Chapter 25 : The End(s)

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Four years have passed. Sev wrote all of it as a fanfic but it turned out to be an official light novel of BSD. She doesn't remember anything, but her feelings are so strong that she was able to come up with such a fiction. There are 3 alternative endings. Choose what you want :)

1st ending:

During the Decay of Angel Arc, Chuuya discovered the existence of the book so he understood meeting Sev was thanks to it. But even though he tried to obtain the book he couldn't achieve this. He loved her for the rest of his life but couldn't see her again. 

2nd ending:

Chuuya could reach the book and used it to go to her universe. 

She was having coffee with her friends when he found her. Even though most of the memories and knowledge about her had been erased because of the book, when Chuuya saw her after four years had passed, he realized that he had not forgotten anything about the appearance of the woman he loved, and that his love had never diminished but increased. 

He was going to take it slow because he knew the woman didn't remember him.While he was thinking about what to say to her and when to go to her, a man joined them. He saw him embracing Sev and sitting next to her. This person was someone close to her, but Chuuya felt uneasy about what kind of closeness it was. After a while, when Sev leaned her head on his shoulder, Chuuya had thoughts that hurt his heart about the degree of closeness. When he looked carefully, he noticed that they had wedding rings on their ring fingers. 

He couldn't go to her and had no choice but to turn back to his universe. Even so, he didn't want to forget about her and he loved her for the rest of his life.

3rd Ending

She was reading her book out of boredom. This was a fanfiction she wrote about a fan travelling to the universe of BSD called BSD: Sev. After posting it on websites Asagiri Kafka happened to see it. He messaged her saying the fiction was so accurate, he offered publishing the story as an official light novel of the manga. Words were not enough to describe her happiness at that time. She recently received the official English translation of the book, which was published last year. While reading it someone came to her table asking 

"Excuse me, may i take your time a bit?" 

When her gaze left the book to see the owner of the -strangely- beautiful voice, she was surprised to see a Chuuya cosplayer. Following Asagiri's footsteps she hid her face so even though she was an official writer only her close friends knew her face. A Chuuya cosplayer coming to her out of blue, was this a coincidence? Or was he coming up to her because she was reading the book? Perhaps, that's rational. 

"Sure." She answered, when she realized that his hair is natural, not a wig. 

"I was reading the light novel what a coincidence Chuuya San." She smiled. Chuuya smiled as well even though he was aware that she was calling a cosplayer. He made himself remember their story so he knew about the anime but his knowledge was until four years ago. Seeing him and her on the cover he was surprised.

"How is there such a book? Let me see it." 

He grabbed the book and started to read, seeing the official arts by Harukawa he understood that this was really their story. He immediately checked the author to see if the pest somehow wrote it too but he writer's name was Sevda Güler. 

"Sev, do you remember?!" He asked to the shocked woman who was questioning how that person knows about herself while he has no idea about the book. 

"Remember what? How do you know me?" She could ask. 

Chuuya's excitement faded with disappointment. 

"May i read the book first?" He asked while he was already opening the pages and reading it. She couldn't resist the strange stranger and wait for him to read it. But it felt like the story was real and he was Chuuya for real. 

The novel ends with time flowing backwards and Sev, who does not remember anything, returning to her own universe.

Although the power of the book made her forget, Chuuya attributed Sev's writing such a fiction to the intensity of her emotions and this made him happy. Thus, his efforts to find the book and come to this universe wasn't in vain. He wanted to hug her as soon as possible so without further ado, he took out the photo he always carried with him from his wallet and placed it on the table. Getting straight to the point was also Sev's style anyway. 

"I understand that you wrote from your heart's memory, not your brain's, but you remember many scenes wrong. And also, even though I never told you, I remembered you when you forgot everything and returned to your own universe. Four years have passed since these things that you thought you made up in this book, but we actually experienced. To reach you, I tried to find the book and got it and here I am. The real Nakahara Chuuya. I know it's hard to believe, but will you believe me?" 

"What is this photo? A Photoshop? How did he get this? Is he a pervert so obsessed with me that he montaged a photo like this? No, what if it's somehow real? I wanted to add such a photo scene while writing the book, but then I gave up. My eyes are also closed, so did he put me to sleep and forcefully kiss me in the past? Was that the reason i thought about this idea? He is acting like Chuuya even having his hair to reach me because i love this character? .." She was thinking when she saw the photo but then when she heard of him, her surprise grew even more, but she got the idea that the man in front of her was sincere and telling the truth even though his words means the fantastic fiction she wrote was actually real. She wanted to believe him.

"Sev, you can't understand how much i miss you. Let me hug you for once." He said finally. Basically, this was a guy who wanted to hug less than an hour after they met. But the story he told, his words and his looks, even just his tone of voice gave confidence. 

"... I can't say I believe you, but I can't say I don't believe you either. ... But I let you hug me." She answered. In fact, she herself wanted to hug him as much as he did. 

"Actually", he said Chuuya while standing up to walk across the table and hug her "The idea of you forgetting our past would be fun just to discover the presence or absence of your love when you have no memory. That's why I wrote in the book that if you trust and believe me and hug me, you will remember everything.

(Few months later)

Chuuya and Sev got married. They arranged the door of a room in their house in Yokohama to allow passage between their universes if they wanted. Thus, since they could only pass to Sev's universe or Chuuya's universe when they wanted, it did not pose any danger, because it was an ordinary door for others. As citizens of both universes, they lived an inter-universe love story. 


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