Chapter 20: The King Titan

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A/n: Hey everyone, it's been twenty whole chapters, but here we are. The chapter The King Titan emerges into the world once more. Long live. . . the king. I hope you enjoy it. Oh, and if you see any mistakes or anything please let me know, it helps a lot. And let me know what you all think! See ya.

K/N: I got a day off for Midterms so I'm finishing Season 1 TODAY!

Y/n: I thought you said they would be here?

Y/n looked around the empty area, confused.

Levi: (Perched on a higher branch) They should've been. I guess they must've seen the signals and went to join the retreat.

Y/n: (Looking up at his uncle) So, what now? Do we do the same? Meet up with them when we join the others.

Levi: No, your father sent us out here because he knows that the Female Titan may still go after Eren. We have to find him before that happens.

Y/n: How? This forest is huge.

Levi: (Pointing his blade into one direction) The logical place to look is in that direction. It is where the main convoy was before the trap was sprung. I will head off in that direction while you go to the west. They may try to breach the forest so they could get a signal off to locate me. If you make it to the edge of the forest before you spot them, rotate around and meet up with the main group. With any luck, we'll find them before then.

Y/n: (Nodding) Got it!

Y/n went to jump off his branch, but his uncle shouted down to him.

Levi: Y/n! (Y/n glanced up at Levi) You father trusts you to make your own judgement calls. . . do not disappoint.

Y/n: I'll try not to.

Y/n nodded once more before jumping off and zipping in the direction he was told to go in.



Eren was currently hanging beside the dead scout member, paralyzed with fear and shock.

Oruo: (Swinging down) Eren, don't stop! (Throwing Eren forward)

Eren continued to use his ODM gear from there, joining the remaining members of Levi squad.

Eren: (Looking back) But Gunther. . .

The hooded figure then blocked his view from his fallen comrade. They were fast and making their way towards him with speed and determination.

Eren: Who's that!?!

Eld: Protect Eren!

Oruo: Eldo, where should we go!?

Eld: There isn't time to reach the horses. Head for HQ as fast as you can!

As they were making their way through the trees, the mysterious figure headed off to the left.
Oruo: Is it from the Female Titan? Or is there more than one?

Petra: Damn you! How dare you!?! (Turning around) Come at me! I'll defeat you, even if it kills me!

Eren: (Glancing back) The Female Titan. Impossible. . . why? Didn't we catch it?!?

The figure went behind a tree and completely disappeared from view. Everyone looked back, perplexed. . . until lightning came down from the sky, accompanied by a blinding flash of light, a gust of hot steam.

Eld: I knew it. . . it's coming! The Female Titan!

From out of the mist stepped the fourteen-meter monstrosity that had wreaked havoc on their regiment. It sprinted straight towards them with incredible speed.

Eren: (Turning around) Damn you! How dare you! This time, I will defeat it!

Eren went to bite down onto his hand but was stopped by Eld.

Eld: No! The three of us will kill the Female Titan! You will continue to head straight for HQ at top speed!

Eren: I'll fight, too!

Eld: No! This is the best move... Your power is too risky!

Oruo: What? Do you doubt us? 

Petra: Do you, Eren? Do you find it that hard to trust us?

Eren peered into each of their eyes, gauging their reaction. After a few seconds of deep thinking, Eren turned and zipped away.

Eren: I believe my squad will be victorious. Good luck!

Levi Squad smiled before facing the Female Titan. They roared as they flew into battle.


As Y/n was making his way through the forest of giant trees, a bright flash of light managed to slip through the veil of trees and greet his eyes.

Y/n: It looked exactly like the sorta light that appeared when Eren transformed. . . don't tell me.

Y/n used a tree to kick off and change direction, heading straight for the light.

Y/n: (Thoughts) I understand why Levi was tasked with this mission. Eren is his responsibility, after all. . . but why have me tag along? What did my father think would happen? If Eren really is in trouble, how can I be of much assistance?

Another flash of light appeared along with the distant bang sound. It soon was followed by a loud, angry roar.
Y/n: Is that--

Y/n boosted his gas, speeding ahead as much as he can.


Mikasa: (turning in the direction of the roar) Eren?

