Chapter 23: Battle of Stohess

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A/n: Hey everyone, I hope you're enjoying this story so far! We're almost coming to the close of season 1, and I couldn't be happier with all of your responses. You're all amazing. And a side note, if you spot any mistakes, please let me know so I can fix them. I like to get these out to you all as fast as possible, so a few errors may slip through the cracks. Love you all, and please enjoy!

Several days earlier in the Scout's new HQ. Levi and Eren were sitting at a table waiting for Erwin to arrive and address them about the summon they received and the transition of Eren from the Scouts to the MP"s. Levi was currently drinking out of his teacup as he slouched on the chair.

Levi: Erwin's never late. They should be here. At this rate, the damn MPs will show up first. That'd be our luck. Yeah, who can say? Maybe they're all takin' a shit. Duty calls, right?

Eren: (nervous chuckle) You're, uh, sure in a talkative mood today.

Levi: So, what if I am? Doesn't mean I was talkin' to you.
Levi placed his cup down and winced silently in pain. He rubbed his wounded leg. After he sprained it saving Mikasa's life, he has been less active than he would like to be. He still cursed the stupid girl for her rash decision that day. He had no clue because Y/n even liked her in the first place. Maybe because of her looks, or Y/n could just have some weird complex that makes him attracted to powerful women.

Eren: It's my fault, sir. I made the choice. If I'd have thought this through none of this-- We wouldn't--

Levi: You made a judgment call. Look, no one expects you to be clairvoyant.

The door to the room then opened, drawing both of their eyes. Eren rose to his feet as Erwin stepped into the room.

Erwin: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Eren: Sir.

Eren gasped as he saw who followed the Commander into their current chamber. Y/n, Armin, Mikasa, and Jean.

Eren: What the--? Why-- Why are you all here?

Erwin: We believe we've uncovered the Female Titan's true identity. She won't slip away this time.
They cleared the table where Eren and Levi were sitting at. They then rolled out a map of Stohess District and handed everyone a sheet of the plans. Y/n sat down between Armin and Mikasa.

Erwin: The day after tomorrow, we'll be passing through Stohess District en route to the capital. That's when we'll strike. It'll be our first and only chance to do so. Once we've set foot in the interior, the government will assume custody of Eren, and the Scouts" authority to continue operations will be limited. Thus, unless we wish to concede defeat... we must flush out the enemy now. So, here's what we do. (Pointing at a spot on the map) While in Stohess, we use Eren as bait, luring the target into this underground passage. The deeper, the better. Get her well beneath street level. That done, she should be easily immobilized, even in Titan form. If she transforms before reaching the tunnel, well, at that point, she'll be your responsibility, Eren.

Eren: (Shocked) Right. But (Glancing over at Y/n, who wore a serious expression upon his face) is Y/n going to help too. With his Titan, I mean.
Erwin: No. At this present moment, the Military Police and the higher-ups don't know Y/n's Titan exists. We like to keep it that way. He should not transform unless absolutely necessary.

Eren: (Nodding) Okay. So we know she'll be in Stohess? There's no chance she'll bolt before we get there?

Erwin: No. She won't risk going AWOL.

Eren: Wait, you mean she's--

Erwin: Armin and Y/n identified her. (Eren looked over at Armin and Y/n) She's an MP. Likely responsible for the deaths of Hange's test subjects. And a fellow trainee in the 104th Cadet Corps.

Eren: Wha--? You can't be serious. I trained with her?

Erwin: I'm sorry, but yes. She's one of us.

Eren: No. It can't be.

Erwin: Her name is Annie Leonhart.


Back in the present, Y/n, Mikasa, Armin, and Eren were at the bottom of the stone stairs that led up to the surface. There standing before them was Annie herself, in Titan form. Debris littered the floor around them. A scout member who had previously tried to subdue the Female Titan had his head crushed in by one of the large stone pieces. Blood was covering the walls all around the four rookie Scouts. Causing Y/n to shudder in disgust.
Armin: God...

Mikasa was the first to act, standing up fully. She pulled Y/n up by his arm and motioned for them to get away from the entrance. Just as everyone got clear, a large Titan hand came bursting through the opening, searching for them.

Y/n: Run!

Y/n pushed the shell-shocked Eren in front of him, forcing him to run away from the incoming danger.

Y/n: Fuck! That ring! She must've known I was lying to her from the very beginning! She knew we were leading her into a trap! She almost saw reason. We almost had her on our side. (Shooting a glare at Mikasa) But you had to go and threaten her!

