Chapter 22: Stale Donut

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A/n: Before we start, a quick note.


I know all of you are being very respectful to this rule and I love you all for it. But now we're getting very close to the end of AOT as a whole, spoilers are leaking. So, if I could refrain my readers from doing any of that, I will gladly appreciate it.

Also, there WILL be AOT SEASON 4 spoilers in comments, just fair warning for those that aren't caught up with the SUB version of the show!

Anyway, thank you, and I hope you enjoy this chapter of Beauty & The King!

Kick after kick. Over and over, never stopping.

Father: Looking good, Annie!

Kick, knee, kick. Annie was sweating buckets as she repeated her attack, over and over again, never stopping.

Father: That's my girl!

She went to kick the target once more but stopped when it morphed into a familiar H/c haired, E/c eyed boy. He smiled at her, causing her to hesitate.
Father: What are you doing, Annie!? No breaks!

Annie nodded and went to kick Y/n right in the head. Everything went black.

The present-day Annie slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the daylight that seeped through the window of her shared room with a fellow MP rookie, Hitch. She sat up in her bed, her messy blonde hair falling around her in a tangled mess.

She let out a deep soft sigh as she rubbed one of her eyes with the palm of her hand. The weight of her actions bearing down on her was agonizing. She placed a hand over her heart as it ached. The memory of him standing there, the pained look in his eye, was causing her heart to break into a million pieces.

She was confused as to why she was feeling this way. She shouldn't. She had a mission to complete. She couldn't get bogged down because of some boy. Even if it's Y/n, the only man she let close to her. She told him more about her past than anyone. The only thing he doesn't know is where she came from and what she is. The enemy. She killed so many people. But it's for the greater good. . . isn't it? It's all worth it. Her mission is clear, take Eren back to Marley. But Y/n is also a Titan-shifter. That changes the plan significantly. Either of them could have the founder, and if they take the wrong one, they're done for. But can she really offer up Y/n like that?
Annie decided to shower before joining the others for their daily tasks. As she turned the water on, she let out a soft moan as the water trickled down her nude body. The relief she felt was beyond pleasing. After her fight with Eren and Y/n, she was physically and emotionally exhausted. Y/n fought with control, speed, and raw power. Annie shivered even under the hot, steaming water. She ran a hand down her face, wiping away any emotion that may be present upon her face. She had a mission to complete so she could go back home to her father. And that would include taking Y/n. . . or will it. If she doesn't mention it to Reiner and Bertolt, they won't go after Y/n. She could save him from the short, terrible end that is waiting for them across the sea.

After her shower, Annie got dressed and joined the other recruits. Hitch, the girl she was paired with since she came to the MP"s a month ago, spoke up when she spotted her.

Hitch: Look who's finally awake. You look so terrifying when you're asleep. I didn't dare disturb you. Probably should've. Sorry.
Hitch said with a less than convincing apology.

Marlo: (From his position beside Hitch) You've been pretty lax in your duties recently.

Annie didn't reply, only stared blankly at them.

Hitch: Look, Marlo. You've upset her.

Marlo: She's antisocial, not upset.

Annie took up her spot beside the enthusiastic girl.

Boris: (Beside Marlo) Knock it off, you guys. She fought in the Battle of Trost before coming here, which makes her the only one of us who's ever seen any real action. She's just been through hell. Probably takes time to readjust.

Hitch: Ah! So. You have a crush on the new girl, huh? (Chuckle) It's a shame she doesn't feel the same about you.

Marlo: How would you know, Hitch? Annie doesn't strike me as someone who would share that information. Especially to someone like you.

Hitch: (Fake gasp) I have you know that Annie and I are thick as the scummy thieves in the underground. (Marlo shook his head in disbelief) But if you really want to know, she mutters in her sleep. (In a dramatic fashion) "Oh, Y/n!" (Laugh) She was moaning his name so much; I believe she went through multiple orgasms in her sleep alone.
Annie fought against the blush that was slowly creeping up her neck.

