Chapter 20: The Hunt: Let the tragedy begin!

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Warning: this chapter contains scenes of severe torture and murder.

Word count: 2400

A few peaceful days has passed. There was no news from Fyodor or Nikolai. That's why Sev had no intention of returning yet. It made her happy to stay with Chuuya, who got used to her and accepted her into his life even for a while. He even let her hold his hand once! The girl could have fun with whoever she wanted among the Port Mafia or the agency, she even made Tachihara arrange a tea time with Jouno and Tetcho. So everything was beautiful in this life.

That was until she suddenly wake up from sleep with a dream that feels like falling off a cliff. But the strange thing was that there was someone in the bed and he immediately turned on the lights seeing how she wake up.

"Did you have a nightmare, my little bird?"

That was Nikolai! How, when why was he in her bed, in Chuuya's house?! The drowsiness was gone but she couldn't even get out of bed because of fear.

"Why are you...?"

"Dos kun made me work and travel too much so i wanted to sleep~" he smiled. This wasn't even an answer!

"Sleep well then!" she could say when she finally get out of the bed and walked away to go to Chuuya because he wouldn't hurt her but Chuuya.

Nikolai didn't do anything but

"Are you sure? You may not like what you'll see there~" he said smirking.

When he said this, she ran out of the room and went into the living room because yes, he wouldn't hurt her but Chuuya...

The pale light of the living room illuminating the corridor increased her fear cuz Chuuya wouldn't light such a night lamp. When she entered the living room she froze. The order in the living room was disrupted; armchairs, tables and everything else were gone. In the middle of the room was a large cage, similar to a holding cell, with a chair in the middle. AndChuuya was tied unconsciously to this chair. Sev would perceive these details around Chuuya much later. When the initial shock passed and she came to, she screamed his name, but Chuuya did not wake up. Since she couldn't get in, she held on to the bars and shouted his name a few more times, but Chuuya stood motionless like an idol (as statues worshiped with the belief that they are gods).

Then Nikolai appeared in the cage, right next to Chuuya. After watching Sev's face for a while, he smiled and walked towards her. Reaching out his hand outside the cage he wanted to touch her face, but Sev stepped back and did not allow it.

"I love this face of yours. Dos kun said that this wasn't your real face. Okay, I admit I was disappointed. But I still love you for choosing this face, because I couldn't- i mean i probably can't see these expressions on your real face hehe."

"Why isn't Chuuya responding? What did you do to him?!" she asked not giving a fuxx about what he said.

"He's just unconscious and under anesthesia. Don't worry, he won't feel anything~"

"Didn't you say that when Fyodor was done with me? Why are you here now?"

"But you always talk about writing on the page and leaving, I can't know when you will disappear..." He was sulking

"Do you always listen to us?"

"Unfortunately, little bird. I told you Dos Kun made me travel to far far away. I just returned today~"

She wondered why Fyodor made him travel far away, but she couldn't think long enough to find an answer. She has to think about his plans for Chuuya and how she can save him..

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