Chapter 24: Now Fall

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Fanart of THE KING TITAN! Enjoy The Season Finale!

A/n: The image above is fanart a fan has made of the King Titan

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A/n: The image above is fanart a fan has made of the King Titan. I wanted to give a big thank you to for making this incredible art. It truly is awesome. Now I'm not saying that is how you should view the King Titan. I just thought it was super awesome that one of my amazing readers decided to make art of one of my creations. I can't thank Darakoi enough.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I know I updated really fast. I decided to work on this instead of my original novel because I'm lazy like that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

Pastor Nick: Brothers and sisters. Let us pray for the continued strength of saints Maria, Rose, and Sina. May they stand firm. Their grace is a manifestation of our good faith...

The pastor was currently holding a sermon in front of a large crowd of devoted followers, all praising the walls and the safety they provide. The holy building, they were currently under was sacred to their church and has stood as a monument of their just and divine will. No demon could tear this place asunder.

Pastor Nick: We give thanks to the light of the Divine Architect. He whose wisdom is the mortar; whose sublime love for His creation is the steadfast stone. He, and he alone, protects us from the Titan scourge, in proportion to our worship. Verily...

A humming sound rattled the building they were currently in, causing the pastor to pause slightly. It was a strange sound, but it soon stopped, allowing the good pastor to continue his prayer.

Pastor Nick: Innocence and obedience are all He asks--

Suddenly, the building around them collapsed as a large Titan is thrown into it. Pastor Nick covered himself with his arms, cowering in fear as the screams of his patrons cried out before quickly falling silent. He shivered as he looked up to see a blonde Titan currently lying on top of the spot where a group of people were innocently praying.
Pastor Nick: No! Impossible!

The Female Titan sat up as a second bigger Titan came charging over, a demonic voice booming from it.

The King Titan: (Deep Voice) DO. NOT. TOUCH. HER!!!

The first Titan quickly rose to her feet and bolted away. Pastor Nick walked over to the large open section where a beautiful wall once stood. He watched as the Female Titan was heading straight for the wall.

Pastor Nick: Dear God! Please! Not the wall! Stay away!

Pastor Nick looked up and gasped as the sixteen-meter Titan stormed right past, blowing him right off his feet.

Villagers screamed and ran away in panic as two Titans chased one another through the streets. Y/n wasn't as fast as Annie was in Titan form, but she seems a lot slower within the concentrated buildings that populated Stohess. The King Titan let out another small roar and growl as he chased the blonde Titan.

On a nearby building, section-commander Hanji, Armin, and Jean land. They watched as the two Titans rampaged through the city.

Hanji: (Smiling) Ahhh, it's actually happening. I have waited so long to see if my hypothesis is correct and to finally see him myself!
Armin: Yeah. Still, though... there's no guarantee this will turn out any differently than their last meeting.

Jean: Come on, he wouldn't have transformed unless he knew he could take her this time. He's got this, okay?

Armin: (Looking back at Jean) I don't doubt that. But determination alone isn't enough to win a fight. You, of all people, should know that. (Heavy exhale) It'll take more than that to beat Annie. A lot more.

Scout 1: (Landing on a nearby roof) Damn it! She's making a break for level ground! So much for our gear! What now?

Hanji: (Landing on a separate rooftop with Armin) Split into two teams and go around!

Scout 1: Understood!

They all then spilt and did as the section-commander ordered.

The King Titan chased the Female Titan, not caring about the people and MPs that were below. She then led him straight into a large, open section. Annie turned, dug her heels into the ground, and used a hand to impact a nearby building, slowing her down. Y/n stopped and heaved as he glared at Annie. She pulled her hand from the insides of the building and dropped into a fighting stance.
King Titan: (Deep) I tried to make it easy on you, Annie. I tried to reason and negotiate. (Throwing out his fists and getting into a fighting stance also) But now. . . I'll have to take you out of that thing the hard way.

Y/n: (Thoughts) All of this. . . all of the death that has occurred since Wall Maria fell, you were part of it. Miss Campbell, The Scouts you killed in the forest, Petra, you stole them from me. And you were about to steal Mikasa away from me as well. That can't happen.

