Chapter 6

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Just in few minutes, her smiling face, albeit with difficulty, has plunged into darkness.
They were walking to Dazai's house when an old woman selling flowers stopped in front of them.

"Oh what a beautiful couple. Handsome gentleman, don't you want to buy your beautiful girlfriend a rose?"

"We don't want it, get out of the way. " Said Chuuya. 

Sev was silently staring in front of her without taking her hands out of her pockets, Chuuya didn't even think she heard the old woman. Normally, she'd be overjoyed to hear this. Chuuya was becoming more and more sure that she was really worried and scared. Despite receiving a negative response, the old woman was too stubborn to give up immediately. She took a rose in her hand and tried to force it into Sev's hand saying that a red rose, which will be the symbol of their love, would suit this beautiful woman's hand very well. 

"Don't touch her you old geezer!"

When she heard Chuuya's yelling and noticing that the woman eas forcibly tring to take her hand out of the pocket, Sev threw her onto the road with a kick. Chuuya was shocked to see her kicking an old woman that hard. Shouting "Are you crazy?!" he headed to get the old woman out of the way without causing any accident. Actually, it was Sev who was even more confused than Chuuya or the old woman. She certainly didn't know what she was doing. She ran even before Chuuya and tried to lift the woman, but luckily she remembered that she couldn't do that and withdrew. While Chuuya was taking care of the woman, she noticed that a boy was tugging at her skirt. 

 "The homeless man sent this to you." said the boy. "But he said 'don't let that man see it'."

Fyodor had sent a note! While Chuuya was busy scolding her for her persistent behavior after making sure the woman was not injured, the girl turned her back on them and started to read the note. 

"It's such a pleasure to meet you Copycat San. I hope we will meet again soon. Until then, I believe you won't reveal what you know. Otherwise, we cannot know whose life will end with a single touch. Best regards."

It was the last sentence, as she read the last sentence, she realized that a hand was quickly approaching her face. "...whose life will end with a single touch!" Whatever happened was very sudden. With the fear of death, without even realizing whose hand was approaching, she held out her own hand and held the other person's face. Trembling with the fear of death, she had no idea but to kill before the other. And she succeeded, she managed to kill before she died.It was a small face that her hand reached, no sound, no resistance, just a little trembling and a bloody face. He was the boy who handed Fyodor's note. 

"Nê... Nê, memır..." (No... No, don't die...) She murmured when she realized. 

"Hayır, lütfen ölme!.."(No, please don't die!..) she shouted while hugging the dead body of the child. Hearing this scream, Chuuya couldn't believe what he saw. How the hell did this happen! Just in few minutes, her smiling face, albeit with difficulty, has plunged into darkness. How did the boy die? Did she killed him? Chuuya looked around, no danger appeared. When the old woman saw the death of the child, she was frightened and ran away. Now there were only the two of them and the body of the child. Chuuya did not ask, knowing that he would not get an answer to the questions in his mind. He pulled out his phone and called Akutagawa. Sev was sobbing. He approached and tried to talk with her. 

"How did the kid die?"


"Hey, tell me so we can..."

"I killed him."

Although he guessed this, he was horrified at the utterance of this fact. She really killed a kid?! 

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