Mikasa: (Exasperated sigh) She wasn't going to change. She killed hundreds of our people, remember!

Armin: Save the blame and argument for later!

Y/n gritted his teeth, holding back any more unsavory comments.

Mikasa: You're right! The question now is what we do next.

Armin: Okay. First, we rendezvous with Squad Three. Then get the hell above ground. We-- We fight her out in the open! That means we're switching to Plan B. She's all yours, Eren! Got it?
Eren: Yeah!

Scout 1: (Waving to them further down the tunnel) Over here!

Armin: Squad Three!

Scout 1: (As another Scout Member walked out beside him) Hey, what happened? Is Plan A a no-go?

Y/n: Yes, there were some unforeseen actions! As of now, we're going with the backup option!

The grate above the Scout member's heads, which let sunlight pour in, was covered by shadow. Y/n gasped. Before he could shout out, a foot came slamming through the ceiling of the tunnel. Y/n covered his eyes as the air pressure, and dust from the attack almost knocked them over. They uncovered their eyes and watched as Annie pulled her Titan foot from the hole she made.

Armin: She caved in the ceiling!

They spotted a pair of twisted legs sticking out a large stone block.

Eren: We've got to pull them out of there!

Mikasa: Ereh! (Pulling him away before he could get closer) Get back!

Eren: (As he was getting dragged in the other direction) What? No! Wait!

Mikasa: (Letting Eren go once they were a good distance from the hole) What was that? Does she not care if she kills you two?
Armin: She took a chance. It was risky, but she gambled on Eren and Y/n being able to survive. We're dealing with someone who's been backed into a corner. She's desperate. That makes her all the more dangerous!

The four of them crouched and huddled together.

Y/n: (Clenching his fist) It didn't have to go this way. . . it didn't--

Mikasa reached out and grabbed Y/n's clenched fist in her hands. She looked at him with caring onyx orbs.

Mikasa: It isn't your fault. She's a monster. You couldn't have changed--

Y/n ripped his hand from Mikasa's, causing her to gasp in shock.

Mikasa: Y/n--

Y/n: (Looking at Armin, ignoring Mikasa) Armin, what's our play?

Armin: (glancing between Mikasa and Y/n before speaking) We're cut off. If we try to get airborne with our ODM gear, she'll swat us like flies. And if we--

Another section of the ceiling was caved in not too far from their currently hiding place.

Armin: If we stay here, it's only a matter of time before we're crushed.

Y/n: So, we've got no safe option out of this?
Eren: (Standing up) I know what I have to do! I'll change! I'll shield you guys just like that time with the cannon fire!

They all stood and looked at Eren with a perplexed gaze.

Eren: (Pulling them close) Get in close!

Armin: But--

Mikasa curled closer to Y/n as all three of them waited for Eren to Transform.

Eren: Alright. Brace yourselves!

Eren raised his hand to his mouth and bit down hard into his hand, causing them all to wince as the sound of flesh and blood reached their eyes. Eren screamed out in anguish, but he didn't transform.

Eren: (Gawking at his bloody hand) Oh no! Not again! Why now?

Eren took a step back before falling to the floor.

Eren: We don't have time for this. Just work, dammit!

Armin: Don't try to force it. You have to have a clear goal in mind, like Hange said! C'mon, you can do this. We know you can!

Eren: Believe me! I'm trying!

He repeated to bite his hand multiple times. But nothing happened other than his cries of pain.

Mikasa: (Crouching beside Eren) Really? Are you sure you're not having second thoughts? Doubts about Annie? Like Y/n?
Mikasa glanced up at the H/c haired boy, who frowned and looked away. Not capable of meeting her hard gaze.

Armin: Eren. . . Y/n. . .

Mikasa: It's her. The Female Titan. No matter how much you don't want to believe it, that won't stop it from being true. (To Y/n) And however much you want to believe she is good inside, you're living a dream. You both are. What did we see? Back there just now. She's a murderer. Period. This isn't complicated.

Y/n's breathing became rapid as he remembered Petra against that tree, bloodied and mangled.

Eren: Get off my back, dammit! I'm not stalling for time!

Eren moaned in pain as he bites his hand once more, trying desperately to transform.


Several days earlier at Scout HQ.

Eren: You think it's Annie? Where's-- Where's your evidence? Tell me!

