Chapter 21: Trust

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Y/n was forced to lay down on an empty cart when they got back to the main convoy by both his uncle and Mikasa. He put up a fight, but with both of them against him, he stood no chance. Mikasa, after placing Eren in a separate cart, came back and sat beside him.

Y/n: Mika, why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Eren?

Mikasa: (Softly shaking her head) No, Armin is currently watching over him. I wanted to be with you.

Y/n smiled as she reached down and took one of his hands into hers. She gave it a soft squeeze, causing Y/n's heart to flutter.

Y/n: (Thoughts) What is going on? I didn't expect this from Mikasa. Doesn't she hate me for what I did to her the other night? Why is she taking care of me and not Eren? Is it out of pity?

Y/n: It's fine, Mikasa. I'm sure I can--

Y/n went to sit up, cringing as he goes. Ever since changing back from his second transformation, he has been suffering from malnutrition and exhaustion. He tried his best to hide the effects but failed. Mikasa rested her other hand on his shoulder gently, pushing him back down.
Mikasa: Stop, you need rest.

Y/n: But--

Mikasa: (Softly glaring at him) No.

Y/n gulped as he stared into her dark, intimidating, yet beautiful, grey eyes. Y/n just lay back and gazed into her orbs, captivated once again. Mikasa did the same while also running a soft thumb over the back of his hand, soothing him significantly.

Sasha: (Popping up on the other side of the wagon) Oh, there you are, Y/n. I was so worried. You just ran off into the forest. When you didn't come back right away, I started to-- (Looking at Mikasa's and Y/n's hands) Ohh, I see what's going on here.

The pair of them blushed.

Y/n: Oh, it's not like that.

Y/n went to pull his hand out of Mikasa's grip, but she refused, holding on tighter. Y/n was startled by this but enjoyed the contact with his crush.

Mikasa: (Nonchalantly) Sasha, I believe there are some rations in my saddlebag. Could you run and grab them for me, really quick.

Sasha: Oh, right. I'll go get them and leave the pair of you alone. (Wink)

Y/n blushed once more, trying to ignore the comment. Sasha skipped away towards where Mikasa's horse rested.
Y/n: She's probably going to eat it before she gets back.

Mikasa: She would, but luckily-- (Pulling out the ration bar) --I brought them along with me.

Y/n: Oh, you are sly, Mikasa Ackerman.  So this was just a ploy to get some alone time with me?

Mikasa was now the one to flush a deep crimson, trying her best to cover herself with her scarf.

Mikasa: No, I just thought you could do without the energetic energy. You need sleep after all.

Y/n: (Smiling softly up at her) I see. Well, thank you, Mikasa. For everything.

Mikasa gazed down at Y/n and clutched his hand tighter. Y/n felt warmth fill his heart as he lay with his hand being held by the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Perhaps fate was changing for the better.

Hanji: Awe, isn't this cute.

Both parties snapped their heads to the end of the cart where Hanji, Levi, and Erwin were standing, watching them. Hanji was smiling at the scene while Levi frowned, and Erwin had a stoic stare. Both Mikasa and Y/n blushed.

Y/n: It isn't what it looks like.
Hanji: Sure. You two were totally eye fuck--

Erwin: Hanji. Enough.

Hanji: Right, sorry.

Levi: Tch. You always have to make things weird, Four-Eyes.

Hanji: (Pointing at Levi) And you always have to be so standoffish. I mean, a smile wouldn't kill you, Levi.

Y/n smiled and rolled his eyes.

Y/n: What do you guys need?

Erwin: We would like to talk with you about the incident in the forest. So I will have to ask Private Ackerman to please leave.

Mikasa went to stand but was stopped when Y/n, still clutching her hand, pulled her back down beside him.

Y/n: It's alright, father. Mikasa is with me. Whatever you have to tell me, she can hear.

Mikasa stared at Y/n with wide eyes, probably shocked he denied not only his father's orders but the Commander's.

Y/n: (To Mikasa) No more lies. Not from you.

Mikasa smiled as tears slightly appeared in the corner of her eyes. Erwin looked at Mikasa, who shrank slightly from the attention that was put on her.

Erwin: Very well. It was confirmed by Levi here that you did transform into a Titan like Jaeger and that you showed that you had control over it. Is this correct?
Y/n: Yes, sir.

Erwin: Interesting. We've always had some sort of suspicion, but having it answered in such a way was risky. (Looking up at Mikasa) Does she know everything you know?

Y/n: (Looking up at Mikasa) Mostly. I haven't told her about the traitor or the original plan of this expedition. But I believe she is trustworthy, and with your permission, I would like to tell her more.

