Chapter 21: Confronting Oneself

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Word count: 1075

When Nikolai removed the sack from the prisoner's head, Sev came face to face with a stranger. She was a blonde woman, wasn't Japanese, could be from anywhere in Europe. Who was she? Why was she here and what did she have to do with Sev or Fyodor?

Even though they had a hard time sleeping because of Nikolai's game and then both of their first kisses, Sev and Chuuya were sleeping peacefully long after the sun illuminated the room. Sev could wake up on her own and see Chuuya sleeping right next to her and admire his beauty or Chuuya could wake up earlier and watch the woman with whom he discovered the existence of romantic feelings for the first time in his life. But they had already received the prophecy that today was not a happy day, and when Chuuya woke up, he was alone in the bed. After searching the whole house in a hurry, he immediately turned to his phone and checked the location of the GPS she had been wearing as a bracelet at Mori san's suggestion. Damn it! She had indeed been kidnapped and the GPS showed the other end of the city. How long had he been asleep and not even his soul had heard that Sev had been kidnapped? He couldn't protect her again...

When she experienced that very familiar feeling of falling off the cliff, she came to her senses with fear, but her hand, reaching out to Chuuya with a last effort, found itself on Nikolai's shoulder, she was on his arms. It was like a dance move. He smiled at the girl in his arms:

"Hello my little bird." 

When Sev immediately stood up and pushed Nikolai back, she heard Fyodor's voice and looked at his direction. 

"Welcome Sev-san." 


He smiled and continued.

"My bad, Sev San. I already told you that i don't call people with their nicknames but i still call you this. I'm sorry, Sewda Güler san." 

Even though hearing her full name from Fyodor's mouth was scary, Nikolai must had listen her when she told this to Chuuya so it wasn't surprising. 

"I didn't tell him that." Nikolai interjected, as if reading her mind. Sev turned her gaze angrily towards Nikolai, but she did not believe him cuz this was the only rational reason for Fyodor to know. 

Sev then looked around. It was like an empty factory and he was sitting in a corner, this distance was probably to prevent Sev from using his ability. 

"What do you want?" 

"You already know what in searching for, Sewda." Fyodor answered. 

She noticed that he had stopped using Japanese honorifics cuz in Turkish or Zazaki they were calling people's first names. 

"And you already know that i won't help you, What are you planning to do to me?" 

She was afraid actually. Because if her body were tortured, she wouldn't be able to bear even a few scratches, and in such a scenario, she would probably surrender immediately. 

"Oh my beautiful bird already knows that i can't touch her, yet~" Nikolai started talking again. 

Even though he was probably the scariest person in the room, he was smiling and talking with a rueful expression, as if he were the most innocent person in the world. That crazy clown! Sev was grateful that Fyodor was here because she could interact with him through talking. 

Nikolai disappeared and then appeared next to Fyodor. He asked excitedly, holding his hands:

"Dos-kun! Let me show her today's fun!" 

Fyodor smiled and nodded in the face of this eccentric behavior. 

Thereupon, Nikolai joyfully lowered the lever of a machine. The slide near the wall started moving noisily and a person appeared on it, then another, and another, and another... These were people who were seated on a chair, their hands and feet were tied to the chair, and sacks were placed over their heads. Even though Sev couldn't tell who they were from their clothes, But she felt an eerie feeling.

Nikolai took the woman in the first row in his ability and brought her to the middle of the place. 

When Nikolai removed the sack from the prisoner's head, Sev came face to face with a stranger. The stranger, with a bored expression, raised her head and looked at who was around, then she examined Sev from head to toe. The woman couldn't say anything because her mouth was taped. She was a blonde woman, wasn't Japanese, could be from anywhere in Europe. Who was she? Why was she here and what did she have to do with Sev or Fyodor?

Thank God she wasn't someone she knows and loves but the stranger sure was in trouble. Sev was sad for her and the others too, would they just threaten Sev with the life of strangers? 

"Are you going to threaten me with the lives of strangers because you will use my loved ones as pawns for your future plans?" She asked to Fyodor. 

Even though the strange woman was persistently watching her, Sev did not want to establish closeness with her, she would probably die and Sev didn't want her gaze to be etched in her own memory. She would do everything she could to save these people she didn't know from Nikolai's hands but she wasn't sure if she can do it alone. Oh how much she needs Chuuya in that moment... Is he still sleeping? Could she managed to wake him up?

"Don't worry, Sewda, I'll let you figure it out yourself. Nikolai Kun, please open our guest's mouth." 

"I don't want to talk to her." 

"Of course you want, Sewda. I did my best to find her." He then called someone"Rasim come here please." 

That name was from Sev's country so she was surprised. When the man called Rasim entered the room she was stunned with surprise. Because this man was that Kurdish uncle she met a few days ago! What the hell was this? Was he working for Fyodor? That means Chuuya was right when he got angry when she was even telling about her village to someone she didn't know. 

The man approached Fyodor, looking sarcastically at Sev with a disgusting smile on his face. How easily did she trust this man?! 

She was looking for something to say as she stared at the two of them with her mouth open. Then she heard her, the stranger woman behind:

"Yane tı eza?" (So you're me?)

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