Mikasa jumped off the branch and used her ODM gear to launch herself towards the roar.

Sasha: Wait, what? (Reaching out towards the fleeing girl) Mikasa!


Y/n passed a few trees, wondering how far he had to go to come across them. Eren was in his Titan form, leaving Y/n to wonder what happened to Levi Squad. Oruo, Eld, Gunther. . . Petra? They wouldn't just let him transform and fight the Female, would they?

It wasn't much longer until Y/n came across the grimmest scene he had ever witnessed. He first spotted Gunther dangling from a tree, wire cut, neck snapped, and guts hanging out their confines. Next was Eld. His mangled body was bitten in half. His guts painting the green grass a new bright color. Then Oruo was lying on the ground, his spine visibly sticking out of his back. His legs were facing up while his torso was facing down. . . Y/n"s eyes then spotted her.
Petra was flat against the trunk of a giant tree. Her blood coating the brown surface, her head bent back, snapped. Hot tears welled and streamed out of Y/n"s e/c eyes. He dropped to the ground, hitting the grass floor with a run. He stumbled, catching himself before sliding beside Petra. His mouth was hung open, quivering as his eyes squinted and his vision grew blurry with hot tears. His hands shook as they reached out towards her. He used one hand to brush away a bunch of her light-ginger hair that was sticking to her pale face thanks to her blood. The second hand cupped her other cheek. It was cold to the touch. He stared into her brown eyes that once held so much joy, but now there was nothing more than two lifeless orbs staring up at nothing.

Y/n: (Sobbing) P-Petra. . . I-I... (Sob) I-I'm sorry.

Y/n shrunk down to his knees, weeping. A boom echoed further away, snapping Y/n back to reality.

Y/n: (Rage boiling inside) She did this. The Female Titan. . . (Standing up) I will kill her. I will rip her limb to limb. And when I find out who's inside that ugly mess, I will make sure that she will know nothing but pure hell for the rest of her miserable life. This is my promise to you, Petra. I will avenge you, not just for my sake. But for my uncle's.
Y/n walked away from the dead girl and straight towards the battle that was raging between the Female and Eren. He walked into the clearing where Eren, in Titan form, was on top of the Female Titan, roaring in her face. Y/n saw the rage in Eren's eyes. He wanted her dead just as much as Y/n did. But as Eren was doing God knows what, the Female regenerated her arms and attacked.

With athletic skill, the Female grabbed one of Eren's arms and trapped his legs with hers. Retaliating, Eren went to punch the hostile Titan with his free hand. The Female moved her head to the side, dodging. She then pulled one of her legs up and kicked Eren in the chest.

The Attack Titan went flying off of the Female, breaking the ground locked struggle between the two behemoths. Y/n ducked as Eren went flying over him and into a tree behind.

The H/c haired boy shot a glance back at the downed Titan before looking at the Female who had gotten back to her feet. Y/n grounded his teeth together as he walked towards the Female.
The enemy Titan looked down at him with icy blue eyes. Y/n wasn't sure what expression was conveying on its ugly face, and he didn't care. All he saw at that moment was the catalyst of his current rage. The monster that ended the life of his friend, of his first crush!

Y/n: I will rip you piece by piece. And when I am done, you will be nothing more than a speck on my boot.

Y/n clenched his fist as he stared up at the Female. The Titan looked down at him before shifting her gaze back to Eren, who was still slumped against the tree. She showed no interest in the human in front of her. She just walked over to the downed Eren. But as she passed over the fuming boy, she was cautious not to step on him.

Y/n: (Turning around, still angry) HEY! I AM STILL TALKING TO YOU!!! DON"T YOU TURN YOU BACK ON ME!! (Pulling his hand to his mouth) I'll show you. You don't walk away from a KING!!!!!!!

Y/n wasn't sure if he knew what he was doing or if it was just instinct. But he bit down into his flesh. With a spark of energy, Y/n began to transform.
A lightning bolt descended from the sky and struck the spot behind the Female Titan, exactly where Y/n was standing. A blinding light emitted from the spot, causing the Female to stop in her tracks, confused and stunned. The H/c haired boy rose from the ground as he was lifted upward by a Titan skeleton that formed beneath him. Muscles began to form around those bones before a thin layer of skin covered it up.