Y/n roared as he charged forward. The King Titan threw out a punch which was blocked by Annie, who used her elbow that she hardened. The force of the punch was sent into the ground, rattling the area nearby.

Annie then went to kick the King Titan in the face. Before her foot could connect, Y/n dodged out of the way.

Annie didn't slow up. She came at him again. She spun and went to deliver a second kick to Y/n's chest. This time it hit, sending the King Titan stumbling back into a building. His spine bones puncturing the stone and windows, scaring the families inside.
Y/n looked up growling as Annie went for a finisher kick.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Don't think it'll be that easy, Annie.

Y/n surged forward, escaping the kicks deadly range and closing the distance. Annie gasped as the King Titan reached up and wrapped both his hands around her throat, pushing her back.

The Female Titan's foot got trapped by the long pond they had in the center of this large courtyard, and she fell. Y/n came crashing atop of her, not letting up his grasp. The Female Titan grabbed Y/n's hands, trying her best to pry them off her neck.

The King Titan remained his hold on her neck with his left hand and used his right to reach up and grab her blonde hair. Once he had a fist full, he pulled her head up before slamming it down into the ground.

He managed to slam her head into the hard ground twice before she got her foot under him and kicked his chest, pushing the large Titan off of her. Annie quickly rolled back to her feet as Y/n roared and charged again.

The Female Titan swung her leg to strike the large sixteen-meter. The King Titan saw this coming and used his left elbow spike to impale her incoming leg. The razor-sharp bone entered through her calf, causing Annie to roar in pain.
The King Titan's backbones started to spark and emit the energy once more. The same yellow light as before started to glow from within his chest, making its ascension to the back of his gullet.

Annie couldn't escape. Between her calf getting ripped to shreds and Y/n's free hand pinning her to the set of buildings behind her, she couldn't escape. She watched as the large Titan opened his mouth and the light at the back of his throat grow brighter and brighter. As the humming came to a climax, Annie thrust her right hand out.

As the King Titan unleashed his energy blast at the Female Titan, she managed to use her hand to push his head out of the way. Instead of blasting the Titan's head off, it blasted in a completely different direction.


Moblit tackled Hanji just in time as the yellow energy blast sored right past her. The lightning-type blast sawed through a building and chopped a bell tower in half. The concrete structure collapse, and the large bell inside came clanging down, crushing a poor woman beneath it.
Moblit: Hanji!? Are you okay?

Hanji nodded as she watched the Titans fight.

Annie ripped her calf off the spike elbow, pushed her right palm under Y/n's jaw, grabbed his other arm, and used all her strength to throw him over her and across the roof of the building.

The King Titan collapsed to the street in a small shower of debris. Y/n reached his knees as the Female Titan came scaling over the structure, sending a kick to the side of his face, throwing the large sixteen-meter through another building, turning it to rubble. Everyone inside getting crushed by the large Titan or a large section of the place they once called home.

Scout 2: (Watching the fight from a nearby rooftop) Oh, god...

Moblit: (After helping Hanji to her feet) Section-Commander, I hate to say it, but the city will be debris and corpses before long... even if we manage to catch her.

Hanji: (Brushing herself off) Well, then that's how it's gonna be! We're sticking to Commander Erwin's plan, got it? So, stop babbling and ready the nets.
Moblit: (Nodding) Right.

Armin: (Looking off in the direction Eren is still trapped) He can't face her alone. . .

Jean: What are you blabbering about.

Armin: We need an extra pair of hands.

Armin ran, jumped off the roof and zoomed towards the rubble pile Eren was still captive under.

Jean: HEY! Wait up!


Meanwhile, Mikasa weakly looked up to see smoke in the distance. The sound of chaos echoing all around as citizens ran for their lives. The King Titan's roar reached her ears.

Mikasa: Y/n. . . please be safe.


Hitch, Marlo, Boris, and the other rookie MPs were watching the fighting from a distance on a different rooftop. The large energy blast that shot out across the city had spooked them all.

Hitch: We didn't sign up for this. They-- They didn't say there'd be Titans fighting in the streets.

Marlo: No kidding. This is crazy.


Erwin was currently held at gunpoint by Nile and his men.

