The Shopping Date & Gaiden

77 3 84

Word Count: 1540

Warning: This and the next chapter contains BSD Gaiden light novel/manga spoilers. In this chapter, it's just informations you can learn in the first chapter of it so feel free to read. 

She woke up when Chuuya called her, she was wearing Chuuya's clothes; a white t-shirt, a black jacket and black pants, she sat down at Chuuya's masterfully prepared breakfast and was having it alone with Chuuya. But looking at her thoughtful face, none of this seemed to care. He would prefer even her annoying self to that quiet and troubled face. As if what he had learned yesterday wasn't frustrating enough, that face bothered him even more. 

 "Why didn't you use the page and escape?" he asked, breaking the silence. Also at Dazai's house, she had asked for help. So she can't do this alone but why? 

 "Because the page is so valuable, I hid it so even I couldn't use it alone so it would be hard for others to find it. I need someone I can trust to use it."

When their eyes met and Chuuya looked at her face, he knew that he was not the person she trusted.

"Is there someone you can trust?"


Her answer was a confident answer. Now he wondered who this trustworthy person was. She must have understood his curiosity, because she continued her words.

"Miyazawa Kenji or Nakajima Atsushi aka Jinko from the Armed Detective Agency. I trust them. I'll find them as soon as possible."

He frowned upon hearing the agency's name, but was glad to learn that Dazai wasn't the trusted person. On the other hand, it was annoying that, as a mafia member, she was thinking of wrapping everything up and running away with the help of the agency. It was clear that this was something Chuuya, as the mafia executive, had to prevent. But when he thought about how he had failed to do so at Dazai's house, he hesitated to try to say something contradictory again. She continued, as if she had read his mind again.

"I'm glad to see you're at least hesitant about it. I'll ask you to take me to the agency, but if you don't agree, I can ask other mafia members. You just need to know that even if you object, I will get help from them and use the page and turn everything back to the way it was before I came."

Chuuya didn't like his threatening tone, but he remained silent despite this.

"Hurry up and have your breakfast. We need to buy you clothes so we can go report to the boss."

The silent nod of her head was making him uncomfortable. It wasn't because he cared about her as a woman, but at a time when no one was laughing wholeheartedly, she had made a difference with her colorful personality and cheerful demeanor. Even though her obsession with himself infuriated him, and she mischievously counted his secrets, in just a day, even if he doesn't want to admit it, Chuuya got used to the light of Sev.

"I don't like going on a shopping date with a woman who is obsessed with me either, Sev." he muttered to her, just to cheer her up and to remind her that this was one of those romantic things she wanted so much. 

She was surprised to hear this, then she smiled. Despite telling Chuuya of her plan and letting him know that she would go against him, he was saying such a thing to raise her mood. She didn't love this character for nothing, he had a very good heart, that he didn't show much. If Chuuya wanted her mood to rise, so would she. 

So, they went to a mall in Chuuya's red car. She was smiling, indeed she was out shopping in Yokahama on a date with her favorite character. Ahh, she just couldn't stop thinking of these guys as characters! She wasn't normally a troublemaker and wouldn't choose hundreds of clothes, but this time, for the first time in her life, she was buying clothes for such a beautiful body without worrying about money. So she wanted to try so many things, but she didn't even try as many things as she wanted so as not to offend Chuuya. Another problem was that Sev did not know the size of her body. So she tried on more clothes than necessary until she knew her measurements. All the while, Chuuya followed her quietly, occasionally telling her to hurry up, when asked his opinion on a dress, he would glance at the outfit and tell her to get whatever she wanted.

 When the shopping was over, Sev was wearing a light blue dress that went down to her knees and finally sneakers. There was no need to explain how uncomfortable the high-heeled shoes she wore under that lady's dress had been since yesterday.

Shopping really boosted women's morale. This was the best shopping for Sev in her life, she had tried on beautiful dresses with a beautiful body, and showed this beauty to the charac- man she loved, shopping with her, and of course there was no shortage of money haha, even more than the conditions for her to enjoy shopping. That's why Chuuya was able to see that bright smile again when he looked at her face. Then Chuuya realized that Sev's eyes were fixed on one spot and focused there. When he looked in that direction to check, he couldn't see anything obvious. When his gaze turned back to the woman beside him, he saw that she was sure of what she was looking at now and a look of joyful surprise appeared on her face. Then suddenly, that wicked smile came over her face.

"What, have you seen one of your favorites?" he asked, looking for a handsome man in the distance. Sev's response was to grab Chuuya's arm and tug it in the direction she was looking.

"Chuuya, that blue haired woman, lets follow her!" 

Chuuya, not wanting to miss the cheerful and carefree state of the woman that he had met for the first time yesterday, was also asking what was on his mind as he watched her, speeding up his steps.

"Why the hell are we following her? Who is she?"

"She is a detective. And now, I believe she is looking for my 6th favorite charac- I mean person! I bet he ecaped and maybe he is in a maid cafe. Haha I wanna go a maid cafe with him!"

While Tsujimura was really looking for Ayatsuji Sensei in a hurry, these two were following her.

"Don't act stupid. We must go to Mori San. As mafia members, following detectives can only becomes a declaration of war."

"Chuuya please that's my only chance to him! Don't worry, he is as intelligent as Dazai or Fyodor so he'd understand that we have no evil intentions. Ohh but his ability is dangerous so just seeing him from afar is enough for me. But I'm sure he'll notice..." Even though Chuuya stopped her, her gaze was still on the blue-haired girl.

"I hate those intelligent types around...Dangerous? You can't stop getting in trouble, can you?"

She turned to him, with a bright smile she said "I'm sorry." She wasn't sorry at all! 

"Okay... Who is this guy? And how does he look like?" 

She found a suitable time to praise Ayatsuji, and she would definitely use it. Chuuya was stunned as he listened to her answer, full of excitement, love, and admiration, and watched the glint in her eyes, the smile on her face. Yes, it was like that when she saw her other favorite characters but it was the first time she was praising someone this much. Was she aware that she was telling the man she said she was in love with about the admiration and love she felt for another man?

"Now...His name is Ayatsuji Yukito. He's one of the smartest in BSD, but he's the lead in a light novel so he never interacted with you. But there was a scene where you were talking to this blue-haired girl, Chuuya. Anyway, Ayatsuji Sensei has solved thousands of cases, he's a great intellectual. His personality is kind of annoying, he's always teasing Tsujimura and all, but I love the way he is. His ability is dangerous, so he has killed thousands of men despite being a detective! Shocking information, right? He is not an ordinary detective, he is known as detective of homocide, and the government constantly offers to kill him. But they can't do it because they need his ability and intelligence, haha. Because he's awesome! So a team led by this girl is constantly watching him. He runs away like that sometimes haha. Also he is very handsome. I think he's one of the most handsomes in the story, but I don't like his pants haha. Blonde haired, dark glasses, sometimes carries a maid doll haha. Eye color... Ahh how can I forget his eye color, I can't remember!.."


"Oh yes!! He has beautiful golden eyes! But how did you know tha-" She couldn't complete her sentence. She was aware of the answer to her question as Chuuya was lookıng at someone behind her. Then Chuuya grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her back, which she was afraid to look at.

Two meters ahead, Ayatsuji sensei, who had taken off his glasses so that Chuuya could clearly see his eye color, was smiling at her.

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