Marlo: (Flushing from secondhand embarrassment) I-I don't think that's possible.

Hitch: (Shimming closer to Marlo) Oh, it is very possible. We, women, have ways of pleasuring ourselves that would make you boys jealous.

Boris: That's enough, you two.

Their commanding officer then walked down the hall towards them. All of the recruits saluted.

Dennis: Great. Thanks, guys. I called you all here "cause I've got actual work for you today. Not just the same old crap. It's got somethin' to do with the Scouts being summoned to the capital.

Annie looked up, shocked.

Dennis: Sometime today, they'll be passing through town along the main street. HQ has already provided a security detail, so we're only being asked to assist until the convoy's clear. ODM use in city limits has been authorized. You'll follow beside the convoy, as additional security. There's a barge waiting to take you to the starting point. Dismissed.

Marlo: Sir! A question, if I may.
Dennis: Hmm? Go ahead.

Marlo: What exactly are we supposed to be protecting this convoy from, sir?

Dennis: Hmm?

Marlo: It's just that I've never heard of anyone defying the government. They're just glad to be safe. There are petty criminals, sure. But I find it hard to imagine any actual organization existing within the wall that would attempt a strike. I mean, what possible motive would they have?

Dennis: (Marching to Marlo) Man! Aren't you serious? You can be in charge of this. (Thrusting the stack of papers into the recruit's chest) Everything you need to know is right in here.

Marlo: Uh... Huh? We officers are busy enough as it is. Prove that you can handle this one yourselves. Oh, and you better not screw it up, got it?

Dennis turned and opened the door opposite them. Inside a bunch of MP, officers were gathered around drinking and playing cards.

Dennis: Hey, sorry 'bout that. Back to business. Who's turn was it?

Annie: (Thoughts) So, they will be coming here? Is Eren going to get killed? What about Y/n? Do they know he's a Titan? (Shaking her head) Remember the mission.

As the scout convoy started to funnel through the gate, their job had begun. Annie was saluting alongside the road with her fellow rookies. As soon as the carriages that contained the scouts passed, they snapped into action. Turning, they started to follow the carriages, with Annie trailing slightly behind. As soon as she passed an alley, a familiar warm voice reached her ears.

Y/n: Annie.

Annie gasped and stopped running. She allowed a few MP"s to pass her by before turning to the alley she had just passed. Jogging back, she looked in, seeing no trace of the H/c-haired man. But what she did pick up on was the sweet aroma of her favorite treat. A delicious good she wasn't introduced to until Y/n graced her with the pleasure.

Annie: Donuts?

Annie walked into the alleyway and came across another section that branched off to a different alley system. There standing in the center was Y/n, covered in the Scout's green rain cloak. He looked at her with his dark, brooding E/c eyes. Her own icy-cold eyes trailed down to see a greasy paper bag clutched in his right hand, the source of the fragrance.
Y/n: Hey. I see the Military Police life is suiting you well.

Her eyes widened as she gawked at Y/n.

Annie: Y/n? Are those--

Y/n: (Holding out the bag) Donuts. I know you liked them when we went a month ago, I assume they're still your favorite.

Annie nodded gingerly, not sure what was going on.

Y/n: Here, take them. Think of it as payment.

Annie grabbed the bag from Y/n's hands and looked inside to see four glossy Donuts. She looked up at Y/n.

Annie: Payment for what?

Y/n: A plan Armin and I hatched out together.

Annie: Plan? Is your outfit another part of this plan?

Y/n: The rain gear, you mean? It's a makeshift disguise. I needed to conceal my ODM rig. (Lifting up his coat to reveal the large ODM gear attached to his hips) See?

Annie: What's this about?

Y/n lifted his hood and let his H/c hair-free. It's been a month since she last saw him in her normal form. She felt nervous yet excited to be near him once again.

Y/n: Annie. We have a plan for Eren to escape, and we're hoping that you'll help us.
Annie: Wait, escape to where? Stuck behind these walls, where can you possibly hide that they won't find you?