Nile: We've got two of "em hashing it out in the streets?
MP 1: Yes, sir. The city's collapsing like a house of cards. It's just. . . It's horrifying. . . We can only guess how many casualties. . .

Nile: (Aiming his gun at Erwin once more) Erwin! Your arrogance has brought Hell right to our door!

Erwin: (Calm and collected) I know. I acted entirely on my own authority. And I offer no excuses.

Nile grunted before lowering his rifle. He charged a few steps forward and grabbed the Commander of the Scouts by his collar.

Nile: You knew what this would do to us, you son of a bitch! You knew, and our lives be damned! Why? Damn you, why?

Erwin: For humanity. For victory.

Nile: Don't give me that! (He let go of Erwin and raised his musket once more) You're nothing but a traitor! I ought to kill you right here and now! None of the higher-ups would fault me!

Erwin: Do as your conscience dictates. My post is yours. The Female Titan must not escape. Deployment is through Peer, and Beirer is in command of Provisions. Work with them closely. Do whatever is required to ensure she doesn't--
Nile: Shut up! Do. . . Do you really believe. . . this is for the good of us all?

Erwin: I have faith it's a step forward.

The commander of the MPs grunted in frustration before letting out a sigh of defeat. He lowered his musket once more and turned to his soldiers.

Nile: Everyone, lower your rifles. Place this man under arrest. Sir! Deploy all troops immediately. As of now... focus on evacuation.

MPs: Yes, Sir!

Nile: Erwin... I hereby wash my hands of you and leave you to the high court.

Erwin was put into cuffs by two MP guards.

Erwin: I'll accept their judgment. Thank you, Nile. (Turning to Levi beside him) Levi. For now, stay here. A pointless death wouldn't suit you.

Levi: No, I doubt it would. . . Any more than it suits anyone else. But Y/n needs my help. And I will be damned if I don't offer it.

Erwin smiled slightly before nodding his head.


Armin landed back down beside the rubble where Eren was still under, crushed and bleeding. Jean landed beside him as the blonde bookworm crouched beside the brown-haired suicidal maniac.
Armin: Eren. . . Eren, please, you've gotta wake up and transform. Y/n is fighting Annie by himself right now. And he can't do it alone. I know you two never see eye to eye on anything. Always butting heads with one another over something or other. But I believe you're meant to work together. . . as brothers.

Eren slowly opened one green eye and looked at Armin.

Jean: Armin, they need our help with the nets!

Armin: (Looking back at Jean) Just give me a second! I know this can work. (Armin looked back at Eren with confidence) Eren, to rise above monsters, we have to abandon our humanity. What we fight, we fight fire with fire. But that doesn't mean we forsake our friends. We become the monster to protect them. . . so help protect Y/n, your family.


The King Titan kneed The Female Titan in the gut, causing her to double over. While hunched, the Female Titan was stabbed in the shoulder blade by one of Y/n's elbow spikes. She was then flung around, so her face clashed with a large building.
The King Titan withdrew his spike from her shoulder. As he went to pull her out of the wreckage, a distant boom followed by a flash of light drew away Y/n's attention. As he was distracted, the Female Titan pulled out of the wrecked structure. Spinning into a low position, she punched the King Titan in the gut causing him to stumble backward, vomiting a little.

Stunned, the King Titan was able to react as she sent a massive upper strike to the underside of his jaw. The King Titan reeled back, whining in pain. His jaw was hanging loose, unhinged and broken. The Female Titan then sent a fast hardened kick to one of his kneecaps, shattering it.

Y/n fell to the ground in a crawling position, wounded beyond belief. The King Titan roared, but it was cut off as Annie kicked him right in the center of his face.

Y/n was thrown back into another set of buildings, crumbling into a seated position. The King Titan's face was crushed and dripping blood.

Annie neared closer to the fallen Titan, ready to end their little fight. But before she could take a step close, a booming and the shaking of the earth stopped her. She turned to see Eren in Titan form charge at her. Before she could put up her defenses, she was struck in the head and sent flying back over the King Titan and the buildings he was currently slumped up against.
Eren went off to fight the Female while Y/n spent his time regenerating his face and knee.

