Chapter 5

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Akutagawa and Higuchi left the restaurant together. Sev was waiting alone at the entrance as Chuuya went to fetch the car from where it was parked. 

Even though she wanted to go to the car together, Chuuya refused her offer. Ever since he met this girl this morning, he hadn't been comfortable and wanted some time alone. She even took his jacket on the pretext that it was cold. He was going to take the girl to his own house soon, and he was really bored with it. 

 Sev felt uneasy as it was her first time alone in this unfamiliar anime city. Fortunately, she had managed to make Chuuya her personal bodyguard, otherwise she wasn't even sure if she would survive here. While thinking these things, her eye fell upon a homeless man approaching her direction. He was wearing torn and dirty clothes and the hair of the man who forgot the existence of the scissors was covering his face yet he was looking for something in the ground. In this distraught state, the man got so close to Sev that she felt uneasy and had to take a few steps back. Thereupon, the man walked towards her as if he was attacking her, and even hit Sev and dropped her to the ground, then picked something up from the ground. She couldn't say something except for a faint scream because she couldn't decide whether she curse or ask help. Was this stupid man really attacking her? She wanted to get up immediately and walk away, but the man had already stood up and extended his hand to her. 

"Ohh I'm so sorry young lady. Please let me help you." 

Should she hold the hand? She looked at the man with questioning eyes, but the visible parts of the face covered by his hair was not visible anymore because of the brightness of the street lamp behind him. But the thing that bothered her the most was the man's voice. That voice sounded very familiar, and for some reason, it made her more afraid of the man. While she was thinking unnecessary things, she realized that she was on the floor and thought it more appropriate to stand up instead of being in a pitiful state in front of this man. So she hold his hand and stood up. As soon as the girl stood up, the man handed her what he was holding in his other hand. It was a little furry thing that moved! Whatever it is, it was definitely alive! Fearing almost all animals, the girl let out a loud cry and tried to pull her hand back and push the thing away, but the man held it tight. 

 "Hold tight in your hand or he may hurt you." He said. Although she wanted to get rid of it, she had no choice but to hold it. 

 "I was looking for my friend. I'm so sorry I knocked you down trying to catch him. Look how cute he is."

When the man let go of her hand, she saw that there was a rat in her hand! She wanted to throw the rat , but would it attack if she let it go? The girl looked at the man in horror. For some reason, as soon as she saw the rat, all the questions in her mind seemed to have been answered. A devilish smile appeared on his face, which she had looked at just to be sure. Yes, he was Fyodor! The main villain was standing in front of could she face something so extreme on the first day she entered this world? How could she get out of this situation? In this moment of great fear, when her legs were shaking, the idea of ​​using her ability came to her mind. But as soon as she vaguely thought about it, the rat in her hand stopped moving and she felt her hand get wet with something warm. 

 "Uh-huh... You really are acopycat. Good to see my prediction come true. So, how is it? Did you like my ability? Ahh poor girl you're trembling. This reminds me of my first time." 

 "What the hell is going on here?!" While saying this, Chuuya threw Fyodor under a tree with his punch by activating his ability. He turned to look at her and saw that she was holding a dead rat in her hand and trembling. She was saying something in a whisper because she couldn't speak. 

"What the hell are you saying?"said Chuuya and approached the girl.

"Let's run. Let's escape from here. Let's run from that man." These were the words the girl were saying in a whisper. 

 "Huh? You're saying 'run' to me. Have you lost your mind!"

 Chuuya turned around, squeezed the neck of the man who was too lazy to stand up and slammed him against a tree. 

 "Who the hell are you!"

 Sev who had relaxed for a moment and stopped thinking when Chuuya arrived flinched in horror when she saw Chuuya and Fyodor together. Fyodor could kill him! She should prevented Chuuya's death! 

 "Don't touch him!" She cried and ran towards them. 

 "Is this the right move?" Fyodor said when she was about to grab Chuuya's wrist. The girl withdrew her hand in fear immediately. She couldn't even touch her beloved Chuuya, how would she save him? 

 "Don't kill him." She said pleadingly. 

 Fyodor smirked. When she saw that smirk, she shuddered to remember the smile he had before he killed the cop in the final episode of season 3. Then she shifted her gaze to Chuuya for fear of blood spurting out. 

 "Don't you take me seriously when your life is in my hands?!" Said Chuuya to him. He was extremely angry. 

 "And why the hell are you telling me to not kill him?" 

 Fortunately, Fyodor had not killed him yet. So there was a chance to make a deal with him?.. She begged down on her knees. 

 "Let him go please. I'll do whatever you want. So please don't kill him." 

She was actually talking with Fyodor but revealing his identity or informations about his ability would be dangerous. On the other hand, Chuuya was surprised. He couldn't understand how that proud and vicious woman had suddenly become so timid and began to beg. Was this pathetic man so dangerous? How could she be so afraid of him when he was with her as her bodyguard? 

 "Why would i kill him you stupid woman. So stand up already." 

 He left the man's neck and held out his hand to take her by the arm but she immediately withdrew. 

"Don't touch me!"

 What? Was this contact addicted woman telling him not to touch her now? Was she afraid of even himself now? 

"What did you do?" He said to the man. 

"I'm a mere homeless man. What can I do sir?" Said the man he wasn't pathetic but wasn't mocking or proud either. But Chuuya thought that he shouldn't believe him and should do a good interrogation. Then Sev interrupted his thoughts. 

"Leave him alone Chuuya! Instead help me, i need to find someone else immediately. Please let's go to him as soon as possible." 

"Someone else? In such a situation who is she desperately looking for?" Thought Chuuya. 

 "Who is it?" 


Fyodor felt Chuuya's hand relaxed and then let him go. 

 "Get lost." He said to Fyodor. She was still sitting on the ground. He crouched down as well and looked at her eyes. 

"Do you really want me to go to that bastard?" Said softly. He actually wanted to shout and get angry but he somehow felt someting is wrong and Dazai must be the only one to solve the problem. But still he didn't want to go to him. 

 "I'm sorry Chuuya but don't be persistent. Please help me. Dazai is the only one who can help me now. You don't need to talk with him just show me his place and I'll go to him. İ know you don't have to help me but please..." 

" You said 'whatever i want' .... So let's go... To him."

 Hearing this she started to cry. Because she finally felt relieved. Fyodor was gone and they were going to see Dazai. Dazai could save her and Chuuya as well. He could win over Fyodor. 

"I said yes, why the hell are you crying now!" 

"Thank you Chuuya." 

 She was finally smiling yet with tears.

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