Chapter 11: The Battle For Trost (Part 2)

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Y/n wasn't really sure where he was. He couldn't feel anything. He wasn't sure if he was even alive. But something sparked within him. It was almost electric. His brain then tingled, causing him to shiver. Before he could comprehend what was going on, waves of images and sounds flooded his mind.

Y/n watched as a distant castle and the buildings surrounding the structure were illuminated with bright orange flames. The tentacles of heat were scaling the stones, marking them black. A woman with H/c hair was holding him. She was out of breath. It seemed as if she was running a marathon.

The vision shifted, and he was watching a man with a posh suit, the same type of clothing one might see in the high interior. His white-gloved hands held what appeared to be a syringe. Inside the glass was a spine-chilling purple liquid. The man dressed in the fine suit walked closer to him.

It once again changed, but this time, he felt himself rocking gentle side to side. He was in some wooden thing, which swayed with him. A woman from before was sitting beside him, gazing down at him with worry and sorrow present in her E/c eyes. 

Woman: (Softly) It's okay, everything will be alright. You will be okay, Nephew.

Y/n felt himself get pulled into a different scene, but this felt different. Everything was fast. He could barely have time to comprehend anything that was being shown. He saw large trees, Titans then swarmed them, hundreds of them. Then he witnessed what appeared to be a Titan raging in the center of a city. He then saw Eren. It was a flash, but Y/n was sure he saw him. He looked older, his hair appeared to be pulled back into a bun, and his eyes were horrifying.

Eren: You. Are. The. Real. Enemy.

A Titan then appeared before him, opening its mouth, closing around him.

He saw two kids around three years old running around in a field, twins by the looks. A symbol was branded on their right wrists—three katanas in the shape of a triangle. As soon as it came, it went, replaced by the sight of countless tombstones. A man with H/c hair and E/c eyes was wearing a golden crown. He crouched in front of his view. He opened his mouth, but Y/n couldn't quite hear what he was saying. He was only able to pick up on three words.

Man: --the King Titan--

A sixteen-meter Titan stood on top of a pile of rubble. Its skin was steaming, exposing the muscle underneath. Its knees were covered in a bone plating, as well as parts of its chest and face. Two long sharp bones protruded from its elbows. The spinal bones were also growing out of its back. The lower on the back, the smaller the bone, but as it went further up, the bone that was protruding outwards grew in size before quickly shrinking again, leading to the nape of the neck. The Titan had H/c hair, burning E/c eyes, and it looked as if it wore a bone crown. It opened its mouth and let out an ear-piercing, mighty roar, shaking the heavens above.

Y/n jolted upwards, gasping and panting heavily. He was drenched in sweat. The salty liquid ran down his cheeks and covered his palms. The pain in his head was extreme. It felt as if his head would crack open. Closing his eyes, Y/n tried his best to contain the headache. He was glad when it slowly began to fade away.

Y/n opened his E/c eyes once more, looking around. He noticed he was in some sorta kid's bedroom. Small wooden toys were strewn about the place. There was also a slim single bed fit for a child pressed up against the wall. He then noticed the window to the bedroom was completely smashed open. The glass shards decorated the floor around him. Blood trailed from the window, following a messy trail all the way up to Y/n. He then remembers what happened before he lost consciousness.
He screamed and reached for his right leg, only to find it still there. There was not a scratch on it. The only noticeably different thing about it was the pants and boots that once covered his lower right leg. . . was missing. The fabric around his knee was torn as if it was ripped in two.

Y/n: (Muttering to himself) What the hell. What the hell is going on? How long have I been out?

Y/n slowly got to his feet and walked over to the window, being careful not to step on the glass with his barefoot. As he made it to the open window, he looked down to see a blood spot in the center of the street, along with what was left of Mina. Y/n felt his stomach clench, but with all his will power, he stopped himself from vomiting.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Mina. . . I did this, I'm sorry.

Y/n looked around to see that no Titan was close. The only things that were still around were the bodies of soldiers and Titans that were slowly decomposing in a cloud of steam. The sky crackled and coomed as dark clouds gathered overhead. Then the rain came pouring down, washing the blood-soaked streets.

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