Y/n: (Thoughts) I feel weak. And my regeneration isn't going as fast as normal. Why? Was it because of those energy blasts? They seemed to take a lot out of me. But how did I even do it in the first place? It just seemed like second nature. Can Eren do something like that or even Annie?

Annie had gotten up to fight Eren. She blocked a hard punch from him, causing her to take a step back due to the force he put into it.

Annie's father: (Flashback) Annie. . . Annie!

Annie then looked up at Eren as he approached. With one powerful hardened kick, she struck Eren across the head, sending him crashing into a building. But she was surprised to find him still fighting. He had clamped his jaws around the hardened portion of her leg, trying to chew it off. She growled and hardened her right hand and continued to bash in Eren's Titan's skull. She roared after every hit, using a much strength as she could muster.
Annie's father: (Flashback) Annie... I believe in you. I'm always on your side.

With one final roar, Annie delivered the final blow to Eren's head. She stood back and looked down at the mangled corpse of Eren's Titan. She then turned and started to run towards the wall once more.

Y/n: (Thoughts) No. . . It can"t be over. . . it can't be.


Y/n: I just can't do it!

A younger Y/n slumped himself down onto the dirty ground, bruised and battered.

Y/n: I can't beat you!

A set of boots walked in front of his view before the owner of them lowered themselves down in front of him.

Levi: You're giving up?

Y/n looked up at his uncle Levi, who wore his usual serious expression.

Y/n: Of course, I'm giving up. A fight against you is impossible. I can never win.

Levi: Is that your mindset about the fight against the Titans - It's impossible?

Y/n: Well. . . no, but--

Levi: Listen closely, brat, because I will only say this once. No fight is impossible. Some fights are difficult, and some that are easy. And most of the time, they are difficult. I was raised in the underground, where I had to fight just to eat and survive. I never went into a fight believing it to be impossible.
Y/n: That's because you're Levi, the world's strongest fighter.

Levi: No, it's because I never gave up. I kept fighting even if my bones were broken. And I always came out on top. If you never give up. . . you never lose.


As the female Titan was bolting to the walls, Mikasa landed on the King Titan's shoulder, a worried expression on her face.

Mikasa: Y/n!

The Titan's face then began to regenerate faster until it was mostly back to its original shape. Y/n's left Titan eye turned and looked at Mikasa, who gazed up at him, gasping nervously.

Mikasa: Y/n, you're alright!

Y/n began to move, standing up on his newly regenerated leg. Mikasa wobbled slightly as he stood, using her ODM gear to anchor herself to him. As he stood, he looked over at Annie, who had made it to the wall and begun her climb. He turned and rushed down the street, passing by a still regenerating Eren.

Mikasa: (Glancing his way) What? She did this?

They then made it to the edge of the buildings, just before it opened up into a small yard where a group of market stalls were set up. Hanji, Armin, and Jean were on a rooftop right beside them.
Jean: She's headed up the wall!

Hanji: She's trying to escape!

Armin: No, no, no! We can't let her get away!

Mikasa: I won't let her!

King Titan: (Glancing down at Mikasa) Cut off her fingers.

Jean and Armin gasped in shock and looked over at Y/n.

Jean: So, he really can talk in that thing!

Hanji looked over with wide eyes as she squirmed and jumped a little with joy. Mikasa nodded before using her ODM gear to zip away and began to scale the large structure that was the Wall Sina. The King Titan then took a wide stance as the familiar sparks of energy began to radiate off him.

Annie, with hardened fingers, gripped the wall. She pulled herself up. Just another one, and she'll be over. But before she could plant in her second hand, a powerful yellow energy blast struck her left arm, completely severing it. The energy blast then arched up a little, destroying a portion of the wall. The Female Titan screamed out in pain, wailing loudly. She still had one arm and two legs. She can make it. But as she went to try to move, something in the corner of her eye caught her attention.
Annie: (Thoughts) No. . . not you!

Mikasa roared as she zipped across Annie's remaining fingers, slicing them off. Annie gasped. The dark-haired girl then landed on Annie's forehead, glaring down at her with her dark orbs.

Mikasa: It's over, Annie. . . Now fall.

