Chapter 17 - Vita Sexualis

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Word Count: 2.250

"Why didn't you buy pyjamas

yesterday? Chuuya asked casually when he saw her in his pyjamas again. "İ clearly remember that you said you'd buy one."

She smiled. It never occurred to her until she wore Chuuya's pyjamas for bedtime yesterday.

"I like this more than the ones in the shops~" she answered him. He just rolled his eyes and sighed.

Today's plan, which started calmly, would proceed by reporting to Mori San. Therefore, after breakfast, they went to The Port Mafia building and entered the boss's room without waiting.

"Oh Sev chan, you have no idea how worried I was for you!.." Mori said as soon as he saw her.

The young woman smiled sarcastically, clearly showing that she did not believe the man's words.

"Don't you believe me, Sev chan? However, I sincerely wished that Chuuya Kun could find you safely." he continued but she couldn't understand why he was lying to her despite she knowing almost everything.

"There's no need to lie, Mori San." She began to speak. "You may sincerely wish for my safety but you're the one who suggested or let's say commended Chuuya to kill me if i being caught, aren't you?"

Mori was surprised to hear this, his gaze shifted to Chuuya for a moment. Seeing this, Sev continued her speech.

"Do not worry. Chuuya wouldn't tell his respectful boss' orders and wouldn't betray his trust to uncover your secrets to a woman he met just 2 days ago. You know this better than me so I'll just let you know that i touched an ability user who can steal informations from people's mind. That's how I learned it."

He smiled.

"I have no doubts about Chuuya, Sev chan. I assigned Chuuya to protect you, but I see you are protecting him, from me. I'm being jealous here~"

As Sev's patience was overflowing, she approached the boss's desk, leaned forward and whispered so Chuuya couldn't hear.

"To be honest, i wanna punish you for all of your cruel decisions, Mori San."

Hearing this his smile left his face for an instant of shock then returned wider but right after that, his face changed into a serious expression.

"To be honest, Knowing my order means you somehow overheard me and Chuuya kun's conversation that's why I checked his face. In the mafia, you shouldn't be curious about your superiors' conversation Sev chan. Anyway, give the report Chuuya Kun."

He finished his words shifting the gaze to his executive.

They gave the report, except for the informations about the book, universes and the anime. Chuuya was uneasy as he hadn't given this information to his boss. For the first time he was hiding something from his boss. But this was very sensitive information, and Mori San would definitely want to gain this power if he knew. In this case, Sev's plan to take everything back and return to her own universe would have failed forever. And the mafia would use her blatantly so that all these people she loved, including Chuuya, would become her enemies. Chuuya was going against his boss for the first time and for this woman he had met two days ago, and it was hurting him. But Fyodor already was after Sev and the book so it wouldn't be a serious problem for the boss knowing it, too so he was going to say everything to him soon, it was just not now...

When they finished the story the boss decided to talk with Sev in private. So when Chuuya left the room both he and Sev was nervous. What did she whispered to the boss? Even though he smiled it sure wasn't a pleasant thing. Sev, on the other hand, knew that she told him that she wanted to punish him, the boss... So she was nervously waiting for his answer, will it be a punishment? It wasn't a time to see Mori San being harsh or punishing someone himself, she was thinking that he wouldn't react like that in such a situation but again, she was nervously waiting.

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