Armin: Obviously, the Female Titan knew what you looked like before she attacked. Plus, she reacted to my use of your "Suicidal Maniac" nickname, something only our classmates would know. But the biggest reason I suspect her is that I have strong reason to believe she's the one who killed Sawney and Beane.
Eren: You're kinda goin' out on a limb there.

Y/n: Killing two Titans at once required a precision ODM strike. It only makes sense that the killer would've used the gear they were most familiar with.

Eren: But there was that whole equipment inspection. Annie's totally checked out.

Armin: Except, the gear she presented. Well, it-- It wasn't hers. It was Marco's.

Eren: I don't understand. What's Marco got to do with all this?

Armin: It's unclear.

Eren: Maybe you both need to get your eyes checked--

Armin: Eren. I know what I saw, and the fact is--

Levi: Okay, we get it. Does either of you have anything else on her? Any sort of concrete evidence?

Armin: Nothing, sir.

Y/n: While in my Titan form, she used very similar fighting technics that I've only seen one other person use.

Eren: Are you kidding!?

Y/n: She preferred her kicks rather than her fists. (Shotting a side glare at Eren) you should've picked up on that.

Levi: Anything else?

Mikasa: There is the fact she looks like the Female Titan. That's something, isn't it?
Eren: (Standing up) Really? What the hell's wrong with you two? What kind of evidence is that?

Levi: So basically, we're going after her without proof.

Eren: You're kidding me, right? This is insane! What if it's not her? What if she's not the monster you all say she is?

Mikasa: If it's not her, she'll be cleared. End of story.

Y/n: No one wants to condemn her prematurely, least of all me. But-- Either we make a move on circumstantial evidence, or we sit back and let the central government condemn you and this whole regiment!

Eren: Do you even hear yourselves!? We just going to go after our friend!?

Y/n: (Standing up and slamming his palms into the table) Eren, a lot is riding on this. Either we take this risk, or we lose. We get no second chance. People died so we could capture the Female Titan! I'm not going to let their sacrifices be in vain because of your damn attitude!

Eren: You don't think I know about the sacrifices that were made?! (Walking around to come face to face with Y/n) I watched them die!
Y/n: They were my family, Eren. If the fate of humanity wasn't hanging in the balance because of you, I would've gladly watched you die in their place!

Before either of them could do anything else, Mikasa pushed them apart, a scowl present on her pretty face.

Mikasa: Stop it.

Erwin: That is enough, you two. Y/n sit down.

Y/n looked at his father's serious face before taking one last glance at Eren. The H/c haired boy then slumped back down into his seat, angry. Mikasa sat beside him and rested a hand on his forearm, calming him down.


Mikasa: (To Eren) It's Annie. You know it is. And you know you have to fight.

Eren: What?

A tense silence fell over the group until Armin drew one of his blades.

Armin: I know what we have to do! Mikasa will head for that opening. At the same time, I'll make a run for the exit. I'm sure Annie will go for one of us. (Pulling his hood over his face) When she does, both of you have to run in the opposite direction for all you're worth!

Eren: Are you out of your mind?
Mikasa puts on a cloak.

Y/n: (Turning to face Armin) No, she won't go for either of you. She wants both of us, so let her think she can have me. I can draw her away, and Eren can run.

Mikasa: (Standing and walking over to Y/n) I don't want you to go out there. She'll kill you or, worse, take you again.

Y/n: But she will expect this plan. We need more bait!

Mikasa: I am not putting your life into more danger.

Y/n frowned and groaned softly. Not happy with the situation at all.

Eren: What the hell good's it gonna do if one of you gets killed?!

Armin: If we stay here, all four of us will!

Armin: Mikasa! Are you ready?

Mikasa: Yeah. (Running off, unsheathing her blades) Good luck.

Eren: Mikasa! Armin! Don't do this! I'm not worth it! You hear me? You don't have to go!

Mikasa stopped running. She glanced back at Eren.

Mikasa: What choice do we have? The world is a cruel place.

Y/n watched as Mikasa pulled up her hood and zipped out the large hole made by Annie. Y/n waited for a few seconds before deciding to follow.
Y/n: (To Eren) It's time to man up for once in your life Eren. Fight or flee. It doesn't matter to me. But don't let Petra's death be in vain!

Y/n pulled out his hand grips and zoomed out of the large hole and into the air. Just as he got out, The Female Titan raised her foot and stomped the ground exactly where Eren was.

Y/n: Shit!

Y/n landed, with a slight stumble, on a nearby rooftop. He needed to draw Annie's attention from the possibly dead Eren.

