Chapter 3: Blood

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Eren: Come on. It's just around the corner!

Eren, the energetic brown-haired boy, led the group of ten/nine-year-old towards his home. Y/n was beside Armin, just a few paces behind Eren and Mikasa. Y/n couldn't believe he was actually hanging out with other kids his own age. A smile was present on his face, not a very large grin, but it was there, nonetheless. And the blond-haired boy beside him seemed to notice.

Armin: You seem to be in a cheery mood for one who had just got his cheek cut open.

Y/n: (Turning to look at Armin) Huh?

Y/n then felt the familiar stinge of pain pierce him once again, but it seems a bit duller than before. Every minute after he started to feel the pain, it felt better. He guessed that was what happened to every cut or injure one may have. He had not really fret or urgency about receiving help from Doctor Jaeger, but Y/n just liked being around his friends. And if visiting a doctor allowed him to spend one or two more hours with them, he would be damn sure to take it.

Y/n: Oh, yeah. I guess I never really met someone my own age before.

Armin: What, really?

Eren: (Turning around, walking backwards, so he could see Y/n and Armin) Wait, you never played with any kids your own age!?

Y/n: (Nodding) Mhm. I was adopted by my father when I was around four. From there, I spent most of my time with my extended family.

Armin: Extended family?

Y/n: My father was a Captain in the Survey Corps when he adopted me. All I ever knew was their way of life.

Eren: (Stopping, his eyes wide) WHAT!?! NO WAY!

Everyone else stopped, looking at the boy with a confused stare. Mikasa glared at him with slight annoyance in her stoic features.

Eren: You mean to tell me you live with the Scouts!

Y/n: (Looking confused) Well. . . yeah. (Eren went starry-eyed) My Aunt and Uncle are also soldiers, looking after me, training me how to fight.

Armin: That was why you did so well against the bullies.

Y/n: (Looking at his blonde friend) Yep. They were very adamant that I learned how to fight. I was taught how to use ODM gear as well. That was only recently, though.
Eren: I'm so jealous! I have always wanted to join the Scouts. And you're practically already one!

Mikasa: (Quietly) Eren. What would your Mother and Father say?

Eren: Ah, who cares! I'm leaving this dump as soon as I can anyway. There is no point in hiding it anymore!

Y/n: There is more to life than the Scouts, Eren. Trust me. I want to join as soon as I'm old enough to. . . but they're my family. I've never really known my true family. But you do, so I would say cherish that for as long as you can.

Silence overtook their small group. Each individual looked at Y/n a different way. Armin had a look of consideration and respect, while Eren looked doubtful at his words, and Mikasa looked kind of. . . sad. Y/n looked at the dark-haired girl, wondering about her family.

Eren: Pfft. That's lame. I'm going to see the world beyond these stinkin' walls. And then, I will kill every single last Titan!

Y/n: (Sigh) Well, it seems like there is no changing your mind.

Y/n pulled the once-white handkerchief away from his face to see that it was now colored red.
Y/n: (Looking guilty) I'm sorry, Mikasa. It seems I may have ruined this.

Mikasa: It's okay. But we should get you to Doctor Jaeger before that cut gets infected.

Eren: Oh, right. (Leading the way once more) This way!

Y/n watched as Mikasa turned and followed Eren closely. He longed to see her smile; he wondered how much it would brighten the dark world around them. A feeling burst from within his stomach, causing him to gasp slightly.

Y/n: (Thoughts) What is this feeling? Why does my body act this way whenever I'm around her? It doesn't make sense!

His daze was interrupted by Armin, who placed a hand on his shoulder.

Armin: Are you sure you're, okay? You seem a bit out of it.

Y/n: (turning to his blonde friend, red as a tomato) What! I'm fine! Nothing strange is going on, I-I swear.

Armin squinted his eyes in suspicion before slowly nodding his head and following their friends further up the path. Y/n let out a long and heavy breath.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Was this what it felt like, hanging out with people your own age? (Looking up at his three new friends) I wonder?
Y/n quickly caught up with the group before they got too far. It wasn't long until they came to a beautiful, humble home. Eren walked towards the front door, opening it. Y/n followed with the others.

Eren: (Calling out) We're home!

???: Oh good, you're just in time for supper.

An unknown women's voice called out. Y/n assumed it was Eren's mother, and his theory was confirmed when he walked into the modest home with Mikasa and Armin.

Eren: (Gesturing to them) I hope you don't mind, but I brought friends.

Y/n spotted a middle-aged woman standing in front of a countertop. A carrot lay half-chopped in front of her. A knife clutched in her hand. Her eyes seemed to sparkle upon seeing them, and her face turned up into a large grin. Y/n couldn't help but see the beauty that still resided within her. She really was beautiful. She lay the knife down before turning to them fully.

Eren's mother: Hello, welcome! Armin, it is good to see you again.

Armin: (Waving) L-Like wise.

Eren's mother: (Turning to Y/n) And you must be- (Gasp)
Y/n was confused as to why the woman now looked at him with horror. He glanced at the others to gauge what was going on, but before he could get a response out of them, the woman spoke once more.

Eren's mother: (Racing forward) Oh my, you're hurt! What happened!?

The older woman crouched in front of the stunned boy, using a finger to hover over the cut on his left cheek. Concern and worry evident in her eyes.

Eren: The local bully slashed him with a knife.

Eren's mother: That's horrible. (Standing up) Lucky your father's in.

Y/n glanced at Armin, who reassured him with a comforting smile. Y/n took a deep breath as Eren's mom walked over to the edge of the room, bet down and lifted a hatch on the floor.

Eren's mother: (Yelling down) Grisha! Could you come up here, please!

Y/n watched amazed, wondering who she was talking to.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Did they have a basement? Was Grisha Eren's father?

The mother opened the hatch fully before turning to Y/n, eyes still lined with concern.

Eren's mother: Oh, you poor thing. It must really hurt.

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