In the spot where a mere human once occupied now stood a large sixteen-meter Titan. Its H/c-tangled-hair draped around its head as bright E/c eyes peered through the gaps, glaring at the small Female with rage sparking inside them. His body was bare, with a few bone-plating around its knees, upper chest, and lining its jaw. His arms looked so powerful that they could crush its opponent's head with one powerful pinch. Large sharp spikes emerged from either elbow joint, used to cut and slice the enemy. The teeth of the Titan were sharp as razors. They glistened in the sunlight as drool trickled down the awaiting killing machines. Its spine was jutting out of its skin. Each bone from its lower back started small, a foot or so. But further up it went, the larger they became. The largest behind on its center back. Were the bone would measure out to be around seven foot long. And lastly, around its head rested a crown made of bone. Its base was thick, and the spikes that reached just to the tip of its skull were plentiful.
The Female Titan slowly turned around to face this new Titan that appeared. Her Icy-blue eyes filled with fear, shock, wonder, and unease. Her mouth was hung slightly agape as the new Titan shifted its shoulders and rose to its full height. It towered over the smaller Female, causing her to shiver slightly.

The whole forest seemed to fall to an unease silence as the two Titans stared at one another. The tension between them teeters on a cliff's edge. The King Titan took a deep breath, puffing its large chest outwards. Opening its jaws wide, the large Titan let out a godly roar. The Female Titan raised her hands to cover her ears. The trees around them shook so violently that they almost uprooted and tipped over. The leaves connected to the trees shook and were shaken so ferociously that they came free of their branches and blew away from the monster.


Mikasa was making her way towards the first roar when an even more powerful one sent shockwaves through the forest. The dark-haired girl quickly anchored herself to a nearby tree trunk to stop herself from being blown away. She covered her ears in pain.

Levi did the same as Mikasa. His dark eyes staring off in the direction the mighty roar came from.

Levi: Tch. What is that Brat doing!?!


Sasha and Connie were with the other members of the 104th Cadet Corps. They were currently waiting for the others to exit the forest and regroup so they could start heading back to Wall Rose. Sasha was standing and staring off into the forest her friends had rushed into blindly. Connie trotted over with his horse and stared down at the girl with concern.

Connie: I'm sure they're fine. You'll see, they'll be back at any moment.

Sasha nodded softly.

Sasha: Yeah, I guess you're right. I just can't shake the feeling that--

The roar echoed out to them, causing all the horses around them to get startled. They jumped and neighed wildly, causing all the scout members who weren't stunned by the roar to calm the beasts.

Reiner: What the hell was that!?

Armin: (Uncovering his ears) That didn't sound like an Eren roar.

Connie: Could it be the Female Titan!?
Armin: Possible, but her last scream sounded nothing like that. And wasn't as powerful, either.

All of them gawked at the trees, wondering what was going on inside.


Erwin and Hanji were riding when the roar reached them. They all stopped their horses and faced the direction of the roar. Thousands of birds who had settled in the branches above took flight. Trying their best to escape the ear-piercing sound that came deep within the woods.

Hanji: Another one? But it was much louder than the first. Do you think--

Erwin: (Gripping the reins of his horse tighter) He did it. (To his troops) We have to keep moving and regroup with the others.

Erwin turned and sped off once more, causing the others under his command to follow.

Erwin: (Thoughts) This is my sacrifice. . . I forced my son to become a monster.


Before the Female could recover from the ear-splitting roar, a fist collided with her face. The Female was thrown backwards. Her feet stumbled and tripped over Eren's outstretched legs. She fell and landed on the ground with a thud. She looked up at the Titan who stood over her. She quickly rolled back, just in time to avoid a foot stomp.
The Female reached her feet once again and looked into Y/n's E/c Titan eyes. She had no time to dwell as the King Titan launched another assault, throwing his whole fist forward.

The Female dodged and danced around the sixteen-meter Titan. The Female Titan ducked as the King threw the thrown-out arm backwards, using his elbow spike as a blade. Some of her blonde hair was cut, sending it floating to the forest floor below.

Countering, the Female sent a sharp flat foot kick to Y/n's stomach. The King was caught off guard, making him stumble back, coughing. The Female then threw her own jab at the Titan.

