chapter 1

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Trigger warning: mention of drugs, overdosing and depression.

"Lucy are you ready"? my dad asked knocking on my bedroom door. " yeah im ready" I say has I put my long black hair into a messy bun. "oh wow you look like your mother standing there like that, anyways I have put the rest of your bags into the car so I'll wait in the car for you, take your time." with that he leaves closing the door behind him. I look into the mirror on the wall, I have the same sad looking eyes my mum did, the same nose and face shape as her too. I didn't realise I was crying until I felt my checks becoming wet, before it comes a full blown sob I collect my last things and lock up the house for the last time. 

Today I was moving in with my dad, his fiance Jojo and their children Knash who is 3 and Hyrie who is 2. This is because my mum died of a drug overdose. Basically my mum became depended on drugs when my mum found out that my dad was cheating on her with Jojo. One day I came home from work to find her dead on her bedroom floor with a syringe next to her. When I told my dad he insisted I move in with him until I'm settled and on my feet. I appreciate him caring and helping me but its not like he always did, I mean I barely spoken to the man for 6 years. See I never really had a relationship with my dad because he was always traveling with the WWE being the eater of worlds Bray Wyatt, then he met Jojo and became more and more distant with us. When I called him we had a very long chat and he wants to correct all the wrongs he has done and take care of me and build a bond with me like he always should of done. I obviously agreed because his my dad and I don't really have anyone else apart from a few family members on my mum side and friends I made growing up through school and work. 

I climb into the car " got everything?" my dad ask " yeah I think so" I say he nods then he pull out and starts to drive. We've been driving for around 30 minutes in total silence but now and then my dad will slide eye me to check on me. " you know Jojo is excited but also scared to meet you" my dad says with a chuckle breaking the silence, " why's the scared part" I giggle more at my dads chuckle.  "she says she feels some kind of responsibility for everything that has happened" his says with a sign "and she doesn't know how you will react when you see her and the kids for the first time, I mean we both understand and won't blame you for being mad and angry at her or even us."  he says looking at me quickly before looking back at the road. " to be honest dad, I don't really know how or what to feel. I mean I'm angry at you for abandoning me and starting a new family, I'm angry at mum for choosing drugs over me and now looks what happened, I'm sad because my mum has passed away in a horrible fashion at that and I have to leave friends, family and the town I grow up in. I say wiping a tear from my eye, my dad put his hand on mine giving it a little squeeze to rensure me everything was okay. " but I'm not mad at Jojo and I'm definitely not blaming her for anything, I'm quite excited to meet her and my brother and sister. I have always wanted siblings" I say with a smile. 

We are about two hours into the 4 hour drive, we just made conversation, I was telling him some stories about my mum and the memories I have growing up ad telling him about my friends. My dad was telling me about the stories he has with the WWE and the WWE superstars and about how he met Jojo and stories about them. I loved listening to my dad talk, he has away of making you listen to every word and I love how happy he looks whilst telling me these stories. " hey lo, I don't know about you but I could murder a coffee right now." my dad says looking at me with a smile " oh my god yesss" I say, my dad laughs " cool there's a costa down the street there we can grab one there." he says. We park up outside costa "what could you like?" my dad ask "can i get a caramel latte please? my dad nods and leaves the car. Whilst his gone I look at my phone responding to messages and scrolling through my socials. I jump when I hear the car open, my dad gets in "here you go" he says handing me my coffee, " thanks" I say as we start to drive again.

The rest of the drive was quite quiet, I napped for about an hour the rest of the drive I was just listen to music or scrolling through my socials and sometimes we will talk but I guess tiredness as taken over us and we are both happy to sit in the comfortable quietness.  We finally pull up to a gate of this massive house, my dad enters a code and the big grey gate starts to open. We drive to the big white house, my dad stops the car looks at me "ready?" he asks " as I will ever be" I say he gives me a small smile and gets out the car. I follow his actions and meet him at the boot to help him carry my bags, we walk up to the black door and my dad unlocks it with his key. We walk in settling in bags down "daddy!" a small boy comes running. " hey buddy, how are you doing" he asked the small boy picking him up " I'm fine daddy" he says "this is your sister lucy" the small boy looks at me " hi, you must be knash" I say ruffling his hair. Knash goes shy and hides his face in dad's neck. We both laugh and dad puts knash down and he runs off to sit on the chair, at the same time Jojo walks holding a little girls hand she looks up at Jojo and says "mummy who's that" she looks at me with an anxious look "Hyire, that's your big sister Lucy" JoJo says smiling down at her. I take a few steps towards her this makes her step aside and hide behind Jojo's legs, " hi Hyire it's lovely to meet you" I say kneeling down to her hight. I stand back up "hey Jojo" "hey sweetie how are you doing?" she ask as she embraces me into a hug. "I'm doing okay" I say giving her a smile " you must be starving and tired dinner is nearly ready, then Bray can show you to your room and you can get some rest" Jojo says "I'll take your bags to your room" and with that he takes my bags and walks up the stairs. Jojo outs the two children in their chairs and begins to cook "do you want some help?" I ask " no thank you hunny, you just rest it'll be ready in five minutes anyways" I take a seat at the table where Jojo has set the plates and the cutlery, not long after my dad joins me at the table and Jojo starts to out the food on the table. " looks good babe" my dad says Jojo smiles hugs him and gives him a small kiss. Its good to see my dad happy, " dig in guys" Jojo says. Dinner was just me and Jojo getting to know each other a bit more, after dinner me and dad helped clean up whilst Jojo setting the kids down for bedtime. " right I'll show you to your room?" Jojo says standing at the stairs. "sure" I say following her up the stairs. We walk along the landing "this house is huge" I say with a small chuckle "yeah we obviously want the children to have their own rooms when they are old enough so, with though we will just move into a bigger now instead of waiting a few years then having to move. Moving with two small toddler's that shit would be stress," Jojo says laughing we stop at a room "so here's your room" she says opening the door. " sorry it's basic, we didn't really have the time to properly decorate it before you came." The room was painted white with a grey and black patterned wallpaper with a double bed, a tv hanging on the wall, a wardrobe and a few bedside cabinets. " no it's lovely thank you" I say to her walking in. " well onces your settled you can decorate it however you like" she says with a smile. "oh I left some towels and things on your bed in case you wanted a shower before bed, the bathroom is the one that's always open with the light on. We leave it on in case Knash uses the bathroom during the night." " okay thank you Jojo, for every thing." I say she nods and smiles and walks out of my room closing the door behind her.

I quickly dig out some pajarmers out of my suitcase, shower and climb into bed, I will unpack tomorrow I thought to myself. I scroll through social media and reply to some messages before tiredness hit me fully. I set my phone on one of the bedside cabinets and lay  down and before I know it, darkness has taken over and I full asleep.

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