Levi: Are your feelings for this girl clouding your better judgement?

Mikasa growled softly and glared at Levi.

Y/n: No, they're not. She has proven to be loyal and clearly against the Female Titan.

Erwin: (nodding his head) Very well. Ackerman.

Mikasa: (snapping to attention) Sir!

Erwin: Humanity is facing annihilation because of these intelligent Titans'. We planned to capture the Female Titan on this expedition, but she managed to evade capture. Luckily Y/n, Levi, and yourself were able to retrieve Eren before the enemy took him. But that still leaves us with a loss.

Y/n: Not quite.

All eyes shifted to Y/n, who struggled to rest on his elbows, looking directly at Erwin.
Y/n: I think I have a clue as to who the traitor is.

Hanji: Wait, what?!

Mikasa: Y/n?

Erwin: And who is it?

Y/n: (Sigh) I can't be too sure. Suppose it is alright with you, father. I would like to talk with Armin Arlert before giving you a proper answer.

Hanji: (Tilting her head) Armin? Why would he know?

Y/n: Armin is one of the smartest people I know. He would've clocked it if it is indeed who I think it is.

Erwin: Very well, once we get back to Scout HQ, you will confer with Armin and once you have a reasonable answer, talk with myself and Section-commander Hanji. From there, we will devise a plan to capture this traitor. Maybe then we can save the Scout regiment from the brink of extinction. (Walking to the side of the wagon and rested a hand on Y/n's shoulder.) You've done well, Y/n. You have made me proud today.

Y/n: But I let her slip past me. I could've overpowered her, but I faltered. And Petra, she-she-she--

Y/n couldn't finish his sentence as sadness started to overwhelm him with power. Tears clouded his vision as he trembled, remembering her mangled body pressed up against the tree. Mikasa gripped Y/n's hand tighter in comfort.
Levi: Hey.

Y/n shifted his head, so he looked at his uncle. Even through the blur of tears, Y/n could see he was sad, even for the stoic soldier Levi was. Y/n just knew him better than most. He understood when he was feeling a certain way.

Levi: There is nothing you could've done to prevent her death. You're a scout now, Y/n. This is the price we have to pay.

Levi bowed his head as he grabbed the edge of the wagon for balance because of his injured foot.

Erwin: Levi is correct. This is the price all we Scouts have to offer up. But we do so in the hopes of a better future.

All of them stayed silent, mulling over the sacrifices they made today.

Erwin: You stepped up when no one else did. You took a risk and used your better judgement to save young Jaeger's life. We'll talk more about your Titan ability when we're safe behind Wall Rose. But right now, I suggest keeping it quiet and not telling anyone. If the military doesn't know, they won't charge you the same as Eren. (Y/n nodded) Get some rest. We will be moving out soon.
Erwin then left with Hanji, walking off to talk with some other officers about the situation they're facing. Levi stayed behind, staring at Mikasa and Y/n with intense eyes.

Levi: She's the one that beat you during training.

Mikasa looked between them, slightly confused.

Y/n: Yeah. (Smiling up at Mikasa lovingly) She is.

Levi: Tch. (Pointing at Mikasa) You're good. Great even. But just know I'm ten times better than you. If you hurt my nephew physical, emotional, or if you risk his life for that brat Eren. . . there will be no place for you to hide. Understand?

Mikasa didn't respond, only stared at Levi with an equally scary cold glare. Y/n flickered his frightened E/c eyes between the two, unsure how the interaction was going to end. The pair of them were frightening, both on the battlefield and in normal conversation. Mikasa seemed ready to chop the short man's head off, which probably wouldn't end well. Even with Levi's busted ankle, he could take on a horde of normal men. But Mikasa is no ordinary person. She could lift ten times her own body weight. But the death battle was going to have to wait.
Y/n gave a reassuring squeeze to Mikasa's hand to calm her down, which seemed to help.

Mikasa: I will never hurt Y/n.

Levi: Good. (Looking at Y/n) Get well.

Y/n: Yeah, same to you, uncle. And thank you for all you did back there. Getting Eren back and saving Mikasa.

Levi: Let's try not to make it a regular occurrence, shall we?

Y/n chuckled softly as Levi turned and hobbled away towards where they were collecting the dead. Mikasa and Y/n were left alone once more.

Mikasa: (Glaring after him) I still don't like him.

Y/n: (Shaking his head) I don't think you ever will. You're too alike, the pair of you.

Mikasa: (Looking at Y/n with a more loving expression) Please don't compare me with him.

Y/n: Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Mikasa: (After a few beats) Are you sure you're, okay?