Y/n used his right hand and caught the fist, causing the Female Titan to watch on with bewilderment. The King Titan let out another roar, this time being soft and less loud than the last.

With the fist still in his grasp, he pulled her forward. He then threw out his left fist, aiming for her face.

The Female moved her head to the side, only letting a portion of her right side of her face get hit. As bits of her face flew off, creating a wound, she kicked up her foot and planted it firmly on his chest. Using the toned chest of the Titan, the Female kicked upwards with her other foot, striking the enemy Titan in the underside of its jaw.
Y/n was sent up slightly in the air, breaking the small hold he had on the Female. His back collided with the ground, causing his back spike to cringe in pain.

The Female Titan looked down on the King Titan before turning to look at Eren. But just as she turned, she was graced by his furious fist.

The Female was thrown backwards, colliding with a nearby tree, chipping the bark off as she rolled across the ground. The right side of her face is now completely torn to shreds.

Eren roared, the steam coming from his hands emitting like crazy. As the Female was regenerating, Eren went to attack once again. She had an easier time dodging him this time around. She then spotted an opening. Hardening her fist, the Female sent a devastating uppercut to the Attack Titan.

Eren's lower jaw was completely turned to dust. Before he could react, the Female grabbed the top of his head and slammed it down hard into her crystallized knee. This attack completely caved in Eren's Titan's face. Eren slumped sideways and collapsed face down into the dirt.
The Female let out a visible sigh. It then shrunk down and went to bite Eren's nape. She was about to succeed until the sound of loud thumping stopped her. Before she knew it, a sharp pain emitted from her chest. She was thrown off of Eren forcefully. Her back then slammed hard into a tree, causing her to let out a howl of pain. Looking down, she saw that the King Titan had charged her headfirst, using the spike of his crown to pierce her chest.

Once her back was up against the tree, the King Titan retracted his head and swung down both arms, impaling her shoulders with both his elbow spikes. The female howled once more, struggling against the hold he had her in.

The King Titan inched his face closer to the Female and let out a dark rumble. The Female Titan could only stare into his E/c glowing eyes.

As Y/n stared into the icy blue eyes, he sensed something. A strange familiarity appeared within the reflections of those pools. He wasn't sure why, but she looked. . . sad.

The Female used the King's distraction to her advantage. She swiped a leg under him. The Female then ran as the sixteen-meter collapsed to the ground. She rushed over to Eren's Titan, which still lay unmoving in the dirt.
The King Titan then rose up behind her, grimacing menacingly. It opened its mouth slightly as a small hint of light appeared at the very back of the Titans throat. The Female let out a depressed sigh before turning back to face Y/n. Once meeting her opponent eye to eye, she dropped to a fighting stance. The light at the back of the King Titan's throat faded, and the beast looked on confused.

Y/n: (Freezing up) What? N-No, it can't be.

All the rage and anger he had once felt towards this monster subsided.

King Titan: An--

Before Y/n could get another word out, the Female Titan chopped off his head with one strong, sold hardened kick. The Titan's head rolled across the grass as its body slumped to its knees, defeated.

The Female turned around once more, leaned down towards Eren. Its mouth widened tremendously as it hovered over the nape. Then it chomped down, digging in deep to the skin. It pulled back, ripping the flesh as she went. Eren's unconscious body sprung free from the muscle that contained him to his Titan.
Mikasa: EREN!!!!

Mikasa Ackerman zipped towards the battleground where the three giant Titans fought. She watched in horror as the Female Titan closed its mouth around Eren, pulling him from the Titan carcass. She gasped as the Female slurped his body into her mouth. The Female then turned to the other Titan body that was slumped on its knees. She dug her fingers into the nape and pulled as hard as she could. With a spray of steaming blood, Y/n emerged, looking semi-conscious.

Mikasa: (Eyes widening) Y-Y/n? H-He was in a Titan. . . no. . . not him too.

The Female curled her right hand around Y/n and pulled him free from his Titan restraint. She then rose to her feet, pivoted, and sprinted away.

Mikasa hung between two trees, her eyes quivering with shock and sorrow.

Mikasa: W-Wait. . . Eren. . . Y/n. . . don't go. . .

