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  Isabella awoke from her slumber, the very uncomfortable slumber— To be specific. She laid on the cold wooden floor, having no cushion, pillow, or blankets. She groaned as she sat up, looking around with furrowed eyebrows to how she got onto the floor. "What the fuck?" She mumbled, looking around at the messy room. Arabella and Luna were both still asleep, on the bed.

  Isabella got up from the floor, walking over to the window, looking out at the Autumn weather, the leaves were still green but the weather was showing cooler temperatures. She touched the window, feeling the coldness from outside. She smiled softly before walking over to her backpack to grab her clothes before grabbing an extra towel.

  Once she made her way to the bathroom, she undressed before getting into the shower, the water being warm and calming to her somewhat cold skin. Arabella didn't mind if she were to get into the shower, they'd been friends for 7 years, they met because Arabella had moved to their neighborhood, always coming around Isabella's house to play with the others.

  Luna, Isabella knew her for 5 years... they'd met at the Mall, instantly connecting and loving each other's presence. Plus, Isabella was always antisocial, hating meeting new people... or even talking to certain people, but Luna was the first she opened up too. She's one of the few she actually does open up too.


  "Also, how did I end up on the floor?" Isabella chuckled into the phone, holding it close to her as she moved the extra pillows off of her bed. "You don't remember? Well... you got extra sleep, and you got mad that me and Bella laid down first, so you decided to lay on the floor." Luna laughed mid-sentence, remembering the whole interaction. "Oh, god." Isabella mumbled to herself, laying down on her bed.

  "Anyway, I'm gonna sleep now... I'll see you tomorrow." Luna said, listening to her friend hum in response. "Okay... I'll see you at school." Isabella said before hanging up with a small smile. Isabella laid alone in her room, lying on her side as she stared at the wall.

  Isabella pulled out her phone, looking through her phone, finding Miguel's account on Instagram, scrolling through... being some sort of stalker. It was fine though... Miguel would never know, this led Isabella to many questions. Does he remember me? Does he still think about me? Is he listening to our playlist, right now? What did he miss about Phoenix when he was gone?

  So many questions crowding her mind before nodding off to sleep, falling asleep in a semi-uncomfortable position, but still having the best sleep.


   Once it was morning, Isabella instantly woke up, feeling energized but somewhat tired. She sat up in her bad, looking around at her room, getting off of her bed, walking to the bathroom to start her necessary hygiene. Isabella showered, brushed her teeth, and washed her face before walking back to room, picking out an outfit.

  It was Monday, first day back at school after the Weekend. She dreaded Monday's but it also meant she could see her two best friends in some of her classes. Isabella wore a sweater, with jeans, and her beat up Converse from 2 years ago. "It's time to go soon, Isa!" Veronica shouted from her room. "I'm almost done." Isabella shouted back, finishing up her bed.

  Isabella's morning routine moved like clockwork; wake up, get ready, clean her room, then eat... if she can. "I'll be downstairs." Veronica said as she exited her own room. Isabella nodded, grabbing her phone and extra items before spraying the perfume that lied on her vanity. Once she finished the routine, she was downstairs, eating banana before leaving the house with her sister.

  "I think we'll be a little bit early." Veronica said, biting the inside of her cheek, turning on one of the streets. "That's fine." Isabella mumbled, looking down at her phone as she deleted the extra notifications that stood on her Home Screen. "Mom's thinking about inviting Miguel and his family over to have dinner." Veronica looked over to her sister for some sort of reaction. "Oh, okay." Isabella slowly nodded, not fully paying attention to what her sister said.

   They'd finally got to the school, waiting at the front before the school gates opened. The morning crowded surrounded the gates, Isabella looked around, trying to find her two friends. She was stuck in the middle of the crowd, unable to find her friends or anyone familiar. "Shit." Isabella mumbled, watching the front gate open, making all the students start to walk in, causing Isabella unable to move around to find her friends.


short chapter before i sleep, gn 🥱🫶🏽

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now