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   As the two laid on the bed, finishing up the notes they'd read, they sat in silence. "Are you sleepy?" Miguel asks out of nowhere, sounding a bit tired, with his deep raspy voice. "Not really, I know you are." Isabella chuckled a bit, turning over to look at him. "Yeah, but I wanna stay up with you." Miguel yawned, mumbling a bit.

   "No, just go to bed." Isabella laughed, starting to sink into the pillows, she felt herself starting to drift off, her eyes grew a bit heavy. She yawns, trying to keep her eyes open. Miguel laughs, staring down at her, trying not to laugh any louder to awake her even more. "Goodnight, Isa." Miguel mumbled, turning the lamp off next to him, turning over and facing her, watching her move in her sleep before dozing off.

   And there they laid, facing each other, while Isabella slept; Miguel watched her, smiling softly, reaching over to cup her cheek and kiss her forehead before dozing off into his own sleep. Isabella smiled in her sleep, feeling uncontrollably comfortable with the boy in front of her, even if she was dead asleep, while Miguel felt happy with her, he really did miss her, he just didn't know how to tell her in words, especially since he's still trying to gain back his own memory.


     Isabella sat up, looking around her room, forgetting she let a boy spend the night last night. She turns over, to see a peaceful-sleeping Miguel, laying there. Isabella looks away, getting out of her bed slowly, walking towards the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. It took her about 30 minutes to finish showering and do her hygiene routine. She'd finally returned to her room, only to see Miguel still asleep. She smiled as the sight.

Once she put away her dirty clothes, she walked over to her desk, sitting there and finishing up some homework, trying her best to stay quiet so she wouldn't wake the sleeping boy beside her, then she hears rustling under the duvet covers, and a groan. "Miguel? Did I wake you up?" Isabella asks, being disappointed in herself, hoping she didn't wake him up.

    "No... you're okay, Isa." Miguel mumbled, sitting up with a smile on his face. "Oh, okay. Did you sleep well?" Isabella asks, moving her chair towards him, looking over at him with a smile. He looks over at her, smiling with a small nod. "Very well." Miguel nodded. "Really?" Isabella questioned with a light chuckle, Miguel nodded, "I haven't good that good of a night's rest in so long." Miguel admits, yawning a bit.

     Isabella's eyebrows widen with a smile, "That's good, but do you wanna do anything with me today?" Isabella mumbled, looking over at her desk, "We could... go to that library that we always used to go to? Or just go to places we used to hang out at before I left."Miguel suggested, "You remember the library?" Isabella laughed, smiling at the memories of that library. "Of course, we used to go there every Tuesday and Friday." Miguel slowly tried to remember the few memories.

     "Do you remember anything else we used to do?" Isabella asked, trying to see if he could remember anything else. "I just remember the library." Miguel gave a small frown, "That's fine, I'll take you to the places and spots we used to have or go to." Isabella nodded with a smile, Miguel admired her for a second before nodding quickly and looking away. "I'll go get ready." Miguel mumbled, getting out of the bed, and walking towards the bathroom with his bag of clothes.


     Once the two were ready, they walked out of the house, walking along the sidewalk and making their way to the library that was 5 minutes away from both of their houses. "Isa?" Miguel called out, looking over at her as they walked, "Yeah?" She hummed, looking back with a smile. "I'm really sorry about what happened, like I didn't mean to lie, but I was lying to almost everyone in my life, and I just couldn't lie to you." Miguel rambled, "Miguel, I promise you when I say it's okay, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that nobody told me, like no one." Isabella explained, looking over at him, "Yeah... I tried to tell you, like when we were studying that one night... I was about to tell you everything, like all at one, but I couldn't at first." Miguel mumbled the last part.

    Isabella looked over at him, smiling softly as they continued the walk, before turning a corner and looking to see the library.


quick chapter !!!

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now