Mikasa jumped off, sending the Female Titan plummeting back down to the ground.

Annie's father: (Flashback) Annie. . . I'm so sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me. But. . . please. . . please just. . .

Annie slammed into the ground hard. Nile and Erwin were on a nearby bridge watching over the scene. The King Titan tilted his head upward and let out an ear-piercing roar. Everyone except for Erwin covered their ears.

Nile: What the hell is that thing!?

Erwin: That is my son.

After a few seconds of that, The King Titan slumped forward and dropped to its knees, dipping its head forward. Steam billowed around it as the nape opened up, and Y/n emerged, a tangle of muscle fibers covering him.

Mikasa dropped down beside Y/n, who appeared to be unconscious. She sheathed her
blades and supported him from behind.

Mikasa: Y/n, can you hear me!?

He didn't respond, but she could feel his strong heartbeat on her breast as she held him closer from behind. As Mikasa was going to pull him out, a horrifying screech from a Titan resonated from behind her. She clutched Y/n tighter as Eren's Titan leaped over them, his skin aflame with steam, exposing some of his muscle underneath. He headed straight for Annie, fury raging in his glowing Titan eyes. He then pounced on the grounded Female Titan and began to rip her to shreds.

Annie's Father: (Flashback) Stand your ground. Stand your ground even if the whole world stands against you.

Eren ripped the Female Titan's head clean off, sending it flying into the side of a building.

Annie's father: (Flashback) They'll despise you. . . They won't understand. But I will. Your dad always will.

Eren leaned closer to her nape, opening his mouth, ready to bite.

Hanji: (gasp) Oh, no! He's going to devour her whole!

Jean: Eren! Back off!
Mikasa: Don't do it!

Eren: (Dark voice) This... is freedom!

Annie's father: (Flashback) Promise me you'll return. . . That's all I ask.

Eren ripped apart the nape, revealing Annie's true form. Y/n slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the scene in front of him. Even from his distance, Y/n could still see a storm of tears rolling down her face.

Y/n: Annie.

A spark echoed from his chest, and he felt something strange as if a connection between another being was forged. Eren went to bite down on Annie, but a bright, powerful blue light burst from her, blinding everyone in the immediate vicinity.

Annie: Y/n. . . I'll see you again.

Y/n heard her. He heard Annie's voice. She sounded sad, depressed, and completely alone. It broke his heart. And the connection he felt then snapped suddenly, just as the blue light faded.

Y/n watched as Eren tried biting through the crystal. His teeth were crushed, squirting his blood everywhere. He then tried to shove it down his throat, but before he could get it even to the back of his gullet, Levi zipped down from above. With his blades, he cut the brown-haired boy out of his Titan, stopping him from attempting to swallow Annie.
Levi: It's not a good idea to eat our key evidence. . . you idiot.


Y/n was currently wrapped in a blanket as he sat cross-legged beside Mikasa, Armin and Eren, who was just coming around.

Mikasa: (Noticing Eren's eyes open) Ereh.

Eren: (Foggy) Mikasa... Is Annie...?

The repeated clangs of metal rang out through the air, drawing Eren's attention over to Jean. The boy had an almost completely shattered sword, and he was attempting to cut the large solid crystal Annie had hidden away in. His blade barely scratched the surface of the strong, impenetrable material. After a few more downward strikes and the blade completely shattered, leaving Jean with nothing.

Jean: Damn it! All the shit we've been through, and this is what we get? Annie! Wake up! C'mon, face the music! You owe us! Don't be a coward! I know you can hear me!

Jean grunted as he raised his sword hand, priming it for another bout of blows. But the mad boy was stopped when Levi placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
Levi: That's enough. It's over.

Jean grimaced before deflating in a depressed demeanor.

Hanji: Someone get me a wire net! This thing belongs deep underground!

Soldiers: Understood!

Hanji: (Thoughts) What have we done? If we can't get any answers out of her, then what was the point of all this? We're left with nothing but countless casualties, ruined lives, and unanswered questions. All for what?

Levi walked over to Erwin, who was still in chains.

Levi: (Walking shoulder to shoulder with his commander) Well, it was a valiant effort. Can't win "em all, though, right?

