Chapter 18

85 3 50

Word Count:2240

Note: This chapter includes spoilers of Storm Bringer LN, the same spoiler from the previous chapter:)

As if waking up from the night of a long and tiring day, she opened her eyes. It was the morning of a night as if she had slept for a long time and was accompanied by nightmares. 

"Are you awake?" Chuuya asked. The sound woke her up completely, and she looked at him then around her surroundings. She was sleeping on an armchair in a room of Port Mafia she hadn't entered before, and Chuuya was sitting on the sofa opposite her, reading some documents. What a tempting moment, she thought, the sight of Chuuya reading something.

She had no idea how she got here and slept, so she asked this when she tried to sit down. But her whole body ached, and she noticed that Chuuya's coat was covered over her. She smiled while, trying to remember the reason for her pain and remembered as soon as she saw that her clothes were torn. Yes, she used corruption, and her clothes were torn in the meantime. The sleeves and buttons of the jacket were gone, the shirt and the trousers were torn. She was half naked. So right after Verlaine saved her, Chuuya covered her with his coat and carried her to this room to rest. 

She covered herself with Chuuya's coat again. Actually, her body was not very revealing, but the torn clothes were bothering her. But the most important thing for her was Verlaine at the moment. She met Verlaine! And he even saved her! But since she didn't know how Chuuya felt towards him, she couldn't ask him about Verlaine.

When Sev finally regained consciousness, Chuuya put the documents aside, poured water for her and handed her the glass. 

"First time using corruption, huh. How are you feeling?" 

She tried to smile as always. 

"I'm fine. You must know that I'm happy for this." 

He smiled slightly. 

"Yes...yes, of course. It sometimes scares me that my guesses about such a crazy personality are correct." 

Her smile became bigger. 

"And it makes me so happy and love you more~" 

"Wear these.These are Higuchi's." He changed the topic, throwing the clothes lying next to his documents at her. 

He continued as he headed towards the door.

"You must be hungry. Gin will bring you some food soon."

"Won't you eat with me?"

"I'm not hungry." 

"But won't you be here?" 

"I have some work to do about the documents I was reading." 

He was kind, not angry, calm, but Sev felt a coldness in his words. She got up and approached the man who was already in front of the door. 

"But will you leave me alone? You're my bodyguard." 

"You're among the Port Mafia. Here is safe so you can walk around and go to wherever you want." 

"You're acting so cold and I don't understand why Chuuya. Using Corruption wasn't my fault." she finally said as she approached him more. 

Hearing this he turned back to see her worried eyes. 

"What are you talking about, you stupid woman?" He answered. "I'm giving you a chance to see him. He's not usually around so you'll miss him if you don't hurry." 

She didn't expect this answer. Chuuya was also speaking extremely frankly. Seeing her astonished face, Chuuya continued his speech. 

"Seeing your face i can be sure that my guess was right. Intellectual and strong handsome men. This is your type, isn't it?"

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