Chapter 7: One Step Closer

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Y/n felt himself drift in and out of consciousness. The ringing in his ears finally subsided, but the throbbing inside his skull still beat like a drum. The light was harsh. Every time he even attempted to open one eye; he instantly regretted it.

Mikasa: He was hurt bad.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Is that Mikasa? W-Where am I?

Eren: I can't believe the instructor would do that.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Eren is here as well. What is going on? The last thing I remember was. . . oh. That son of a bitch knocked me out.

Armin: He could have a serious concussion.

Y/n: (Thoughts) I'll tell you. It bloody hurts.

Sasha: What should we do?

Krista: We should wait until he wakes up, just to make sure he's alright.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Wow, she really has a soft angelic voice, doesn't she?

Ymir: Don't be soft on him. He deserves it after the shit he said in front of the instructor.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Well, she ruined the mood.

Krista: Don't say stuff like that, Ymir!

Connie: Seriously, why are you acting like such a bitch.

Ymir: Look, I'm just saying I don't want to waste my time watching over this doofus. 

Y/n: (Thoughts) Fair point. 

Armin: I think it's a good idea for all of us to give him some space. Only have one person watch over him for a time.

Mikasa: I'll keep the first watch.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Mikasa?

Eren: Suit yourself.

Armin: Do you need a book to read?

Mikasa: No, I should be okay. . . thank you.

The distant sound of footfalls followed by the sound of a door signaled their exit. He lay there, unable to move, to blink, or to talk. He was barely conscious as it was. But he did feel a smooth hand brush his face, resting on his cheek. He enjoyed the contact that he was being given.

Mikasa: I'm sorry, Y/n.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Mikasa, you have nothing to be sorry for. It was my own dumb loudmouth that got me into the situation in the first place. I should've just listened to you and ended the bet before it was taken that far.

Mikasa: You're a really great friend to Eren, Armin, and myself. Back when the wall fell, you came looking for us. We were pretty much just strangers to you back then, yet you came none the less. Thank you.
The soft hand that was resting on his cheek vanished, and the cold air swarmed the place where it once occupied. Y/n groaned and fought against his body.

Y/n: (Thoughts) I should say it. Yeah, now they're alone. It was a perfect time.

He slowly began to feel his body react to his commands. He first got control of his fingers and toes, then his arms, soon he was able to talk. He opened his mouth a few times, wetting his chapped lips.

Y/n: Y-Your welcome. And I forgot to mention. Your hair is really beautiful. You should keep with that style from now on.

Y/n smiled and opened his eyes, adjusting to the light that was filling the small infirmary. He was definitely lying on one of the beds that lined both sides of the room. He was most likely brought here after he passed out. He then moved his gaze over to where Mikasa would be. But what he saw made his eyes pop out his skull, and his jaw hang loose. Sitting in the chair beside him wasn't Mikasa, but Potato Girl herself, Sasha Braus. She looked equally embarrassed, turning beet red in the face and ears. 

Sasha: Uh. . . thank you?

Y/n: S-S-Sasha?!

Sasha: I-I see you're up.

Y/n (embarrassed, ashamed, and completely mortified) managed to sit up in bed.

Y/n: I'm sorry, Sasha. I totally meant that for someone else. Not that your hair isn't beautiful, it's just. . . okay, I'm just digging myself into a large hole here, aren't I?

Sasha: I totally get it. You must've thought you were talking to Mikasa.

Y/n felt his face heat up some more.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Am I really that obvious?

Sasha noticed the awkward air and turned from her position on the chair and grabbed a tray from the nightstand beside the bed.

Sasha: The doctor said you should eat. I brought this from the mess hall before dinner started. I volunteered to bring it to you.

Y/n: Aw. Thank you, Sasha.

Y/n was happy the awkwardness was finally subsiding between them. Y/n reached out and grabbed the tray and placed it on his lap. When he looked down, he saw only half the broth was left inside the bowl, and the loaf of bread was missing with only the evidence of a few crumbs left on the metal tray. Y/n looked up at Sasha to see a guilty look cross over her face. Y/n inspected her clothing to see that a few breadcrumbs and soup stains were present on her pants. 

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