Her eyes then narrowed, anger, rage, and fury burning deep within the onyx orbs. She fired her ODM gear, chasing after the Female Titan as it tried to retreat.

Mikasa: (Angry) Give.
The Female Titan glanced back at the Ackerman that chased her down. She quickly used her free left hand to cover her nape.

Mikasa: (Angry) Them.

Mikasa readied her blades.

Mikasa: (Angry) BACK!!!

Mikasa zipped down across the Female's jaw, cutting deep into her flesh. Mikasa swung back around and cut the Female's right bicep. Flipping, Mikasa then swung low, cutting the Titan's thigh. Mikasa swung around a tree and went for the Titan again.

Attempting to shield herself, the Female Titan heled up her right hand towards Mikasa. The same one that was currently clutching Y/n. Mikasa avoided Y/n, planting her feet on the Female's arm before using her ODM gear to zip across the fleshy surface, cutting as she goes.

Mikasa: GIVE Y/N BACK TO ME!!!

Now behind her, Mikasa aimed for the Titan's exposed joint. Cutting deep, Mikasa sent the Titan stumbling forward. In order to catch herself while also defending her weak spot, the Female opened her right

hand and dropped Y/n.

The H/c-haired boy rolled across the forest floor before Mikasa swooped down and retrieved him. Zipping up to a high branch, out of the Female's reach, she set him down. Y/n's clothes were torn somewhat, and his scout jacket was missing. But his ODM gear still intact by the looks of it, amazingly. The handsome boy also had markings around his E/c eyes, eyes that were fluttering open.
Y/n: (Drowsy) M-Mika?

Mikasa looked down at Y/n with concerned eyes.

Mikasa: Y/n!? Are you alright?!

Y/n sat up and looked up at the brave warrior in front of him. Titan blood was sizzling off of her clothing as she discarded her dull blades and replenished them with brand new ones. She looked amazing. Y/n shook his head, he felt a little disoriented, but he soon gained back his awareness. He remembered it all, transforming, fighting, and losing.

Y/n: Where is Eren.

Mikasa: (Scowling down to the ground) That bitch got him.

Y/n looked down to see the Female Titan he fought in his own Titan was struggling to reach her feet.

Mikasa: But I'm going to get him back. I know he's alive! I just know it! (Glancing at Y/n) I need you to stay here. Once I kill this whore, I'll come back for you. I promise. But first, I'm going to rip her apart!

The Female Titan then rose to her feet once more and bolted off.

Mikasa: Wait!

Mikasa jumped off the branch.

Y/n: (Trying to grab the girl but failing) MIKASA!
But before Mikasa could give chase, someone swooped up and grabbed her. They landed on the branch once more.

Y/n: Levi!

Mikasa: Let go! I have to--

Levi: We fall back for now.

Mikasa growled and pushed herself out of his grasp, angry.

Levi: (Looking at Y/n) I'm guessing that was your Titan back there. The one with all the bones.

Y/n gave one soft nod towards his calm Uncle.

Levi: Tch. Right, is your gear functional?

Y/n did a quick once over before nodding his head again.

Levi: All right, follow our lead.

Mikasa: (Standing) He's not joining us.

Y/n: Mikasa--

Mikasa: (Turning to Y/n) You were almost taken once. I won't let you get taken again.

Y/n: Mikasa, listen. I'm fine, okay. Now that the pair of you are here, she'll have one hell of a job trying to do that. And I know she won't kill me.

Mikasa: How could you know that?!

Y/n: (Looking away saddened) I just. . . I just do.

Levi: Oi, brats. We're going to lose her, now come on!

Levi jumped from their position and continued the chase. Mikasa looked back at Y/n. She marched forward, grabbed the hem of his shirt, and leaned up. Her soft lips pressed up against his cheek.
Y/n: Mikasa, I--

Mikasa: You save yourself no matter what, you hear me?

Mikasa turned and followed Levi's lead. Y/n sighed before doing the same. As they were chasing the blonde Titan, Levi shouted to them.

Levi: Maintain this distance. It has to be tired. It does not appear to be going very fast. I think Eren and Y/n may have worn the bitch out. (Levi glanced at Mikasa) He seems to have been bitten right out of the neck. Is Eren dead?

