Chapter 4: A Much More Special Job

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Sometime later, in the Ramshackle Dorm, Cater arrives to explain the good news to the residence of the dorm.

"We're having the Halloween party?!" Patrick asks, excited.

Then everyone in the dorm cheers, "HOORAY!"

"Mya-hah! Time to par-taaay! I'm gonna get me a fancy feast!" Grim happily cheers.

Then turns to Briar, "Briar! Bring all the dishes we got in Ramshackle Dorm! We gotta take home all the food we can carry!"

"What?! Grim you can't expect Briatr to do that," Tanzanite asks, shocked.

"Yeah. No way we're going to carry everything, especially how much food you wanted," Sereia says.

"Maybe, but I do like to get a few treats myself," Briar says.

"I agree. So let's get some goodie bags," Jasper says.

"Glad to see you're excited for this," Cater happily says.

"But we do have one more job for all of you before the party," Vil says.

"Whaaa?! There's MORE?" Grim asks, shocked.

"You know what they say: if you don't worry, you don't eat," Jade says.

"So what do we do?" Sereia asks.

"Yeah, what do we gotta do? Put out the chairs? Set the tables? Polish the glassware?" Grim questions.

Then Grim smiles, "Ooh, if you need a taste-tester, I'm your guy!"

Suddenly, Jade, Cater, and Vil chuckles, "Heh heh heh..." with grins on their faces.

"What's with y'all? Why're you grinnin' like that?" Grim asks.

"Uh, why are you staring at us like that?" Briar asks.

Then Vil says, "Oh, we have a much more special job in mind for you."

"Special?" Sereia says, confused.

Trinket tilts her head in reply.

"Whaddaya mean, 'special'?" Grim adds, just as confused.

"What are you guys up to?" Briar asks.

Then Vil says, "You'll see."

Later in the evening at the front gate, everyone is talking among themselves in excitement. Soon, Briar and the others show up to see the commotion.

Grim is surprised, "Myah? There's a bunch of students gathered near the front gate. What's going on here?"

"I don't know, but something tells me we'll find out soon," Briar says.

Just then, Cater calls out, "Grimmy, Briar, Tanzy, Jasp, Seri, and little Trinket, over here."

Everyone turns to see Cater and the others.

"Hug? What's going on?" Grim asks.

"You as well, ghosts. Does everyone have their basket of candy?" Lilia replies.

Then Jade asks, "Is everybody ready? It's time to set out."

"This is a special surprise for the guests who have been here for Night Raven College's Halloween Week," Vil says. "Let's get started!"

Everyone cheers, "Happy Halloween!"

Briar and the others grow confused.

Soon enough, Briar and the others are amazed to find themselves on a float of a pirate ship, and everyone of the students are in their costumes representing the stamp rally venue.

Vil says, "Night Raven College looks spectacular today."

"Halloween's for everyone, whether you're human, fae, or ghost!" Cater says.

Then Jade says, "A most heart-pounding welcome. What a wonderful Halloween this is."

Soon, all the students begin to walk down the stone path in their costumes with Halloween buckets, and tossing candy to the guests.

Briar and the others who are in their costumes are riding on the float in amazement.

Briar turns to the Vil, Jade, and Cater and asks, "So what do we do?"

Vil then passes Briar and the others some baskets.

"All you need to do is help pass the treats to the visitors," Vil says.

"Okay," Briar says.

"Wow. This is going to be fun," Jasper says.

Soon, the float begins moving and everyone walks down the streets with smiles on their faces, and passes candy to the guests.

Vil says, "Please, have some candy."

And throws some out.

Then Cater calls out, "Booo!"

Everyone yelps in fright.

Cater laughs, "Ha ha. Did I startle you?"

Then Cater calls out, "Come and enjoy the night with me!"

Stop forward and enjoy the parade up close, "Jade says from the float.

"Have I ensnared you?" Vil asks.

Then says, "This evening is Halloween! It is a very special night, you know."

"How'd that turn out? Show me later!" Cater calls out.

"May this night be one dread, terror, and delight," Jade says.

Then everyone cheers, "Happy Halloween!"

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