Y/n: ANNIE!!

The Female Titan slowly turned to look at Y/n. Her icy blue eyes glared at him, causing him to shiver. The Titan moved, reaching out towards the E/c-eyed boy. Before she could grab him, Mikasa charged towards them. She used her ODM to fly directly towards Annie. The Female Titan, with incredible reflexes, swung her arm back and caught Mikasa in a closed fist.

Y/n: Mikasa!

But the confinement didn't hold the badass Ackerman for long. Annie's Titan fingers were shredded as the dark-haired girl sprung free from the Female Titan's hand.
Mikasa fell to the ground but used her ODM gear to balance and right herself.

Mikasa: Annie, I won't let you take him! He means too much to me!

As Mikasa fought with the Female Titan, Y/n made his way over to the still-standing rooftop that overlooked the pile of rubble that Eren was under.

Armin: (Pulling a piece of debris off of the brown-haired boy) Come on, stay with me!

Y/n: (From atop the roof) Armin! Is he alive!?

Armin: (Looking up at Y/n) Yes, he's breathing. . . but--

A powerful roar from Mikasa drew his attention back to the fight that was happening not too far away. The Female Titan turned and started to run. Mikasa then darted in behind her. Annie flung her right arm out, connecting with the rooftops. Mikasa dodged the main attack and used one of her blades to cut her forearm.

The force of the hit Annie had on the building sent up a rain of deadly debris. As Mikasa was retreating, a heavy stone slab struck her with force. The dark-haired beauty was sent tumbling down the street. Her ODM gear failing her. She rolled across the hard cobblestones before coming to a stop, face down.
Y/n: MIKASA!!!

Y/n turned and rushed off towards Mikasa. The Female Titan looked at the downed girl before turning and heading off in the direction of the wall. A group of Scouts went to intercept as the H/c haired boy landed beside Mikasa. He dropped to his knees beside her and rolled her over, so her head was cradled in his arms. Her grey orbs fluttered open, staring up at him.

Mikasa: Y/n?

Y/n: Mikasa! Are you okay?

She weakly nodded, causing a wave of relief to pass over him. He may be mad at her for interrupting his attempt at convincing Annie but seeing her hurt caused him grief. He still very much cared for her.

Y/n: This is your fault, you know. (Mikasa groaned) But don't worry, we'll fix this. I know we will.

Mikasa sat up and rubbed her head. Y/n stood up and looked off into the direction Annie was fighting. He stepped forward.

Y/n: I think I can stop her.

Mikasa: (Softly) Y/n.

Y/n: If I can just tell her to stop, then maybe--

Mikasa: Y/n!

Y/n froze and turned to see Mikasa rise to her feet. She looked into his eyes with raw, powerful intensity.
Mikasa: Are you trying to save her because of some feelings you have towards her?

Y/n: What? What are you talking about?

Mikasa: (Walking closer) Do you love her!?

Y/n was shocked by the volume she used. She looked angry, worried, and a little sad. He felt his throat close up as he looked into her eyes. Seeing so much passion on her face was new. He didn't know how to feel. And he didn't know how to answer the question she posed. Does he love Annie? He knew she loved him by the way she said it before she transformed, but he didn't love her the way he loved the furious girl in front of him.

Y/n: W-What, of course not!

Mikasa: Well, you seem to be holding back against this monster. I'm sorry to do this to you, Y/n... but you're going to have to choose. I was faced with a similar situation not too long ago. And Sasha was right when she told me I could only have one. It took me forever to decide. (Looking down slightly as her cheeks tinted pink) I'm ashamed because of it. But once I made my decision, I knew I made the right choice. (Looking up, determined) So right here and now, you have to choose as well.
Y/n: Mikasa, I don't know what you're--

Mikasa: I like you. . . no. (The pink tint on her face turned deep crimson) I love you, Y/n.

Y/n's heart stopped, and his breath got caught in his throat. His hand visibly shook as he looked down at the dark-haired girl.

Mikasa: I choose you, Y/n.. . Now you have to choose between Annie or me.

Mikasa didn't let Y/n recover from the shock. She just rushed past him, heading straight for the Female Titan.

Y/n: (Thoughts) S-She said she loved me. . . but. . .

Y/n let out a long-exasperated sigh as he clutched his aching head. He felt as if the world was spinning around him as his heartbeat faster and faster, threatening to burst from his chest.

Y/n: A choice? (Looking back to see Mikasa start attacking Annie) A choice between who I want to save? Who I want to love?