Mikasa: Tch. He's alive.

Y/n: She may have a point, Uncle. The target in front of us is intelligent. She knows what she is doing.

Mikasa: (Glancing at Y/n) Y/n, you want to--

Y/n: What I want is out of the question. Even though I am a Titan like Eren, we still need him. That brings me to my next point. Eren was taken when she "ate" him. But I was taken within her hand, meaning she had no more room in her mouth.

Levi: Huh?

Y/n: If she did swallow Eren and killed him, she would've done the same to me. . . but she didn't.

Mikasa: Meaning she wants them alive. And Eren is alive within her mouth.
Y/n: Exactly. Eren is being held between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. It is the only logical conclusion.

Mikasa looked at Y/n with a wide terry-eyed smile. Levi glanced between Mikasa and Y/n with a suspicious gaze.

Levi: I hope the both of you are right. (To Y/n) And if you take after your father, then you most likely are.

Mikasa: (Shooting a glare at Levi) If you'd only protect Eren, this wouldn't have happened!

Y/n stayed silent while Levi stared at Mikasa. He then shifted, so he was in front of the dark-haired girl.

Levi: I see. . . You're the one from back then. Eren's close friend?

Levi shot a side glance at Y/n. Once his eyes met his own, Y/n hissed and avoided the stare.

Levi: It's your lucky day. I'm in no mood to hurt someone close to me, so I'll help you. (Mikasa glanced towards Y/n) But know that I have my eyes on you, brat. (Turning back around) The only way to win this fight is if we limit ourselves to a single goal. First, we give up on killing the Female Titan.
Y/n: (Shocked) Not even capture? B-But she killed so many of our comrades. . . P-Petra.

Levi: I know. (Sigh) But as long as it can harden its skin, we can't kill it. Do as I say.

They closed the distance to the Female.

Levi: We'll pin our hopes on Eren still being alive and rescue him before leaving the forest.

Y/n went to ready his last blades, but before he could draw them, Levi's voice stopped him.

Levi: Y/n, can you control it?

Y/n looked over at his uncle, knowing what he meant by that. He was wondering about his Titan. If Y/n was being honest with himself, he wasn't even sure he had it until just. He was suspicious due to his accelerated healing, but. . . a Titan.

He glanced over at Mikasa, who was looking at him with a worried spark in her eyes. They saw what Eren was like in his Titan form, so they think he's like that, capable of hurting others. But he remembered being the Titan. He remembered it all. Every action his Titan made, he felt, he commanded. It didn't move unless he wanted it to. He wasn't sure how Eren lost control of his own so easily, but he was confident he could control the beast within him.
Y/n: Yes, sir. . . I believe I can control my Titan.

Levi: (Smiling coyly) Well, at least that makes you better than that self-righteous brat in the Female Titan's mouth.

Mikasa groaned angrily.

Levi: I need you to transform again and distract her. Can you do that?

Y/n: I think so, Uncle.

Levi: No, you will, or you won't.

Y/n: I will!

Levi: Good. While you distract it, I will tear it to shreds, and Mikasa. . . (Mikasa looked over) You will stand by until Eren is recovered. When he is, you will help Y/n out of his Titan. We still don't know what kinda state he will be in when he emerges from his Titan.

Mikasa: But--

Levi: Do you want to save your toy or not!?

Mikasa growled but bit her tongue. She nodded.

Levi: (To Y/n) You know my style and how to compliment me in ODM form, let's see if you can in Titan form.

Y/n: (Smile) Just try to keep up. . . old man.

Levi: OI!

Y/n boosted himself forward. Levi went high, getting into position while Mikasa stayed near the sides, waiting to swoop in if anything went wrong. Y/n advanced right over the Female Titan's head, getting way out in front of her.
Y/n: (Letting go and preparing to bite his hand) I'm sorry, but you've left me no choice.

Y/n bit down, causing another surge of electricity to burst from within him. Lightning struck, and the sixteen-meter Titan appeared in mid-air. It appeared slightly skinnier than last time but just as ferocious as before. Its feet planted into the dirt as it turned to whip its head into the air letting out a loud roar. The dirt piled up under its heavy feet as it came to a stop.

