Chapter 12 - Home

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While she was about to apologize and let him know that the woman he is looking for was herself "What's going on in my casino?!" Sigma shouted to the trouble maker. 

When Chuuya turned to the voice he saw her: The one he has been looking for since the night. She was crying on the phone but now seemed relieved. He flied towards her immediately. To not made Sigma worried she stepped forward:

"I called him." She said when he landed in front of them, she continued "He is my bodyguard." 

"Where were you? How did you even come here?" Chuuya asked impatiently. She thought he'd be angry but he seemed simply worried to her. 

"Such a bodyguard, were you waiting the clown to kill her?" Sigma teased him, trying to surpass his anger.

Hearing this Chuuya looked and saw him for the first time, he didn't like him at all but said nothing and continued to talk with Sev:

"'The clown to kill you?'" he asked. 

Was she angry with him? When she saw his worried eyes, finally near enough to touch him, she understood that hate towards him has never born in her heart and the anger has gone long before. She only missed him as if she was apart from him for ages. She wanted to hug him deeply, immediately.

Chuuya saw the tears were filling her turquoise eyes, but he had no idea what to do, she just didn't talk. How could he understand her? What was the danger? Who was the clown? 

Then she suddenly hugged him, tightly. "You'll now learn the answer." she said as her sobs let her speak. 

It was the first time anyone had hugged him with such an intensity of emotion. In fact, he couldn't even remember if anyone had hugged him before. He froze for a moment, couldn't know what to do, then hugged her back slightly guessing this was a right move. He couldn't understand but suddenly he learned the answer for the questions he asked: He learned that who was the clown and why he was a danger for them. She said "thank you..." And tightened her hug. He couldn't understand the reason of this either. 

"Sorry for disturbing you, but someone must pay for the scene earlier." Sigma complained and this woke her up. Indeed, there was broken tables, seats etc, the cards were all around the floor. 

"Did you use corruption here?" She asked with a smile. "Manager Sigma is a good man." 

Chuuya take a look at the man again then took of his credit card to offer him. 

"Here is the payment. Take as much as you want."

"Don't you pay too much for a ruthless bodyguard?" Sigma asked to Sev. She laughed as she hold Chuuya's arm to stop him. 

"Chuuya is a Port Mafia executive, Sigma." She answered and laughed more when she saw his shocked face.

"But really, Chuuya, I forgot that you're too rich. You can be sure that I'm not after your money." She smiled. 

"It's because people are usually after my power, you're no different." He sighed but then he regretted to say this, because he knew that she was different but luckily Sev didn't seem offended. When he took his card back, he continued to talk:

"Let's go."

He was expecting her to follow him immediately but she turned to Sigma and hold his arm. 

"Sigma, let's go home. I'll take you to the Armed Detective Agency. Dazai will save you, I'm sure of it." She said. 

Chuuya was questioning her words. Why were she trying to take the manager of the prestigious casino to the poor agency? The most interesting thing was that the manager was hesitant, was really trying to choose. Chuuya thought that he could never understand anything about this woman. 

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