Y/n: We'll only need to hide him for a short while. This isn't a mutiny. We have every intention of returning. View this as a few loyal Scouts staging a small act of protest. It's a stall tactic. We need time to gather enough evidence to overrun the council's ruling about Eren. That's all we want.

Annie: You're serious about this? How can you be so sure the evidence exists? And what is it?

Y/n: (Breaking his gaze with Annie) I can't say. I'm sorry.

Annie: (Sigh) Sorry, Y/n. I'm gonna have to decline. My lips are sealed, though. Best of luck. And thank you for the Donuts.

Y/n: Hold on! Annie, please! They're going to kill Eren! (Annie stopped) They'll kill him for no better reason than that they fear what they don't understand. They don't see that their fear is pushing humanity to the brink of extinction! Maybe it's too late to change their minds. But what if we can? We have no choice but to bet everything on that chance! I'm sorry. The last thing I want is to cause you grief. But, well. The only way to sneak him through the Wall Sina checkpoints is with the help of someone in the Military Police! You're our only hope-- My only hope. Please.
Annie: (Turning to face Y/n) But why me? Do I really look like that good of a person to you?

Y/n looked into her eyes as if he was contemplating his answer. They stayed there, locked in each other's gazes for god knows how long. But Y/n answered.

Y/n: The first time we met, you were with Reiner and Bertolt, just after Wall Maria fell. You didn't say anything. You just had this stoic look upon your face. Then in training, you were always distant from everyone, acting like you had zero care for anything. But even as the standoffish behavior you portrayed turned everyone away. I saw you for who you truly are. You're a kind person. You help out, not expecting anything in return. You care for everyone even if you don't act like it. You trusted me with your story involving your father. You care for me. . . or at least I think you do. And I care for you too, Annie.

Annie gasped as she clutched the paper bag in her right-hand tighter. Her heart was pounding inside her chest, her stomach felt tilted upside down, and her head was fuzzy.
Y/n: But if you don't help me save Eren, I will no longer see you as the amazing person I knew in training.

Annie: I would've thought you wanted Eren dead. Doesn't that leave Mikasa open?

Y/n seemed to falter slightly but kept going.

Y/n: Yes, that is true. But if Eren does die, humanity's hope dies with him. The Scout regiment would most likely be disbanded, leaving myself and my family into unknown fates. This is the way forward. And if you care for me in any way, you'll help.

Annie: (Thoughts) Damn you.

Annie unslung her rifle from her shoulders and rested it against the alley's wall.

Annie: Alright. I'll do it.

Y/n: (Smiling) Thank you, Annie. I owe you big time.

Annie turned away from Y/n and quietly slipped her ring that her father had gifted her onto her right forefinger.


They met up with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, who were all decked out in their rain gear also. They then started to follow Annie, with Armin guiding her the way they had mapped out. Y/n was beside Mikasa as they followed the blonde MP.
Eren: We made it. Can't believe it was so easy.

Mikasa: Hush!

Eren: The Military Police, hard at work. I'm almost surprised they bothered to show up at all.

Mikasa: Let's just keep moving.

Eren: Hopefully, they haven't noticed my stand-in yet, either. It's not gonna hold up under close scrutiny. After all, Jean and I look nothing alike.

Y/n: Eren, stop you bitching and just keep your mouth shut till we're out of this.

Eren: I'm just saying this whole disguise thing has a massive hole in it.

Armin: It's close enough. You both have that same angry scowl and the same boulder-sized chip on your shoulder.

Eren: Well, yeah! But I don't have his horse face!

Y/n: (Shoving Eren's shoulder) Keep it up, and you won't have a face at all.

Annie: (glancing back) Hey. So, if I had refused to help you guys out, then what was your Plan B for getting over the wall?

Armin: We would've used our ODM gear to barge right through the checkpoint.

Annie: That's stupid. Why didn't you just avoid all this trouble in the first place? You could've escaped before reaching Stohess, right? I mean, why wait "till now?
Armin: I felt that this town's complex layout would allow us to squeeze a bit more time out of our body-double ploy. Of course. A head-on assault is ill-advised. So as long as the convoy acts like its following orders. Then everyone keeps their defenses down.

