Chapter 22 - The Tragedy

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Word count: 1984 

What the hell was this? They couldn't even be happy about such a miracle as meeting herselves. 

The Kurdish man, Rasim started to translate their dialogue to English for Fyodor. 

"Ina va tı juna dınyara eza. Tı raşta eza? Namey to çıçiyo?" (They said you're me from a different universe. Are you really me? What's your name?)

"... Sewda..." Sev could answer. That person has definitely nothing to do with herself! What was this? They made her talk freely with that traitor Kurdish man and now they're trying to deceive her with this nonsense?

"Rew qısey bık. Noyo eyre vana ma sevanese." (Talk fast, he is translating whatever we say to him.) So called Sewda warned her. Yes, that was rational but she was a completely different person! Yes this was the different universe but isn't this just too much difference? 

"To na xasek kotira dine? Ho mıra,çı pis.." (Where did you find this beauty? Look at me, how ugly i am.) She talked casually, as if everything is fine, she was talking about their bodies. And how does she even ask this, yes Fyodor must tell her about Sev's body being fake but that question was just nonsense. 

Hearing the translation Nikolai joined the chat:

"Oh yes, she is right my little bird! You should have seen my disappointment when i see her ugly face! This has nothing to do with my beautiful bird..." 

Prisoner Sewda looked at Nikolai with an angry expression. She had a truly hateful look. 

Fyodor was just observing the situation while listening the translation. Something was off and he was trying to understand the reason. He then asked Nikolai to take off the sacks on the other hostages heads. That was the time our Sev finally reacted. The hostages was sure her family! There was just a little difference from her universe but they obviously her family! 

Her eyes opened wide and without even realizing it, she ran towards her parents and siblings, shouting their names.

Yes, that was the reaction Fyodor and Nikolai was waiting for! She fell off the familiar cliff again -Nikolai's ability- and saw her at the place she was sending before. Because it would be fun to watch her struggles, he cuffed her wrist to a machine and then stepped back. 

"Don't even dare to touch their hair!" she cried. 

"Now you're talking." Nikolai laughed.

Seeing her reaction Sewda of this universe relieved. Then she was on her side for real, she would fight for her family. She had been suspicious when she first saw her and this annoying looking woman didn't even bother to look at her. But this reaction, made her trust herself of another universe. 

Her family was surprised cuz nobody told them about all these universes story. 

Fyodor was now focused more on his brainstorming. Something was off. What was it?

"Bewni mıra Sewda'y tyay!" (Look at me Sewda of this place!) The prisoner Sewda talked, making Sev turning to her. 

"Ez bımır zi eza inan bıreyn, tıya sekere?" (Even if i die, I'll save them, you? What about you?) 

"Seni?" (How?)

"Gej meb! Oyo eyre vano qısane ma! Veri vaj, ni hürnana kam zoro? (Don't be stupid! He is translating our words! Tell me first, who is the hardest among this two?) 

The prisoner was trying hard. She was rational even in this situation and planning something. But Sev felt herself useless, how can she even help herself? Wasn't she even equal to her very self? That's wasn't the problem now, she had to help her, if she is useless, with Nikolai's ability, which she can't use cuz she had no coat on her, she must help Sewda. 

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