Chapter 16: Good Evening, Gentlemen!

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In the library, the visitors are there for the Idneyhyde's stamp rally venue. The place is dark with floating blue glowing jack-o'-lanterns, spooky shadow pumpkin and frightening vines.

The man says, "Night Raven College is such a huge place. I'm starving after all that walking around.

Then the second man says, "Let's sit down and have some snacks before the projection mapping show starts!"

"Ooh, good idea. I'm pretty thirsty. Think I'll have a soda with my snack," The first man says.

Soon, the people begin to have their snack as they sit on the table close by.

Just then, Ortho walks over, "Good evening, gentlemen!"

The two turn to see Ortho. And judging from his appearance, they assumed Ortho was a child.

"Hm? Who's the kid? Did you come here in costume for trick-or-treating or something?" The first man asks.

Then the second man asks, "Hey, kiddo! Want a snack? I've got chips, popcorn, and chocolate."

But Ortho says, "Actually, you're not supposed to eat in the library. See, it says it right there on the sign."

Ortho points to the sign. The sign says "No Eating or Drinking."

"I mean, yeah, it does, but like... there's so many tables and chairs here! It's no big deal if we sit down here for a while" The first man says.

Then the second man says, "If anything, the school should be happy we're making efficient use of campus space. Ha ha ha!"

And it's clear that these are the Magicam Monsters and refuse to listen to the rules.

Then Ortho says, "You might get cursed by the Pumpkin Knight, you know."

"The Who-What, now?" The first man questions.

Then the second man says, "Oh, I've heard of him. He's a movie character, right?"

"Yes, actually! He's a scary ghost from the movie Creepy Hollow," Ortho says.

Ortho then grows a little surprised, "Wow, misty. You know the movie too, huh?"

"Sure do!" The second man says. "It's got a cliche story and special effects so hilariously cheap, it's impossible to actually scare anyone. It calls itself a horror movie, but it's comically bad. And not even the 'so bad it's good' kind. It's that kind of B-movie. Or C-movie, or more like. That's the one you mean, right?"

"Wow, you sound like an authority. I've never heard of this before. Are you a movie buff or something?" The first man comments.

"I'm more of what you'd call a cult classic enthusiast. I'm kind of a geek about that stuff. I haven't actually seen Creepy Hollow myself, though," The second man says.

Unknown to them, Ortho glare is growing a bit icy.

Then Ortho questions, "Wait, you haven't?"

"Nah. I read all about it on a review site, though. That's basically the same as watching it," The second man says.

Ortho remains silent and it looks like he's giving them a glare.

Meanwhile, India, some of the students, along with Jasper and Trinket are there to spy on the Magicam Monsters.

"Scarfing down snacks and chugging soft drinks in the library, and pretending not to know better when someone warns them. Yup, that checks all the Magicam Monster boxes. Their attitude is bad enough, but you know what really gets me? What really seals the deal beyond any shadow of doubt?" Idia says.

He then glares at them, "He called Creepy Hollow a comically bad C-movie. HOW. DARE. HE. It's got perfect pacing and just the right ratio of horror scenes to non-horror. It's a timeless story that's fun for the whole family! And it's the handcrafted feel of the special effects that impressed upon the viewers just how much love and attention the creators put in! You know what's REALLY comically bad? Reviews from shallow plebs with no taste or appreciation for true classics!"

"Wow. You must be a real movie expert," Jasper says.

"That would be correct," Idia says.

"And I have to agree with you. It's lame how someone can talk about a movie based on reviews instead of actually watching it. I remember watching it when I was a kid with Tanzanite and it was good. I actually wanted to be the Pumpkin Knight one year but I couldn't make the armor," Jasper says.

"Hmm, sounds like you and Tanzanite have interest in the film," Idia says.

"Yeah. So I'm kind of glad to help you with this one," Jasper says.

Then says, "And those guys are annoying to brag about a movie they didn't even watch."

"You're absolutely right, Housewarden. Who calls themselves a geek while talking about a movie they've never even watched?" The student says. "He's an embarrassment to real geeks everywhere!"

Then the second student says, "I say we give those fake movie critics Magicam Monsters the Creepy Hollow treatment!"

India chuckles, "Whee hee hee. You don't have to tell me twice... please, everybody. It's time to put our plan into action!"

The student says, "Yessir, Pumpkin Knight, sir!"

Jasper and Trinket nod their heads in reply.

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