Annie: I see. It's a very good plan.

Mikasa and Y/n shared a brief look with one another before continuing forward.

Eren: (glancing down at the still full bag of donuts in Annie's right hand) Hey, Annie. Why haven't you eaten any of the pastry's Y/n had bought you. They might grow stale.

Y/n shot a shifty-eyed glare at Eren.

Annie: (Her eyes squinting slightly) I'm not hungry.

Eren: Right. Of course.

Y/n wanted to punch Eren in the face right then but decided against it. If she wasn't going to eat the donuts in the first place, she definitely isn't going to now.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Let's hope the second part of plan A is going to work.

Armin: Ah! There it is!

Armin ran off towards the staircase that led to the underground tunnel system. The rest of the group followed after, looking down into the dark cramped space.
Annie: Here?

Armin: Yeah. We'll pass through here. It's what remains of an underground city they were planning to build way back when.

Armin was the first to walk down, followed by Eren, Mikasa, and finally Y/n.

Armin: And if I'm right, it should lead us to the vicinity of the outer gate.

Eren: Nice work, Armin.

Y/n: That big brain of yours is really paying off.

Y/n and the others stopped when they noticed Annie not following along. Y/n turned and looked up at the blonde.

Y/n: Annie? What's the matter? We're almost scot-free.

Eren: (Scoff) You're not afraid of dark, cramped spaces or anything, are you?

Annie: So, what? So, what if I am? I wouldn't expect a suicidal maniac like you to understand. You don't know what it is to be an ordinary girl, crippled with fear.

Eren: A girl who can flip a full-grown man upside down has nothing to fear from the dark.

Y/n: Ha-ha, very funny Annie. Now's not the time for some silly joke. The Military Police could come down on us at any moment.

Y/n and the others turned and started to walk down the stairs again.
Annie: No. I refuse. (Everyone stopped) I'm too afraid. Above ground, I'll help. Otherwise, the deal's off.

Eren: Quit being stubborn, dammit! Just get the hell down here!

Y/n: (Pushing Eren back) Back down, Eren. You're being a dick. (Turning back to Annie with a calm expression) Annie, you trust me, don't you?

Y/n stepped further up towards Annie, causing Mikasa to growl softly.

Eren: We're running out of time, alright!?!

Mikasa: Stop shouting. Someone will hear you.

Annie: I'm sure it's fine, Mikasa. It seems that, for whatever reason, this place has been completely deserted.

Y/n: (Walking closer) Annie. . . you have to listen to me.

Annie looks into Y/n's E/c eyes with intensity.

Annie: Tell me, Y/n. Why did you feel the need to lace your "precious gift" to me with a sleeping drug?

She then threw the bag of stale donuts down the stairs, making the round pastries tumble down each stone step and past everyone's feet. One landed right in front of Y/n's foot. He shook slightly, fear sinking in.
Annie: That hurts me. It really does. The way you're looking at me now, it is as If you didn't trust me.

Mikasa: Y/n, step back.

Y/n: (Not taking his eyes off of Annie) Annie. . . you left me no choice.

Annie: You know, I was actually beginning to convince myself that you were special. That you're different from everybody else. (Rubbing her arm) I was beginning to let myself love for once.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Wait, she loves me?

Y/n: Annie, I--

Annie: But it turns out that you're just like everyone else.

Y/n didn't know how to respond. He just stared up at Annie.

Armin: Annie. Tell me. What were you doing with Marco's ODM gear? It had all the same dents and scrapes. See, I helped him with maintenance, so, I know you used it.

Annie: Yes. I found it. Found it and took it.

Armin: (Shaky breaths) Then the two Titans we had in custody. It was you that killed them.

Annie: No one knows. But if you suspected all of this a month ago, why did you wait this long to say anything?

