Chapter 11 - Despair and Hope

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It was a peaceful day with no quarrels at Sigma's casino. He was reading some documents while sipping his coffee. The only thing that bothering him was that the crazy clown was coming at Fyodor's behest. All Sigma had hoped for was that he would leave his casino without any trouble, but he didn't have much hope.

When he suddenly appeared in his office with a strange woman and threatened Sigma, he was sadly sure how right he was in this despair. 

The woman, as soon as she could, she told the things he already knows deep inside. He knew Fyodor was using him, he knew there would be a price for owning this huge Casino, his home but he finally found a home so he didn't mind anything about being a tool. But a trap and his death... He has never been sure about this and she had the answers. Was she has the answer of his existence as well? Fyodor commended him to learn the whereabouts of the book he was looking for. He now have to learn this... But... The answers he was looking for... He could even touch the answers right now... 

He hold her hand while she was begging him with her tearful eyes then he looked for the answer. Thus in seconds, both of them got their answers. 

Sigma's eyes grew as he stepped back it was obvious that he couldn't believe the answer he learned just now. 

Nikolai felt she stopped struggling as well. When he left her she fell on her knees and seemed relieved. 

"Oi oi oi maneger san~ Did you asked a wrong question?" He asked just before the manager collapsed in front of them.

"Sigma!!!" She cried and run to the fainted man. The answer of his existence, this was sure too heavy to carry for him. This was the answer she got. She could only asked for the question he asked and he got the all answers about his existence. 

"You care about him too much, my little bird. That makes me want to torture him in front of you~" 

She couldn't even breath. She just wanted to save him, but now he was going to be tortured because of her. She had to run away, with Sigma. She had to save him but all she has was an ability to get information while giving an information. She needed to touch Nikolai and has his ability to run. Tetchou's coat was amazingly useful for this! But could she run from his ability by using his ability? Was that impossible? Furthermore if she touch him, he'd learn an information, what would he choose? This could be a huge problem... On the other hand, she had no choice...

She took a deep breath and wiped her tears again then stand up and walked towards him. 

"Do you wanna learn if you'll be succeed in killing Fyodor?" She asked as she put her hand on his cheek as if she was caring. She couldn't hold his hand because of the glove, it was difficult to touch his wrist, she knew this from the first time he hold get hands. 

Nikolai didn't reject the hand and smirked mischievously after the first shocked face. 

She asked what he was planning to do with her, and reminding him his Fyodor plan, she hoped for him to ask if he was going to be successful so there would be no answer for him because she didn't know the answer. But when she learned his crazy plan about her and saw his mischievous smirk she stepped back just like the fainted man and was curious if she'd faith as well.

"...I will never.. help you to kill Fyodor... just to be your next victim... I'll kill you if you hurt people i love!" She could say.

"'People you love', you say. Do you mean Chuuya Nakahara, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Dazai Osamu, that manager Sigma and this one is interesting, you love Dos-kun as well? You broke my heart, my little bird, why am I only 12th?~" 

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