Y/n: (Heavy sigh) All the scouts that were with us for this expedition. They all had families to go back to, including. . . her. . .

Mikasa looked down at Y/n with her sad eyes as she rubbed his hand with her free one.

Y/n: But I'm glad you're by my side. I don't know what I'd do if you left me. I know I've made mistakes in the past, but I hope we can get past those and continue being. . . whatever we are.
Y/n looked into the sky, watching the clouds pass overhead,

Petra: (Flashback) But remember, Y/n. When you get a girlfriend, just know, (Booping him on the nose) I was your first crush.

Y/n couldn't help the tears that streaked down his face. Nor did he want to stop them. He just gave in to it. He felt grief but knew he had to let the emotions out before they bottled up and devoured him from the inside. He closed his eyes and remembered her, her smile, stupid jokes, and carefree attitude. He couldn't save her, but he wouldn't forget her. He was sure of that.


They were on the move again, heading for the wall. Y/n still lay in the back of a wagon, resting softly with Mikasa riding beside the wagon, on her horse. She wanted to stay on but was rejected. They needed less weight on the wagon to escape the Titans still in the forest. Now she was stationed beside him, watching over like a guardian.

Scout 1: Titans!

Y/n stirred from his feather-light nap and looked up to see two Titans were on their tail. Two more Scout soldiers were on horseback, riding right for them.
Y/n: What is that? Did those idiots really just drag them here?

A soldier on the back wagon fired off a red flare. Y/n watched as one of the Titans grabbed one of the two riders. The other Titan ran past, heading straight for the wagon that held all the bodies of their fallen companions. The second scout who led the Titans to them stopped and turned to face the Titan that currently held his friend. He used his ODM gear to maneuver towards the large beast. Y/n sat up, glancing at his ODM gear that lay neatly beside him.

Y/n: I'll take care--

Mikasa: No! (Y/n looked over at Mikasa) You stay there, don't move for anything. I'll go.

Mikasa pulled back and charged towards the Titans.

Y/n: MIKASA! (Slamming his fist down beside him) Damn it! Why do I have to be so helpless? I can fight.

The other soldier that went to help his friend, who had just been swallowed, was now captured in the oversized hand. He screamed out as he drew closer to the Titan's hungry mouth. But luckily enough for him, Mikasa came just in time. She swung up, roaring as she goes, and cut deep into the Titan's nape, killing it. Mikasa landed safely back on the ground, causing Y/n to let out a sigh of relief. He knew she could take on multiple Titans at once, but he still got anxious whenever she was in harm's way. He lay back down, letting the others deal with the chaos.
They had to get rid of their comrades" bodies to lose the Titans that were chasing them, causing Y/n to shed another single tear. Mikasa rode back up beside him, staring down at him with a sad smile.

They had lost so much this day. It was almost unbearable. But they're Scouts, they had to keep moving forward, or no one else would.

Y/n fell into a deep sombre slumber due to the wagon's gentle rocks and the heavy exhaustion that was still pressing down onto him.


Queen: THEY"RE HERE!?!

King: Yes. Reportedly the Female and Armored have broken through our defenses. We have little to no time.

Y/n was sitting on the floor of a large room filled with wooden toys. His favorite being a small toy warrior-king which was currently clutched in his small hands. As soon as his father burst through the door, he stopped and looked up at both his parents, curious and a little scared.

Queen: But I thought you said you had covered your tracks!

King: (Panicked) I know, Catherine! But they managed to track down some loose ends we still had with the failed restorationists. And with the help of Zeke, we were found out. (Slamming his fist into a nearby cabinet, causing Y/n to jump) I knew we should never have visited Grisha. My Empire is crumbling before my eyes. The secret of the King Titan is going to be revealed. Everyone in Eldia will be subjugated just like every other Eldian. (Sobbing) I failed my ancestors.
Queen: (comforting her husband) No, Richard. We can sue for peace. We still have our ties with Hizuru. They won't give up their chance to wed one of their own with the future King. We have a way out.

King: No, they pulled out. As soon as Marley announced their war, they cut all ties.

A heavy silence filled the room until the King shifted his gaze to Y/n. A deep burning echoed deep within the E/c orbs that stared back into Y/n's.

King: Hope isn't lost. . . we still have our son.

Queen: (Quickly realizing) No. No, Richard, you can't! He's four. He is just a boy!

The King moved past his wife and headed straight for the frightened Y/n who still played on the floor.

King: He can survive!

The King roughly grabbed Y/n by the arm and lifted him up, pulling him away. The Queen cried as she pleaded with her husband. Y/n's grip on his favorite toy loosened, letting the toy king drop to the ground, shattering into pieces.