Armin: Because even now it's difficult. I just didn't want-- I didn't want to believe that I was right. So, I stayed quiet. But then, out in the field. The fact that you didn't kill me then and there. That's the moment that set us on the path to our current situation.
Annie: Yes. We're here "cause I let you live. Of course, I never would've dreamed you'd end up cornering in on me like this. Why? Why didn't I do anything then?

Y/n: Annie, please! I know it was wrong to use your emotions to corner you. But I had no other choice. But it's not over yet. You can still prove to us, to me, that you're a good person. You can walk down these stairs and we can talk without anybody having to die.

Annie: You're going to torture me.

Y/n: No. I won't let them. (Reaching out a hand towards Annie) Walk down these stairs and take my hand and I swear I won't let you go for anything.

A gentle breeze blew past Annie as she looked down at Y/n, a single tear leaked from her icy blue eyes.

Annie: How can I trust you?

Y/n: (Sigh) I can't give you a good reason, but trust isn't a sure thing. It never was. Trust is a risk. You took a risk when you told me your story. And I took a risk considering your innocence. . . so please, take this risk.

Annie: (Shaking her head weakly) We both know I can't. Like I told you, I don't have the constitution for it.
Y/n: Bullshit! Whoever it is that is making you do this, they're the wrong one here. You did nothing wrong. I know you didn't want to kill those people in the forest. I know you're better than that.

Annie: How?

Y/n: Because I trust you. . . (Extending his hand out further) So trust me.

Annie was silent for a few seconds before she moved. Her foot touched the first step, causing a flicker of a smile to appear on Y/n's face. On the second step, she reached out towards Y/n's hand.

Annie: You promise you won't let go.

Y/n: (Nodding) I promise.

As Annie was about to take the next step, Mikasa climbed up beside Y/n.

Mikasa: Enough.

She discarded her cloak and pulled out one of her blades from her sheath. Y/n turned with shocked eyes as Mikasa glared up at the blonde.

Mikasa: I'm not listening to another word of this. No point.

Y/n: Mikasa!

Mikasa: I'm going to carve you up again! Do you understand me, Titan Whore?

Annie, who was a few steps down walked back to the top. A silent uneasy air settled around them. Tension grew as all eyes turned to Annie, waiting to see what her next move will be. Annie started to chuckle before blowing up into a full-blown laugh,
causing Y/n and Mikasa to share an uneasy glance with one another.

Annie: You know, Y/n. It was nice having this little delusion of ours while it lasted. (Glancing at Mikasa) For now, at least, it looks like you've won the heart of the beast. (Mikasa snarled) But-- I'm not going to go down without a fight. And this monster has claws!

Annie went to bite her right forefinger. But before she could, Armin fired off a signal, commencing the attack. A horde of Scouts who were dressed in casual attire rushed out from their hiding places and charged Annie. The group of soldiers tackled Annie, restraining her. One wrapped a cloth around her mouth so she couldn't bite her tongue.

Y/n stepped towards the conflict but was held back by Mikasa.

Mikasa: Y/n, don't!

They then watched as Annie used the ring on her right hand and flipped open a secret compartment. Mikasa gasped. She turned, grabbed Y/n and Eren and pulled them further down the stairs, away from Annie. Armin fled along with them, panic flooding his features.
Y/n: Mikasa!?

Eren: What're you--?

Mikasa: It's too late!!

Annie swiped her thumb across the spike, cutting her skin. With a spark of energy, a lightning bolt descended from the sky and struck the spot where Annie was being restrained. Y/n watched, through the Titan steam, as the Female Titan begin to take form around the blonde girl.

Y/n: (Sad) Annie. . . I'm sorry.

Next Episode: Battle Of Stohess

A/n: I can't wait for the next episode of Attack On Titan! The table scene is going to be so legendary as well as Levi's forest battle. . . AHHHH! Only three more episodes until this first part is finished. I hope we get a season 4 part 2 instead of a movie. I feel there is too much for them to condense into a two or three-hour film. MAPPA is doing a fantastic job with this season, bravo to them. What do you all think? I'm interested in knowing your opinion on the latest EP.

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