Chapter 12: Melange of Horror and Allure

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In the halls of the school, the Halloween management committee are heading towards the mirror chamber, the last venue for the stamp rally. As they walk down the hall, Idia's armor continues to make loud clanking sounds.

Jade says to Idia, "I'm impressed you're still walking around in that heavy armor, Idia."

"It's made from lightweight materials, so it's actually nowhere near as heavy as it looks," Idia says.

"And yet it's making a racket with all that clanking," Azul says.

"Oh, uh, you noticed that?" Idia replies. "I've got rigged with speakers that play sound effects with every step I take." He smirks and says, "Pretty sweet, huh? Hee hee."

"That's a level of obsessiveness that few of us lay people could ever hope to reach. I salute your dedication," Jade says.

"... Somehow, that doesn't feel like a compliment," Idia says, with a slight frown.

Then Kalim asks Crowley, "Hey, question. Isn't the Mirror Chamber supposed to be off-limits to everybody but people connected to the school? I seem to remember that coming up at the Spelldrive tournament, it being a super-important place and all."

"Indeed it is. Normally, the Mirror Chamber is strictly off-limits to outsiders, regardless of circumstances. But as a special exception, it's open to the public for touring throughout Halloween Week. The Dark Mirror that sits within is one of Night Raven's most prized magical artifacts. Photography inside the venue is still prohibited, of course. We must take SOME measures to safeguard the school authority" Crowley explains.

Then says, "On that note, here we are - the Mirror Chamber!"

Crowley then opens the doors to the Mirror Chamber and he along with the students walk inside. They soon find themselves in the Mirror Chamber that has the enchanted mirror, and the many coffins floating around in the room. There are also two large signs that have a picture of a camera crossed over, and the sign says 'No Photography.'

They are soon greeted by Rook, "Bonjour, Halloween management committee. Headmage. What lovely costumes you're all wearing. I've no doubt this Halloween Week will be a most exuberant event! Pomefiore is ready to hold their own as well, of course. Feast your eyes on this merveilleux installation!"

Confused, Jack asks, "What am I supposed to be lookin' at? I don't see any Halloween decorations anywhere."

"Did you fall behind schedule?" Kalim asks.

"Heh. Not so. The Mirror Chamber remains as-it for one simple reason: its beauty is already perfect!" Rook says.

Then Vil walks in, "Yes. There's no need to put a new spin on the Mirror Chamber. It is iconic in and of itself. But what of us, you ask? Look at our fashion and you shall see. Harmony is key! To find beauty is to dress appropriately for a given location. And to that end we seek to elevate the Mirror Chamber with our very presence. Yes - Pormefiore's theme is nothing less than 'harmony with legends'!"

Vill and Epel arrive after changing, and are dressed in an elegant purple suit decorated with gold patterns with a black sash around his waist and a gold clip. He is wearing a black cape with tall collars with red on the inside of the cape and gold color designs inside as well. They are also wearing black gloves, and even wear makeup.

Epel says, "We're dressing up as... vampires."

"Well? A beautiful twist befitting our dorm, wouldn't you say?" Vil says.

In fact, the two look so beautiful and dazzling that the room practically sparkles.

"Oh..." Everyone in the room replies.

Even Crowley is surprised, "My..."

Crowley quickly calms himself and says, "Ah, pardon me. I was stunned speechless there."

"Heh. As you should be," Vil says. "Vampires are monsters that can captivate with a single glance. But my beauty by itself would be nothing new. I've added something special today."

"Something special, huh?" Jack questions, crossing his arms.

Vil simply glances at Jack with a calm smile on his face.

Then Jack notices, "Now that you mention it, you've got more... grandeur than usual. It's this powerful presence that makes people feel like if they avert their eyes for even a second, they're doomed."

"Exactly!" Vil says. "This isn't my typical style of makeup, focused solely on beautification. We apply a heavy layer of eyeshadow to draw attention to the eyes and ensnare the attention of anyone unfortunate enough to make eye contact. No blush; we need to look as pale as possible. Instead, we use contouring to bring out the unevenness of the cheeks. Then there's our striking dark lipstick, the color of the night. These lips can entice anyone with but a whisper. The costume is a blend of classical Gobelins tapestry and frills for an aristocratic brand of Gothic horror. It's all designed to embody a decadent beauty that sends shivers down the beholder's spine. Tis a marvelous melange of horror and allure. What better theme could there be for Halloween?"

Epel giggles, "Heh heh. I think the makeup's pretty cool, too."

Then smirks, "It's creepy AND striking. I look powerful enough to take on any ghost!"

Then Vil says, "Epel, you MUST work on your poise."

"Urgh..." Epel then says, "Yes, sir."

"The stories claim vampires don't have reflection in mirrors. How tragic that such splendid creatures cannot behold their own beauty!" Rook says.

"Agreed. It would be positively unbearable if I couldn't see myself," Vil says.

Then says, "But that's all the more reason the resplendent Mirror Chamber is the perfect backdrop for vampires."

"Choosing reality over altering the setting... this is eye-opening!" Jack says, impressed.

Then Cater says, "Pomefiore sure has the whole beauty thing down pat."

"We DID put up signs saying 'no photography,' since we wouldn't want stam tour visitors taking any candids... But that's the only change we made," Epel says.

"The Mirror Chamber is the very heart of this campus. That much is simple fact. We will take full responsibility both for the stamp tour, and for the Chamber's security," Rook says.

Crowley happily says, "Wonderful! I'm sure the Dark Mirror itself is delighted to be regarded with such respect and care."

And right on cue, the Dark Mirror's face appears in the enchanted mirror and remains silent.

Crowley happily says, "You see? It's beside itself with joy!"

The students aren't too sure about it.

Malleus asks, "Is that what that face is?"

"Maybe it's too shy to smile without being embarrassed," Lilia says.

Again, the Dark Mirror remains silent.

Then Crowley says, "And with that, I have now seen all seven dorm's stamp tour spots. Your preparations are uniformly flawless."

All the students are satisfied by Crowley's evaluations of the dorm's venues.

Then the headmage says, "Tomorrow is Sunday. We can expect a large turnout of visitors, it being the weekend. Let us all work together to make this a fun Halloween for everyone. Happy Halloween!"

All the students cheer, "Happy Halloween!"

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