Chapter 10: It's Go Time

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Outside of Mister S's Mystery Shop, the store is about ready to close for the night.

Sam says to the people, "Okay, Imps! The store is now closed for the day!"

Hearing that, many people are already starting to leave the store and head home for the night.

Sam says in relief, "Whew... Another hectic day done and dusted."

Meanwhile, the Magical Monsters are starting to cause trouble.

One man says, "Glad I got that Night Raven College waffle right under the wire."

Then a woman says, "This was totally worth lining up for. Look at how cute it is! Let's take some pics and post 'em to Magicam real quick."

They soon pose and have their waffles posed for a picture.

"One, two, three!" The two say, and end up taking a picture.

The woman types on her phone "'Halloween rocks! #HereAtNRC #4HourWait #Bonappetit !TodayisCheatDay'"

Then press the button, "There, posted! That was a real cute waffle selfie."

"By the way, are you hungry?" The man asks.

"Honestly? I'm really not," The woman answers.

"Yeah, same. We should dump these and go. They've served their purpose," The man says.

Then begins to look around, "Let's see. Where's the trash can?" Then spots one, "Oh, here's one with a lid on."

They walk to the trash can and notice a sign that says "Please Take Your Trash With You."

Then the man complains, "I'm full, though. What am I supposed to do with this thing?" Just walk around with it?"

Then the woman says, "Everybody else is throwing them out around here. What difference will two more make? Into the pile they go."

"Yeah, everybody else is doing it. Yeet!" The man says.

Then the two toss their waffles in the pile that is already there.

Meanwhile, the Scarabia Students are witnessing what is happening.

One student says, upset, "Hey, they ignored the sign and chucked their food on the ground! They're not customers at all. They're Magicam Monsters."

Then the second student says, "Housewarden, I'm begging you... Punish these villains for spoiling Halloween!"

"Consider it done," Kalim says. "I'll give them a firm warning to ensure we can all enjoy a Happy Halloween together!"

Then inform the others, "All of you follow the plan - chase them over to where I am."

"WE know our part. You do yours and take care not to get spotted when you're hiding," Jamil says.

"Right. Okay, everybody! It's go time," Kalim says and winks.

"Yeah!" The Scarabia Students cheer.

Soon, Kalim and some of the students set off to set the plan into motion. Jamil and some of the other students remain behind to continue thor part of the plan."

"With all of that said... I still wonder if this plan will even work," Jamil replies, feeling a bit doubtful by the idea.

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