Erwin: Right. At the very least, the Scout Regiment's been exonerated. Sure, by the skin of its teeth, but still.

Levi: Let's hope the brass agrees.

Y/n looked up to see a platoon of MPs swarm their current position. They seemed very on edge, cautious of both Eren and himself.

Y/n: Well, I guess this was to be expected.

Eren: (confused) Why did you transform?

Y/n: (Looking at Mikasa) I was protecting what I love.

Mikasa gave Y/n a small, sweet, brief smile which warmed his heart somewhat.

In the high court, the Direct Head was sitting in front of Erwin and a whole council of leaders. The Commander of the Scouts sat calmly with his hands folded in front of him. The Direct Head had just read over his report of the situation that occurred in Stohess.

Direct Head: As you might imagine, we have many questions. If the target's identity was beyond all doubt, why would you neglect to request aid from the Military Police?

Erwin: Discretion. We had reason to believe she was operating in conjunction with other insiders. I felt it was necessary to involve only those well above suspicion, sir.

Leader 1: Yes. And the price of your "discretion" was the near obliteration of Stohess. Well done.

Erwin: I didn't foresee the damage's scale, sir. Blame my incompetence.

Leader 2: Blame isn't going to rebuild my roof!

Erwin: If the Female Titan were left to roam free, the wall was subject to breach, and the damage to Stohess would've been beyond devastating.

Direct Head: Perhaps. Erwin, you have me grasping at straws to exonerate you. What I need is proof that your tactics yielded some manner of benefit. Granted, Annie Leonhart is rendered innocuous but also essentially useless.
Erwin: Yes, sir. That she is.

Everyone in the room gasped.

Direct Head: Are you saying. . . it was all for nothing. . .?


Y/n slowly began to open his eyes, adjusting to the sunlight that leaked in from the open window. At the foot of the bed sat Mikasa, who had her knees curled up to her chest. She hasn't noticed that he had awoken yet. He watched as she toyed with one end of her red scarf. Her thumb running along with the fabric that was slowly coming apart due to the abuse it receives every day. She let out a soft sigh before removing it from her neck and bunched it up in her hands.

Y/n: (Sitting up) That's getting beat up.

Mikasa gasped and turned to face Y/n who smiled softly at the dark-haired girl.

Mikasa: Y/n! How are you feeling?

Y/n weakly nodding. After the battle, he felt so drained, more drained than he felt after the forest battle. His hypophysis on his energy attack seemed the most likely of reasons. Hanji and the others are still racking their brains around the whole ordeal. Y/n knew once things went back to normal, he would be going through some rough experiments from his aunt. So as of right now, he took as much rest as he possibly could.
Y/n: I'm better. Still a little tired but. . . (Looking down at the scarf in Mikasa's hands) How's Eren.

Mikasa: (Nodding slowly) He's awake. I went to check on him a few hours ago. Armin's with him.

Y/n nodded, and the pair of them fell into an uncomfortable silence. With all the chaos of the MPs and clean up, neither of them could have a talk about what occurred during the battle. Now it just left them in an awkward silence that neither was enjoying.

Y/n: Mikasa. . . is the reason you interrupted me back on the staircase because you love me?

Mikasa gasped softly.

Y/n: Here's a better question. When you told me, you love me. . . did you mean it?

Mikasa: Y/n. . .

Y/n: (Gulping down the tough lump that clogged his throat) I know you still feel something for Eren. Perhaps it"s not as strong as before, but it is there. I can see it in your eyes and the way you look at him. . . the way you hold your red scarf.

Mikasa glanced down at the fabric in her slender hands.

Mikasa: (Looking up and meeting Y/n's gaze) What I said was true. . . I do love you, or at least I think I do. . . But I still have a hard time letting Eren go.
Y/n nodded his head. Mikasa reached out and grabbed one of his hands that lay atop the covers. She gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Mikasa: I tried, Y/n. I tried letting him go. . . but a part of me still feels attached to him. I owe him a great deal Y/n. I don't think I can just let that part of me go.

Y/n: I understand, Mikasa. . . and about us. Are we-- (clearing his throat) --you know.