King: HE IS OUR ONLY HOPE! I promise you, boy, this won't hurt a bit.

Y/n awoke to an unusual feeling. His head was resting against something soft. It was softer than the rain cloak they used as a makeshift pillow. But apart from that, a gentle sensation was occurring on his head. A hand was running through his hair, stroking him softly. It was soothing, causing Y/n to feel light. His E/c eyes fluttered open to see Mikasa right above him. She was looking down at him with her best gently gaze she had. She looked like a goddess. The way the sun reflected through her hair illuminated her skin and made her dark eyes sparkle.

It took a second for him to realize his head was resting in her lap, and the calming stroking on his head was her hand. Her slender fingers ran through his H/c locks, sending a shiver to run up and down his spine.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Am I dead? Is this heaven? It sure feels like it.

Mikasa: You're awake.

Y/n: W-Where are we? How long was I passed out for?

Mikasa: (Shaking her head) Not long. (Looking to the front of the wagon) We're here. We made it back to Wall Rose.
Y/n craned his neck slightly to see the large fortification that protected the remnants of humanity.

Y/n: (Looking back at Mikasa) Why are you--

Mikasa: You were whimpering and tossing in your sleep. It appeared you were having a bad dream. I thought this would relax you. (Looking away sheepishly) I-I'll stop.

Y/n: No. (Mikasa looked back down, hopeful) I like it. Please.

Mikasa nodded before resuming her stroking.

Mikasa: Do you know what it was about? The dream.

Y/n: (Shaking his head) I don't know. . . I forgot I even had a dream. But I know it felt real, real and horrifying. But I haven't the faintest clue as to why.

Mikasa: Well, it's gone now.

Y/n: (sigh) Yeah.

As they passed under the gate, a line of citizens appeared on either side of the road, watching them pass by.

Man 1: Am I miscounting, or are there fewer of "em than when they left?

Man 2: No, there's a lot fewer.

Man 3: Must've been a bad one.

Man 4: I don't get it. They were all piss and vinegar this morning. They're already back?
Man 2: Hell, why bother leavin' in the first place?

Man 1: No idea. I'd say by the looks on their faces they hoped to be gone longer. Our taxes hard at work, ladies and gentlemen. Bravo.

Y/n growled and sat up, glaring out across the gathered crowd.

Y/n: (Thoughts) How dare they! They don't know what it is like out there. They will never know the horrors they suffer just to give freedom to these fat dogs who can't see past their pint glass.

Mikasa: Y/n, you shouldn't bother.

Y/n then spotted two children standing on a stack of boxes. They were watching them with large smiles, causing Y/n's anger to fade away.

Boy: Awesome! Beat, but they're still ready to go! You gotta be made of nails to ride with these guys! They're unstoppable!

Y/n smiled softly. Knowing that the hope of the Survey Corps isn't gone from the world entirely.

Further up the convoy, Levi was walking, towing his horse along, when an older man walked up to him and started to talk.

Petra's Father: Excuse me, Captain Levi? G-Good evening. I, uh-- Yes. I'm Petra's father, sir. Might I bend your ear before she sees us? I received this letter from her somewhat recently. Apparently, you handpicked her yourself. She's very excited, I can assure you. In fact, it sounds like she's utterly devoted to you in every way. So devoted that, well, to be honest, her mother and I are a bit concerned, you see. (Chuckle) Now, I-- I know that fathers can have trouble letting go. But still, I can't help but feel she's far too young to be thinking about marriage. She has so much yet to experience before settling down.
Levi didn't respond, nor did he even acknowledge he was there. The sad, depressive feelings inside him were agonizing, and he was doing his utmost to keep it from showing upon his face.

Erwin was walking his horse along with Miche and Hanji when the hate was starting to get worse.

Man 1: Give us some answers, damn you! We have a right!

Female: How many lives were lost on this mission? Was it worth it? Was it really worth it?

Male 2: You think the last thing going through their minds was "for the good of humanity?"

Armin: (Narrating)The causalities incurred during the Scout Regiment's latest excursion beyond the wall were profound. So much so that what little public Favour they still held was all but crushed.

As Mikasa stroked Y/n's head, he thought about crying. It would probably feel good, letting go of all the sadness about his fallen comrades, the hateful words being thrown at them by the people they're trying to protect, and the realization Annie was a traitor. . . But he couldn't. They refused to come. His heart has been dried out already. He had no more tears to shed.
Y/n: (Thoughts) Is this what you felt all this time, Father?

Armin: (Narrating) Within hours of their return, Erwin and the battle-weary survivors were called to the capital. The Scouts" custody of Eren was summarily revoked.


Next Episode: Stale Donut

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