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  Isabella followed her family, her arms crossed over her chest as they walked up to the front door. Isabella was safe to say that she was nervous— Not even, terrified. She didn't know what was about to happen when she walked through these doors. Her mother is the first to knock, turning to look back at her family with a smile, waiting for someone to open the door.

Once the door opens, it reveals a small girl, Alondra. She was Miguel's little sister, Isabella and Alondra grew close before the family left for the year and a half. "Isa!" Alondra gasped, running over to hug the taller girl's waist. "Hi Alon," Isabella grinned, holding the girl close to her. The door opens wider to reveal, Wendy, Miguel's mother. She smiles, running over to Isabella's mother to give a tight hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

"Want to go inside?" Alondra asks Isabella, she looks down and nods with a smile, letting Alondra pull her inside, the house looked the same as it looked a year ago. Isabella smiled, smelling the familiar scent of Wendy's cooking. Isabella looked over to the living room, to see Miguel on his phone, with his many other siblings next to him on the couch. "Are we going to your room or outside in the backyard?" Isabella asked curiously, "The backyard, I'm still cleaning my room up." Alondra gave a small smile, making Isabella laugh lightly before following her outside.

Once the two were outside, they walked over to the pool, looking down before Alondra sits down, putting her feet in the water. Isabella looks down at her, smiling softly before following the girl's actions. Isabella stays silent as she took off her shoes and socks before putting them into the water. Isabella looked over to Alondra, smiling softly, knowing that Alondra did remember her.

  "So... you remember me?" Isabella chuckled softly, looking over at Alondra's side profile. "Of course I did. Nobody could ever forget you, Isa." Alondra looked over to Isabella, smiling up at her. Isabella smiled, looking away as she stared down at the water. Isabella looked back at Alondra, observing her, realizing that Alondra grew up, and she wasn't the little girl that she once knew, she was older know, more mature.

  She smiled, but that smile so only washed away when she came across a few unfamiliar cuts, her eyebrows furrow in confusion. She saw the large cuts, on her arm, jaw, a small one on her neck, and a large one on the side of her thigh. "Alondra... what happened, what're those cuts from?" Isabella mumbled, feelings her mind go somewhere else, a darker and sadder place. "Uhm... it happened 3 months ago... my family and I—"

  "Guys! Come in, let's eat." Isabella's older sister exclaimed, opening the door a bit, showing a saddened expression being masked with a fake smile. Isabella felt her heart drop, something happened, yet she didn't know what. And everyone else that she knew, knows about it, except her.


  "Anyway, what about you, Isa? What have you been up to when we were gone?" Wendy turns over with a smile, Isabella looks up from her plate, putting her fork down before clearing her throat. "Uhm... nothing much... just school." Isabella laughed silently, getting a few smiles from others. "That's good, school's important, mija... it gets you the future you deserve." Wendy reminded with a grin.

  "Yeah, I know. It's alright, I have 2 really good friends, so I hang out with them too." Isabella mumbled, sipping her water. "That's good... I remember when we lived here a few years ago, you were super quiet, but you've grown up!" Wendy smiled, showing admiration in her eyes. Wendy always said things that made Isabella believe it, it made her feel loved and comforted.

   Isabella smiled widely, laughing a bit, going back to her food as they asked other people some questions. She stayed silent the rest of the night, thinking hard, still confused of what was going on, and what happened when Miguel was gone. Isabella looked over to Miguel, he ate silently, he used to always be talkative, he was the extrovert when it was her and him, that's seemed to change... a lot of things have changed.

   But the thing about change is... it can't always be good, especially when you don't know about it.


i've missed two days of school because i was sick, now i have to go back 😭🙏

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now