Chapter 10 - Decay Of Angels

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"Yes! That's me~" 

It was a living room. Was they in his coat? She couldn't answer. When it comes to Nikolai she could never find an answer. She could make deals even with Fyodor but this crazy clown was different from anyone else. He was scary, he could even kill her here. 

He walked towards her and leaned close to her. 

"I heard that you have some interesting stories. So tell me my future miss fortune teller!" 

"Not just the Hunting Dogs but even Decay of Angels... I made the 4th season begin instead of the 3rd." She thought. 

"Won't you tell~" he smiled mischievously. 

"Why did you bring me here?"

He seemed disappointed, was obviously acting.

"This doesn't sound like my future... What to do? You must give the right answers or else i have to punish you! Hahahahahahaha" he said and while laughing he took a knife from his coat. 

She was scared even more but even though she knew he can she wanted to try her chance.

"You... Can't hurt me. Dos-kun sent you to take me, didn't he?"

His mischievous smile appeared again and he pointed the knife very close to her face.

"The thing is that you being alive. Noone can stop me have fun as long as you're alive~"

"Jouno! His ability! I'm scared to use itpu and turn my body into thousand pieces but I'm scared of this crazy man more than anything! Can i use it?!" She thought as the knife touching all around her face. 

Nikolai was enjoying to watch the fear in the eyes of his beautiful victim. 

"But you know what? I don't really wanna destroy this beauty. Your hair is like some wild forest birds. Fluffy and pink... I love it!"

If he was here, Jouno would close his ears because of the sound of heart beats! Birds, Nikolai likes birds but this beauty alone can never save her. She wasn't relived at all. 

"Such birds are my favorites! People try to imprison them but they live in forests far from them, they fly freely! You know what, when Dos-kun finishes his job with you, i will freeze your head and watch your beauty as much as i want!" 

He saw that her eyes grew, pupils were shaking, actually her whole body were shaking now! Nikolai's eyes also grew because of the pleasure.

"Ohhhh this! If only i could freeze this gaze of you! You can't know how happy i am to see your tears of fear!" 

He started to dance while laughing maniacally. This dance... She remembered when this animated she liked and enjoyed this scene. 

"You.. you like them because they're free... Then why will you imprison me?"

He stopped and seemed surprised.

"Huh? That's a good question. But the answer is too easy!" He answered while walking towards her and leaned close her face again. She felt something painful were coming. 

"Because you're not a bird!!!" He shouted and stabbed her knee. Thankfully, she saw this coming and before the knife wound deepened she used Jouno's ability and the knife cut the armchair among the countless pieces of her body. Nikolai took few steps back because of the dust. He was surprised. 

"Well well, you have some abilities to use huh. But you know, i have some tricks here." He said and started to look for something. Meanwhile Sev was trying to reach a far corner of the room and reshape but this wasn't easy. She was scared to lose her body but Nikolai was the scariest thing in the worlds for her. 

Nikolai found and lighted a torch. 

"I can't stab you but i can burn you!!! Hahahahaha! I hope your hair won't burn though~" 

She had no choice but deactivate the ability. She was successful to collect every pieces of her body but couldn't be happy. 

"Why are you hurting people?.."

When he heard her voice, he turned back to see her on her knees behind him. 

"Hahaha cuz it's fun!~"

She wiped her tears. 

"Don't fool yourself! It's not fun! If you wanna lose the sight of yourself go kill yourself! The whole world and you will be free from you! If you don't want anyone to see your core, go kill Fyodor! How hurting and killing people makes you feel free?! You stupid maniac clown! Go kill yourself!" she cried. 

Nikolai gasped and dropped the torch. He immediately walked towards her and held both of her hands. 

"You...are so special! I won't let anyone take you!"

He grabbed her arm and stand up pulling her as well. 

"Let's go finish this job then you'll be only mine!" 

This was the worse! What will he do to her? She couldn't shut up again and created troubles. She was thinking what to do as she lost Jouno's ability and gained Nikolai's. 

"Let go of me!" She cried while passing through the coat and appearing in an office. 

"Do your job, manager San~" Nikolai said to the owner. When she followed his gaze and saw the manager she stopped in surprise. 

The man was surprised because of the sudden appearance. He took of his reading glasses and stood up immediately. 

"You can't just appear here you crazy clown, this is a prestigious casino!" he said angrily. 

With his beautiful pink or purple and white long hair this man was Sigma. He was Sev's 4th favorite character. 

Nikolai laughed and pulled Sev towards himself to hug. 

"Your reaction is always so good but i found my treasure!~" 

Sigma's disappointment was readable on his face while watching them. Sev was trying to free herself from the scary hug.

"Just let me hold her hand and give you the information. So you can leave immediately." Sigma sighed.  

"No Sigma they're using you! They'll kill you when your job is over! This is not a home for You! This is a trap! Sigma don't work with Decay of Angels! I'll let you know-" She shouted as soon as she could free herself but Nikolai pulled her to himself again and closed her mouth with his hand. 

"I don't think it's the right time for the my little bird to sing~"  

She checked Sigma's reaction and her worried eyes met with his confused eyes. 

"...Who is she?" He could asked. 

"I don't think this is a right time for you to ask questions manager san~" said Nikolai with a sly smile. 

"You'd better do your job so I can leave without causing a problem for your precious casino, huh?" 

He hesitantly walked towards her while she trying to free herself from Nikolai's hands but couldn't. She just slightly Shaked her head to give him a "No!" Message. 

Sigma told nothing or had no choice but be quiet and do his job. He hold her hand while looking her tearful eyes. But for real, who was she? 

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