a Titan. And I"m more than sure that I also broke my back.

The three adults were silent. Each looked at one another with knowing eyes.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Don't tell me--

Y/n: Did you know I can heal like a Titan?

The room sank into an uncomfortable silence. Both Levi and Hanji glanced at one another before resting their gazes on Erwin, who sat still in his chair. At a glance, it seemed like Erwin was relaxed, but Y/n could tell he was scared and nervous by the way he was clutching the armrest. Y/n no longer needed a reply. Their silence was enough. They knew, they knew, and they didn"t say anything.
Y/n: How long?

Erwin didn't reply, only stared at Y/n with uneasy eyes.

Hanji: For Christ's sake, I'll tell the boy. (Y/n turned his eyes to Hanji) Ever since you were adopted, we kept a close eye on you. Something about you was strange to us. Every time you cut yourself, broke a bone or did any sorta damage to yourself. You healed exponentially faster than ordinary people. I did some blood work and found out that your blood runs at a much higher temperature than normal.

Y/n: (Staring down at his hand) So, that is why I can heal faster. Why I can regrow entire limbs without so much as a worry.

Levi: We suspected that you were born outside the wall. By whom or how we don't know.

Images of the man with H/c hair followed by the feeling of rocking and swaying crossed Y/n's mind. His dream, everything was adding up. He is different from everyone else. The only person remotely like him is currently being held in a prison cell a few meters below him.

Y/n: (Thoughts) B-But how does Eren play into my story? Into my past? What is his relation to me?
Y/n stared down at one of his hands. They were trembling. Perhaps it was the shock from the realization, or perhaps it was due to the lack of sleep. Either way, Y/n felt his heartbeat faster and faster.

Y/n: C-Can I turn into a Titan?

Hanji: (Sigh) W-We don't know? It's not far from the realm of possibility. But I suggest keeping that information on the downlow. Not many people know about your extraordinary healing abilities. The Elites mentioned that it was possible that your back was just bruised on impact and not broken.

Levi: If those dirty MP"s find out you have similar traits as that spoilt brat in the cellar, then we'll have to fight for both of you instead of just the one.

Y/n nodded weakly, still glaring at his shaking hand.

Y/n: (Thoughts) That makes no sense. They saw my back was twisted. They must've known. Rico especially. . . but why? Why keeps quiet?

Y/n: W-What am I?

Erwin stood up, pushing back his chair, creating a squeak that silenced the room once more. Y/n snapped his E/c eyes up to meet his father's. They were intimidating. They were as cold as ice. Fear began to boil within him, wondering what Erwin might say. "You're a Titan." "You're a monster." "You're the enemy."
Y/n winced when Erwin moved in front of him, shadowing over him. The frightened teen was too scared to meet his eyes anymore, afraid of what he might see shinning back. But what happened next shocked him. Erwin Smith pulled the shaking boy into a tight warm embrace.

Erwin: You're my son.

Y/n felt tears start to well in his eyes as they began to fall down his cheeks, sprinkling his father's jacket. Y/n wrapped his own arms around Erwin and enjoyed the hug.

Y/n: F-Father I--

Erwin: I promised I'd protect you, Y/n. And I plan to do that, no matter what blood runs through your veins, know this - I will always be your father.

Y/n buried his face in his father's shoulder as he cried and cried.

It was a few minutes before they broke their embrace. As Y/n wiped his tears from his eyes, he noticed that Hanji was also crying.

Hanji: (Blubbering) I-I love these moments! They're so sad and happy!

Y/n and Erwin smiled at the section-commander fondly.

Levi: (Rolling his eyes) Tch. Pull it together, four eyes.

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