Chapter 1

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Oh, Yokohama! This was the 3rd city of Japan that adorned her dreams. She wanted to see Tokyo and Kyoto for years because of her passion for Japan. But Yokohama was special. She was here because This was the city where the story took place in her favorite anime. She was going crazy with joy when she reached the places she saw in the anime.

While she was wandering around the city admiringly, a cat caught her eye. The cat looked exactly like the cat from the anime she loved. Then when the cat turned to her side, she noticed that it was carrying a book in its mouth. A cat carrying a book in its mouth? Something like this could only happen in Yokohama. Perhaps this cat was Natsume Sensei, and the book in its mouth was that book of "everything written in it turns into reality". She smiled but then a doubt gnawed at her mind. "Or is it really so?" All she had to do to say that was steal the book in this cat's mouth and write something. Of course she could deal with a stray cat. But what if it's really Natsume Sensei? Then maybe she could write something to stop time before him to returning to human form. This plan made up his mind and she slowly approached the cat. She would love the cat first, and then steal the book. For this, she even took out her pen and put it in hibernation.

And she carried out her plan! While trying to write something on the page of the book that she stole from its mouth, which she could open at random, the cat was jumping on her frantically.
When the cat failed to retrieve the book, the girl noticed a change in it. A faint light seemed to appear. But she had already finished her sentence: "Let time stand still for everyone but me! "
The crazy cat had stopped! 

She looked around, the people were turned to stone, even the birds were hovering, not flying. This really was it. And that cat really had to be Natsume Sensei. That means whatever she wrote in the book, she had to write that when she finished, Sensei had to forget everything. But if Sensei and the book were here, she could reach anyone she admired! With that, she could have gone into the Bungo Stray Dogs universe! How should she go? She certainly couldn't go without an ability. She had to load herself a great ability. And if she could even gain an ability, she could also gain a pretty face when she meet Chuuya! Ah, the character called Penelope in that webtoon was so beautiful that she could transform into her. ... When she completed the story that would teleport herself to this universe, she did not forget to take a page from the book with her just in case. As she wrote in the book, time continued to flow as she placed the book in the cat's mouth, and as she looked at herself with excitement she realized that she had indeed transformed into Penelope! Ahhh, forgetting to describe her dress, Penelope was came from ancient Europe. But the dress she was wearing was so cool! Since there was no mirror in her bag, the girl looked for an object around which she could see herself. But her gaze fell on a hat that covered ginger hair of the man. He definitely was Chuuya! When she saw him she ran towards him, shouting his name excitedly. "Chuuyaaaaaaaa-ah!"

When the man whose name had been shouted heard this, he turned around in surprise and looked for the source of the sound. Being the only person to say his name like that, he thought of his former scumbag partner. He saw a beautiful woman running towards him with fluttering pink hair. When this woman, who did not know where to stop, as soon as she got close to him, she hugged him! "Ha?! Oi, woman, get off me!" He shouted, pushing her away from himself. He could see her sly smirk when he could pull her away. The girl couldn't help but grin, even though she was aware that she was grinning devilishly. Because she knew it was time to use her new ability. Now, how could she use it? She tried to use her ability on Chuuya. But because she couldn't keep her balance, both of them found themselves on the ground when the man in front of her hit her hard. Chuuya straightened up in surprise and looked at the face of the girl, whose whole body ached from the sudden fall, with his eyes wide open:
"Gravity Control?"

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