Y/n flinched and ducked as a large piece of rubble struck a tower overhead, sending shrapnel of heavy stone down onto the street below. Y/n uncovered his eyes and watched Mikasa zip around Annie with incredible speed.
Y/n: I have to make a choice.

Jean: (Running up beside Y/n) Y/n, what the hell are you doing just standing here. You're going to get crushed.

Y/n: (weakly nodding) Right. Jean, I think it's time we go with plan C.

Jean: And how do you expect us to do that?

Y/n: I'm going to draw her attention. If you see an opening. . . take it.

Jean: Got it.

Jean then launched up into the air and started to maneuver around the Female Titan, who was currently making short work of the other Scout members who bravely faced her.

Y/n took a deep breath before walking towards the fourteen-meter Titan. Once he was a good enough distance away, he yelled.

Y/n: Annie! All of this is because of me, isn't it!? So come on, I'll let you take me, then you can leave everyone else alone!

Annie looked down at Y/n, with sad icy-blue eyes. Jean then swung up and went

for the nape. But before his blades could connect, she covered her weak spot with a hardened hand. Jean's blades shattered before he zipped away to safety.

Jean: Come on then, moron. This way!
Y/n unclipped his hand grips and pulled the triggers, firing off his ODM hooks. He zipped past Annie's legs and further down the street.

Y/n: (While accompanying Jean through the air) I really hate you sometimes, Jean.

They zipped down the street, bending around a corner, straight to the trap aunt Hanji was setting up. Y/n looked back to see the Female Titan hot on their trail.

Y/n: Good, the bait is working.

Jean: What is with you and crazy women!?

Y/n: To be honest, Jean. I have no idea.

The two of them passed the ambush spot, and when Annie came in range, Hanji opened fire. A hundred grapple cannons that were set up between the two buildings fired and sunk deep into the Female's body. Jean and Y/n had to dodge out the way of a wild swing Annie threw at them. But as they got further away, Annie couldn't follow. The hooks pulled her down, causing her to land on her back. Once she was on the ground, a group of Scouts then launched a spiked net down onto the Titan, trapping her even more. Y/n turned mid-air and launched himself back towards Annie and the others.
As the dust began to settle, Y/n landed on the ground beside Armin, who had joined up with them after having a talk with Eren. Y/n looked at the Female Titan with concerned eyes as his aunt began to talk from one of the rooftops.

Hanji: (Spinning one of her ODM anchors) Nice! And here I was convinced having a Plan C was nothing short of paranoid. (Catching the anchor) Oh, Commander Erwin, you genius. Right. So. (Dropping down to the ground) Do us a favor. Behave yourself.

Mikasa walked over and spared a glance at Y/n. He met her eyes before looking away and back towards Hanji and Annie. A small blush appearing on his cheeks. His aunt was now right in front of Annie's face with her blade aimed at the Female Titan's eye.

Hanji: Oh, and calling your cohorts to dinner isn't an option. So, let's not waste that lovely singing voice. In fact, let's not waste anything. No, no, I'm going to read you like bull entrails. Every part of you has its own precious story to tell.

A sudden movement caught Y/n's eye. Annie was swinging her leg around.
Y/n: Hanji, look out!

Y/n used his ODM gear to jump out the way of the attack. Hanji, Jean, Armin, and Mikasa managed to safely make it to the rooftops, much to Y/n's relief. Y/n landed beside Mikasa and Hanji and watched as the Female Titan broke free from her bonds.

Mikasa: She broke free?

Hanji: Ugh. Dammit, we didn't have time to set enough traps!

The Female Titan ran down the street, dragging the useless grapple cannons behind her.

Hanji: Don't let her get away! (To Y/n) Where is Eren?

Y/n: Trapped under some rubble, unwilling to transform.

Hanji: If Eren's Titan doesn't help us, then perhaps we need yours.

Y/n: (Shaking his head) I don't know.

Hanji: If she escapes or causes more damage, it will be the end of us. Your father put his faith in you to decided when transforming was necessary. Don't let him down.

Hanji turned and followed the others who chased after the Titan. Y/n cursed under his breath before jumping off the roof and following Annie.

Annie threw her arm back as they were growing closer, sending a wave of stone at them. Y/n dodged and fell back with the others, except for one. Mikasa maneuvered around the debris and went after the large Titan. She was speeding on ahead, going at it alone.
Y/n: Mikasa!