The Female Titan planted her own feet, halting her sprint so she wouldn't collide with the newly formed Titan. The King Titan went to punch the Female, but she easily dodged and dealt a blow to Y/n's head. After the hit, the Female sensed something behind her. She turned and went to punch the "fly" that was buzzing behind her.

But as her arm outstretched towards her small target, Levi attacked. With incredible speed, agility, and sheer power, he zipped and spun around her arm, slicing it to bits. He then launched himself into one of her eyes, planting both his dull blades inside. He then kicked off and replenished his blades.
Y/n, in Titan form, then grabbed the Female Titan's hair from behind and, while supporting her lower back, lifted her into the air and slammed her back down into the ground. The force was so powerful that the enemy Titan bounced off the hard dirt floor and a few dozen feet into the air.

Y/n held out his Titan arm towards the Female, allowing Levi to run across and get into perfect position for another spin attack. While in the air, the Female Titan suffered major blows to her back, legs, hips, and ankles.

When she landed back onto the ground, she was bleeding profusely. She clamored to her hand and knees. But without her even knowing, a foot came up and kicked her directly in the face. She was thrown back up against a giant tree helplessly. All she could do was protect her weak spot, hoping they don't break her.

Mikasa: (Observing from afar) He's fast. So fast that it has no time to harden its skin!

Levi circled the Female Titan, slicing every important muscle tendon that there was, while Y/n pummeled its body with kicks or punches. Every once in a while, when the Female tried to fight back, Levi used Y/n to curl around and deal a significant blow. Y/n knew exactly where and when to move his large body to give his uncle the upper hand. 

Mikasa: Y/n, he's got control of it. They're working in sync. Their chemistry is beyond formidable.

Levi: (Landing on Y/n's shoulder) Split the wood.

Levi then jumped off and continued his cutting.

A few more cuts, and the Female's arm slumped down, exposing the nape.

Mikasa: We can go for the neck. . . it's tired, I bet it can't move!

The King Titan used one hand to grab the upper jaw, while the other tried to squirm its way into a good position in the lower jaw. But the Female Titan was resisting hard.

Y/n: (Thoughts) She must have Eren inside, or she wouldn't be defending her mouth so much.

Mikasa: I can kill it!!!

Mikasa attached to the Female's shoulders and zipped towards its open nape. Y/n saw this and gasped in shock.

Levi: STOP!!!

Y/n: (Thoughts) What is she doing!?

The Female used one of her legs to kick one of the King Titan's. Y/n collapsed forward, straight onto Mikasa's wire. The King Titan let out a wail as Mikasa was flung forward unintentionally. She was about to crash into the tree, but by the grace of Levi and Y/n, who raised an arm to give them a landing platform, she survived. Levi, as he grabbed Mikasa, broke his ankle when he landed wrong on Y/n's arm.
Luckily Y/n had managed to get his fingers hooked into her lower jaw. So, as he collapsed, the jaw broke open, revealing Eren laying on her tongue in a bed of gross saliva. As soon as Mikasa retrieved her wire and was safe from getting killed, Levi zipped into the Females mouth and retrieved Eren.

Levi: (Landing on a branch nearby) Hey! We're getting out of here! (Looking down at Eren in his arms) He's okay. . . but very filthy. Don't lose sight of the core objective. Is it more important to get what you want? (Scowling) Is he worth more than Y/n's life?

Levi turned and zipped away, still clutching the saliva covered Eren.

Mikasa: (Watching the King Titan struggling to get to its hands and knees) No. . . I-I. . .

The King Titan stumbled away a few steps. Y/n wasn't sure how, but he knew exactly what to do. He emerged from the nape of the monster he has been controlling for the last minute in a cloud of Titan steam. Breathing in fresh air through his own lungs kicked him hard in the chest, disorientating him a bit. But he knew Mikasa came down to his position, grabbed him, and darted out of there, possibly following Levi.
While over Mikasa's shoulder, Y/n watched the Female Titan grow further and further from view. He saw a stream of tears trickle down from her eye and her cheek. He couldn't help but feel sad at that moment.

Y/n: (Softly) I"m sorry. . .

To be continued. . .

Nest Episode: Trust

(5735 Words)

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