Chapter 24 - Our Universe

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Word count: 1680

"Sev." Chuuya called her. This was his voice for sure! She immediately turned back to see him standing behind her.

The surprise that caused her to just stand and look at him did not last long and she immediately hugged him tightly, she was thrown so hard that Chuuya had to take a step or two back. 

"Chuuya! You're here!" 

He just hugged her back, not saying anything. She then broke the hug to ask all the questions that filling her mind.

"İsn't this my universe? Why are you here? Why do we remember? Will you live with me? Did you abandon your life?! What did you write on the page?"

He was just watching her excitement with a smiling face while watching her head to toe. She has brown eyes and wavy brown hair. When she noticed that he was watching her, she remembered that Chuuya had seen her body for the first time. As soon as she realized this, she covered her face and turned her back to him. 

"Don't look at me! I didn't know that you'd see my ugly face. That webtoon character was so beautiful that's why I chose her. Now it's embarrassing." 

Chuuya's answer to this was grabbing her arm and turning her back to him. 

"You're beautiful."

"Lier!" She resisted. 

"That very beautiful pink haired body didn't made me fall for you but only made the clown come after you. I wish I saw you like this from the very beginning."

"Even so, that's a lie..." She answered again, still covering her face. 

"Why would I lie to you, you stubborn woman!" He said when he took the hand that was covering her face and pulled it away. His voice was louder now and was obviously pissed off. But his voice softened again as he looked into her brown eyes that standing just a few centimeters in front of him and continued speaking. 

"Why would I lie to you when I came all this way to your universe just to see you and be with you for a little while?"

Feeling his breath on her face she couldn't answer this. 

"... I love you..." Chuuya finally confessed, to himself and to her. 

Then he kissed her... she kissed him back for the first time...hugging each other tightly... forgetting that they are in public, at the port... After seconds, Sev was the first one seem to remember this and broke the kiss. She was embarrassed, staring down. 

Next time, Chuuya thought, he should find a closed place where no one would disturb him.

As they held hands and walked along the port, Chuuya explained what he had written on the page as he thought about the changes in the Yokohama ports of the different universes. 

Time in his universe still stood still. He came to the universe where we live for three days. He would get to know the woman he loved better, spend a peaceful time with her, and know about all these anime thing then return to his universe.At the end of these three days, everything in both universes would be reset and everyone's memories would be erased. Even though it hurt them to forget each other, they had no other choice. 

"So, let's watch this damn anime." Chuuya suggested. 

"Oh my God! I can't believe that I'll watch my favorite anime with my favorite character of it!!! She answered with excitement and happiness!

So they directly went to the hotel Sev was staying and started to watch the anime. It was too lovely to watch anime with your lover at home (hotel actually) but watching the seasons and then reading Storm Bringer and beast took their whole 3 days. They could only went out once, to buy the novels. And of course some BSD products such as Chuuya, Akutagawa and Dazai figures (Chuuya hated the Dazai one) keychains, Chuuya posters, cards and stickers etc. 

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