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Isabella woke up, looking around at the now messy room, she'd realized that she blacked out, not remembering the last few hours, he eyebrows furrowed, looking at the time and realizing it was already 7:00 pm. She sighs, sitting up, rubbing her eyes, glancing at the messy floor. She sits there, looking back at her phone, and remembering the last thing that she had remembered before she blacked out; the posts.

She looked down at her phone that laid on the floor, not bothering to pick it up, she sighs again, feeling the weight pile on her shoulders, feeling her chest tighten, feeling that lump in her throat grow. Her hands ball up in fists, the nails digging into her palms as she grows more and more frustrated. Her eyes hurt for some reason, probably from crying or something. She covers up her face, feeling the first tear escape her eye. In all honesty, she hated crying, but she hated crying in front of people even more, especially because some of her cries turned into more than that, they'd sometimes turn into anxiety attacks.

She hears the door knock from downstairs, she furrows her eyebrows, not moving from her spot as she keeps her eyes shut, and a hand covering her face. Sounds of foots shuffling over the stairs fill her ears, her eyebrows furrow, laying on her side and curling into a ball, and grabbing a pillow to hold onto for support. The door knob shakes, before finally opening, the room is silent, Isabella already knew it was Miguel, but as many times that he'd seen her cry, she was still embarrassed to cry in front of him.

She bring a hand to fully cover her face, trying to calm her breathing, and not speaking, because she'd knew it'd sound squeaky, and would be hard to understand because of how much she'd probably cried that day. The footsteps stop in front of her, Miguel stays silent, taking his jacket off and placing his stuff down, before sitting beside Isabella. "Isa." Miguel mumbled, looking down at her curled up in a ball, and her face smushed into the pillow. She shakes her head, staying silent. "I saw the article, and everything else." Miguel says, looking down at her, watching Isabella sigh and start to cry into the pillow.

                Miguel stays silent, pulling the pillow away, and bringing Isabella up to hug her, laying beside her, and letting her nuzzle her head into the crook of his neck. Miguel held her close, listening to her cry and sniffle, shushing her and trying his best to calm her down. "Isa, you're not one of those things that those people called you, you're not even close, you're so much more than that." Miguel started drawing circles with his finger on her shoulder.

               Isabella stays silent, staying still but still sniffling every now and then, "You're beautiful, and you... you're one of the most sweetest people that I've ever met, like... you're kind to everyone, even if they'd been talking shit, or being rude as hell, you're always so sweet, and you always think about others. But, don't ever listen to someone who's talking shit over a screen, and doesn't truly know who you are, because I know you, Arabella knows you, Luna knows you, Ronnie knows you, we all know you, and the shit those people were saying about you, was not you, it's not even close." Miguel quietly reassured.

                Miguel looks down at Isabella, seeing her look up at him with red puffy eyes, and a red nose. He silently smiled softly, "You're okay." He nods, reassuringly. Wrapping both of his arms around her, moving his head down to kiss the top of her head, holding her closer to him, as if she'd disappear if he'd let go. "I'm here for you." Miguel mumbled, Isabella nodded slowly, "I... I still have to clean my room." Isabella sighed, still laying her head on his chest as she looked at the messy floor from where she laid. "I'll help you clean, Isa." Miguel nodded. "It's not your mess, though." Isabella shook her head, "Even if it's not my mess, I'd still help you, I care about you, and I'm here for you." Miguel nodded looking down at her, smiling softly as they both laid there in her bed, not moving one inch, mostly because they were both comfortable.


i'm going to bed, GOODNIGHTTTT, i love u guys, and i'll try my hardest to update again tomorrow.

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now