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  After the movie, the three friends walked out of the building, squinting at the sudden bright light from the sun. "That was..." Luna started, "...Actually really good." Arabella finished with a sigh following, sipping on her drink right after. Isabella stayed silent, continuing to walk behind her friends as they made their way to Luna's mom's car.

"Do you guys wanna come over tomorrow?" Luna asks as they get closer to the car. "I can't, I have plan with my sister." Isabella half-lied, she did have plans but not with her older sister, instead with Miguel. "That's fine, what about you, Bella?" Luna questioned, turning to her friend as she opened the passenger's door. "Yeah, I'm down." Arabella nodded, getting into the car.

"Hi Reyna," Isabella grinned at Luna's mom, "Hi sweetheart, are we dropping you guys off at your house's, or at our house?" She asked with a smile. "Uhm... our houses." Luna nodded, putting her seatbelt on. Reyna nods, starting to drive away from the theater and making her way to their houses. First, they dropped off Arabella, and last was Isabella.

"Okay, bye love." Reyna grinned, waving off the girl as she smiled at Luna. "Bye, I'll see you on Monday, Lu." Isabella smiled, looking over at Reyna and waving goodbye as she got out of the car. Isabella walked up to her front door, unlocking it as she sighed. Once she walked in, she walked up the stairs, walking straight to her room. It was only 8, yet Isabella was exhausted, she quickly changed into her pajamas, going to do her hygiene, and finally cleaning the last of her room.

She then laid down, sitting there, under the covers, unsure of what to do as she waited to fully fall asleep. Tomorrow she'd have to wake up and get ready for Miguel to come over, she realized something. She could leave hints of moments they both had together, around her room! She could put up pictures they took together, stuff he'd given her for holidays and birthdays, and things they laughed about together, late at night.

  She'd just hope that he would notice, or remember.


  It was now Saturday, Isabella sat up in bed, looking around her room, trying to find different things to put around her room to have him remember or at least finally admit that he remembered her. Isabella gets out of bed, slowly making her way to the bathroom, starting to brush her teeth and do her hygienic routine for that day. "Isa, when's your friend coming over?" Isabella's dad spoke quickly. "I don't know... in the afternoon, I think." Isabella mumbled, finishing up her skincare routine. "Mm... okay." He nods before walking away.

  Once she was finished with everything, she sat in her room, grabbing her last few items to put around her room before walking downstairs to hang out. She walked down, finding her sister walking over to her mom. "Shit." Isabella whispers, knowing her sister and mother were about to argue, noticing the tension going on between them. She walks slowly down the stairs, hiding behind the small wall, waiting for the argument to erupt, so she knew when and when to not go down.

  A few comments were made, starting the two to raise their voices, Isabella sighed quietly, slowly crawling up the stairs to hide herself from her mother and sister, she hated that they constantly argued, but she also had no way to fully stop it. Unless she wanted to get yelled at by both of them. Then, she got a text.


hey, it's miguel, when can
i come over today?

definitely not right now.
maybe 1:30?

uh, yeah that's fine.
is everything okay?

  The question shocks Isabella in a way. If he says he doesn't know her, why does he care?

uhm, not really.
but it's fine, i'll see you later,
just text me when you're about
to leave your house so i
know when to come open
the door for you.

okay, i will.


i went trick or treating today 🤭

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now