Mikasa bit her lip and looked deep into his eyes.

Mikasa: I would like to give it a try.

Y/n smirked, which caused Mikasa to also let out a smile of her own.

Y/n: The scarf. . . you should keep wearing it.

Mikasa: (gasp) But--

Y/n: You said it yourself. Eren is a part of you. I know how hard it is to let go of someone you love, so I won't force you.

Mikasa: (Wrapping the scarf around her neck once more) Thank you, Y/n.

Y/n: You're welcome. I just hope one day, you'll be able to comfortably take it off. . . for good.

Mikasa Placed her other hand over their linked ones and bowed her head slightly. Tears started to brim her eyes as she squeezed his hand.
Mikasa: I'm glad you're safe. Please don't do anything stupidly reckless again.

Y/n didn't respond. He only smiled and gently patted her head.

The two of them then sat there, together, enjoying one another's company. Holding the hand of the other, contempt. Mikasa ran her thumb over the back of his hand in a calming fashion. Not in all the years he spent pining over the goddess draped in a red scarf had he ever really believed that it could happen. But now, sitting on the same bed, holding each other's hands, they were officially together.

However, the happy moment couldn't help but get clouded by the death that occurred that day. The losses they had suffered, some of it being his own fault. And Annie, she was locked away in a crystallized shell that can't be opened by anything they have. . . but he hoped one day it would open. Then she can finally take the side of good and start to make amends for what she has done. . . as they all should.


Jean and Armin were walking down the halls of Stohess HQ, heading to their briefing, when Jean broke the silence between the pair of them.
Jean: I can't get my head wrapped around it. This whole fighting fire with fire business or whatever. Is that really the only option we've got?

Armin: Not necessarily. Just the only one that"s presented itself. And now we know Eren, and Y/n can both do it.

Jean: Yeah, well, if it's that easy for the fight to turn us all into monsters, then maybe we don't deserve to win.

Armin bowed his head in thought. But as he was thinking, a brown feather floated past his face causing him to look out and up to the sky. There, flying high above, were a pair of ducks. Both flapping their wings with elegance and grace. Armin watched as they swooped and flew over the walls. . . true freedom.

Armin: No one ever promised us we'd come out of this unscathed.


Back in the council meeting.

Erwin: For nothing? I believe this latest tragedy has moved us forward by leaps and bounds, sir. Not long ago, we hadn't even imagined the possibility of humans transforming into Titans. Now, we're not only aware of the enemy in our midst. . . we've managed to capture one of them. Make no mistake. There are more out there. And we will hunt down every last one. The initiative is ours. Starting now. . . we launch an attack on the Titans within our walls!

Armin: (Narrating) The Scout Regiment's recall to the capital and Eren's incarceration were rescinded. Instead, they were charged with guarding Annie Leonhart in her holding cell deep underground, where they kept strict vigil day and night. Sadly, however. . . it would take a far longer time. . . and cost a great many more lives. . . for humanity to discover the true nature. . . of what it held captive.

To be continued. . .


Y/n was currently resting in the bed he was given at Stohess HQ with Mikasa beside him. The dark-haired girl herself was drifting off. As she dipped into slumber, her hand, which was previously clutching Y/n's, slipped. At the last point of contact, a spark was sent up Y/n's body, giving him a wild flash of images.

Blood. A farmhouse. Twins with dark hair. A girl of ten beneath an enormous glowing tree. Evil green eyes. A large ape-like Titan. Two old castle towers. Blood-soaked knives surround Reiner and Bertolt. Levi in a forest of Titans. And colossal Titans, hundreds of them. As large as the wall, all marching forward, flattening the earth below their feet.
Y/n jolted awake, gasping heavily. Sweat drenching his entire body. Mikasa snapped awake beside him and looked at him with a worried expression.

Mikasa: Y/n!? What's the matter?

Y/n: (Pant) They're here.

A/n: So that"s season 1 finished! It's been a long road, but we finally made it. Next is season 2!!! I can't wait. It's going to be epic. I hope you all stick around for it and future seasons I have planned for this book.

BTW The second season will remain in this book/story. There won't be a second book or anything like that. 

(5819) Hope You Enjoyed!!!

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