Chapter 3

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"Chuuya, you seemed so surprised. Why though? I know almost everything. What made you think that i can't do almost everything as well?" said while she was walking towards him with a playful smile. Then she clung to his arm and continued:

"I have such great abilities, I'm such a beauty, i know everything so i can tell you whatever you want and I'm in love with you. What else do you want from a woman? Why can't you be kind? I can't want you to fall for me immediately. Just don't act like I'm an enemy..."Chuuya sighted. 

"Will you please let go of my arm and walk properly miss beauty?"

"Wow! Tachihara Kun did i hear it correctly?!" The both was shocked. The girl smiled cheerfully. 

"Miss beauty, huh? İ love this so much! Chuuya i love you so much. Can i hug you?"

"Don't exaggerate. Let go of my arm and walk properly. Don't lean on me."

"Haha your beauty will never leave you my love."

 He sighed again. She knows so much but waited patiently. Even though she could break the chains she waited for him. So he decided to be patient and cautious until she makes a wrong movement. 

The girl was watching the building with an excitement. 

"So this is the building of Port Mafia. I can't believe I'm here with you Chuuya" 

"Don't just call me by my name."

"Haha what should I call you then? Onii chan, perhaps?"He gave her a stern look. 

"Then Chuuya is okay. I actually could call you Chuuya Sama but you were too rude to me so it's just Chuuya. And Dazai call you by this too. I'll be your lover so i should be more sincere."

"Don't say that shitty bastard's name to me."

"Oh are you jealous? Haha don't be he is my 3rd favorite you're the owner of my heart"


"You're jealous, aren't you? Haha. Chuuya, i wanna visit ADA, too. Can you take me there after the meeting?"

"Haha, what makes you think you'll go out of here freely?"

"Huh? I won't. We will. Me and you." Said and hold his arm tightly. They finally were in the room of the boss. When she saw him sitting on his desk she left Chuuya's arm and walked towards him immediately but Chuuya graped her arm.

"Wow! Mori Sensei you're so handsome!"

"Boss, this is the girl. She said that her name was Sev." 

 Mori looked at the girl and talked in a sweet tone. 

"Welcome Sev chan. You are such an interesting person that you could see the boss that quickly. I wanna talk to you as well. And thank you for the compliment."

As Chuuya left his arm she walked and sit the armchair in front of the desk of the boss. 

"Awww arigatoo Mori San. I knew that I would be able to chat with you. You're my 22nd favorite afterall. Chuuya was so rude to me." 

"I heard that you know so much things about every member of my organization. I was sorry to hear that you know more than me. But on the other hand I'm curious. I'd like to hear what else you know about me?" 

"Are you sure Mori Sensei, Chuuya will hear your secrets that i know."

"There's no problem with Chuuya Kun, you should know this, shouldn't you, Sev chan?"

"Haha, of course. I just wanna respect everyone's secrets. Okay then. Mori Sensei, many people hate you."He smiled.

"This is not a secret though."

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