Chapter 4

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"I wanna embrace him! I wanna kiss him! I'll use Rashoumon to wrap myself with him!"
These were her thoughts when she saw Akutagawa in front of her. But she obviously can't do this or even Rashoumon can cut them off.
She looked at Higuchi. Her face was nervous and surprised because of what she heard just now. Oh her God, is she thinking that she were doing some weird things with Chuuya?! When the girl turned her gaze to Akutagawa, she was glad to see his usual plain face. He sure wouldn't care such a thing but she wanted to remove doubts. Meanwhile Chuuya left her wrist and introduce her to them:
"She is Sev. Our new member."
He expected the girl to eat Akutagawa but was about to be surprised to see her frozen gaze. Then she walked towards Higuchi and hugged her suddenly. Yeah now she was behaving like herself.
"Higuchi you're so beautiful! I love you. I support your love. Fight for it girl!!! Oh by the way we werejust talking about my ability. İ didn't touch Chuuya san you know haha."
"What are you babbling about?" Chuuya stopped her to prevent himself from disgracing.
Hearing this Sev stopped talking and reached across Akutagawa then extended her hand to shake hands. 
Akutagawa involuntarily shook the new member's hand.
"Yatsugare no-"
"'Yatsugare no namae wa Akutagawa!'
He observed the face with great enthusiasm of the girl with questioning eyes while she were holding his hand with both her hands and making it tighter.
"Aww Yatsugare kuuuuuunnn! As I expected, holding your hand is not enough. Please let me hug you for once. You are my second favorite afterall!"
"Akutagawa Senpai!.."
She didn't mind Higuchi and was sure the man had an expression of disgust on his face. He turned his gaze to the sighing man behind her.
"Chuuya san, may I know if this person is my superior or subordinate?"
Chuuya was curious that if he learns that she is his subordinate would he activate his ability?
"I don't know yet. We'll ask to Mori San this. But she has valuable informations even about future.I'll be her body guard and you can at least behave like she is a special guest. And you... Leave his hand already!"
Akutagawa quickly withdrew his hand.
"Akutagawa Kun you're so cruel...oh Higuchi don't worry. I'm after Chuuya's heart. AkuHigu is my almost favorite ship now. Awwwww please be together you two and live happily ever after!"
"Akutagawa, we need to be patient with her eccentric personality for now."
Following Chuuya's command, Akutagawa fell silent. All that remained were his eyes, which did not even try to hide his anger. On the other hand, Higuchi was silently waiting behind in embarrassment. She regretted revealing Higuchi's feelings but isn't this something obvious to everyone? Except for Akutagawa though. It was very difficult for someone who could not see their own value to accept the value that someone else saw in themselves. It would be great if she could fix this. Anyways, she need Akutagawa's respect right now.
"Do you wanna learn what my ability is, Akutagawa Kun?"
"Her ability is a bit complicated."
"Let me show you all Chuuya. But can i borrow your coat please?"
"Chuuya, don't you remember "whatever i want" part? Please otherwise i can't do my show. "
He sighed again then he took off his coat and handed it to her.
"I'm not sure if dealing with you is more frustrating than Dazai. Just don't get my coat dirty."
Seeing this conversation the others thought if she is even superior of Chuuya.
Rashoumon... Such a destructive ability. She knows if she use this on a living form she'd hurt it. So she chose a chair as her target. She thought about how to shout Rashoumon in a cool way after she identified the target. Looking at the impatient gazes of the others, she thought she should act without further thinking.
The people in the room saw with shock that Chuuya's coat that the girl was wearing started to move.
Her Rashoumon cut the chair and the desk even the floor!
The girl smiled slightly embarrassed.
"Haha, It cost a little, but I think it was successful for the first try, huh?"
"...Yatsugare no Rashoumon... How?..."
While the others staring in amazement Chuuya smiled with relief that he had finally answered the question marks in his mind.
Sev smiled and slipped Chuuya's coat over his shoulder again. Then happily sit on a chair next to the destroyed one. As she could manipulate gravity now, they became even more surprised when they see her floating in the air with the chair.
"Chuuya San's ability?"
Chuuya's faint laughter turned all eyes towards him.
"Haha, Copying, huh? That was a nice trick."
Hearing this, the girl who was flying around the room suddenly landed in front of Chuuya. With a mocking but joyful smile on her face:
"You're too late to realize that, Chuuya. You could have understand it when you saw Chuuya chan." Said and hold his hand:
"So, Chuuya, do you like it?"
"Since you've touched me and the others every chance you get, you need to touch to ability users to copy the abilities."
"Haha wrong way but correct answer. İ touch you because I'm in love with you and i love almost everyone so much here. That's why when i was creating this ability I made the touch rule."
"Creating?You also said you chose your face. You created yourself?"
"Oh.. i guess i can't explain this right now it's a bit complicated haha."
The question marks on Chuuya's face did not disappear. And the same question marks appeared in the other two.
"I'm sorry Chuuya, I'll explain everything to you but i just can't do it now.... And I'm hungry. Can we all have a double date?
"What?" "What?!" "What?!!
Said the others at the same time like they had agreed to play this part together.
It was an elegant restaurant by Yokohama Port. Akutagawa was the one who joined them the last. He was in a cool black jacket and black pants which Sev already known from the anime. Higuchi were in a knee-length black dress that Sev remembers from Mayoi cards. When she saw Higuchi's dress, she was surprised that the cards were also real. Then she regretted forcing Chuuya to wear his black leather jacket over a white T-shirt. Maybe he could join as one of the cool cards.
She decided to have a peaceful dinner with her favorite characters, not bothering them with questions or surprising them by uncovering what she knows about them.
The men at the table ate in silence and Sev could not decide whether she or Higuchi was happier on this unforgettable night. 

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