Y/n sped forward ahead of the others, dodging any debris that still rained down. He had to reach her. No matter how skilled she was, Mikasa was no match to Annie alone. While he was rushing to Mikasa's aid, he thought back to all the good times he had with Petra, all the laughs, jokes, discussions, and sound advice she gave.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Why am I thinking about her at this present moment?

Then flashes of her dead body flooded his mind.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Is Mikasa going to end up the same way as her?

Y/n then imagined Mikasa's mangled, bloodied, and broken body. He pushed back the tears as he kept moving forward.

The H/c-haired boy watched as Mikasa got in range of the target. With elegance and speed, the Ackerman twirled around the Female Titan, avoiding any strikes Annie threw at her. But when she went to swing low, Annie kicked. Mikasa's wire got caught, sending her off course. Y/n gasped as he witnessed Mikasa tumble through the air. She tried to regain her balance with her ODM gear. But the force was too strong. She tripped and roughly rolled across the cobblestones. The wries of the ODM rig tangled and wrapped around her slim body, trapping her.

Mikasa: (Flashback) Now you have to choose. Annie or me.

Y/n zipped over to a nearby rooftop as the Female Titan moved towards the downed dark-haired woman.

Y/n: Annie! Stop this!

Annie didn't listen. She just walked over to Mikasa, who lay defenseless on the ground. Annie was ignoring him. She just had her focus on Mikasa.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Don't tell me she's going to. . .

Y/n used his ODM gear to launch up to the Female Titan's face. Planting his anchors into her forehead, Y/n looked into the two large eyes.

Y/n: Annie, please don't do this! I know you're better than this!

Annie reached up, grabbed Y/n in her oversized hand. The boy struggled in her tight grip.

Y/n: Annie, don't kill--

Annie threw Y/n behind her, causing him to roll across the street floor. As his body skidded across the cobblestones, he felt his forearm and other parts of his body get cut as he passed over several sharp rocks and broken glass. He came to a bloody stop, lying face down, pain flooding his body.
Armin: (Flashback) To rise above monsters, we have to abandon our humanity.

Y/n weakly looked up to see Annie still advance towards Mikasa, who lay helpless on the ground in front of the fourteen-meter Titan.

Y/n: No... (Growl) NO!

Y/n weakly reached his feet and raised his right hand into the air. Red hot blood dripped down from his wounds, soaking his right side.

Y/n: I'm done playing nice. . . I made my choice Mikasa. . .

The Female raised her foot over the helpless woman, getting ready to kill her.

Y/n: I will always choose you. . . because I love you too.

A spark of energy radiated from him, just as a bolt of lightning struck down from the heavens and connected with Y/n's raised right hand. Hanji, Jean, and Armin stopped and covered their eyes from the bright light that emitted from the boy.

Annie covered her eyes and planted her foot back down onto the stable ground. Forgoing any finishing blow she had planned for Mikasa. She looked back but couldn't see due to the bright light that had just begun to fade away. A low humming sound reached her ears. It was soft at first, but then it slowly began to build up.
As the light faded, Annie could see just beyond the wall of Titan steam, something glowing bright yellow. Something that seemed like lightning or some sort of sparks of energy emitted around a large, silhouetted figure. Annie squinted her Titan eyes as the humming sound became louder and louder. The light, which was more spread out at first, became more compact to one point. It then grew brighter and brighter.

The Titan steam then cleared, revealing the King Titan in all its sixteen-meter glory. Its mouth was cracked open, and Annie could now see where the source of the light was collecting. It was the back of the Titan's throat. The sparks of energy she saw before were mingling in between and coming off its back spine bones. The humming was so loud that it made the windows nearby shudder. Then it stopped.

Before The Female Titan could do anything, the King Titan thrust his head forward, opening its mouth as wide as it could go. A large beam of yellowish energy burst from his mouth and struck her directly in the chest. The Female Titan was thrown back, causing her to crash into a round circular building, completely destroying it. The King Titan rose to its full height and let out a roar that echoed throughout Stohess.
Jean: Whoa!? Is that--

Armin: Y/n!

Mikasa weakly looked up at the King Titan above her.

Mikasa: Y/n. . .

Y/n charged forward towards the downed Female Titan, roaring as he goes. Annie looked up with frightened eyes as the King Titan came charging in with fury evident in his bright glowing orbs.

The King Titan: (Deep Voice) DO. NOT. TOUCH. HER!!!

To be continued. . .

Next Episode: Now Fall

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