Chapter 23

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Me and Rhea are currently waiting by the gate in the airport waiting to board our plane to Adelaide, Australia. Ladies and gentlemen, gate 8 to Adelaide, Australia is now open please be ready to board. Me and Rhea stand up and pick up our hand luggage and walk towards the gate. We board the plane and find out seats, once taken off I put my AirPods in and watch a film and Rhea has a nap.

After a very long flight and two stops in different countries, we finally landed in Australia. We wait for our big suitcases and leave the airport. The Australian sun immediately hits me, I put my sunglasses on " it's bloody hot" I laugh making Rhea chuckle, she pulls me in closer to her side and kisses my cheek " come on their this way" she said nodding towards three people standing by a car waiting for us. " hey guy" Rhea says as we reach them " hiya baby" Anna says pulling Rhea into a hug " hey lucy so good to finally meet you in person" Anna says pulling me into a hug. " I know it's good to finally meet you" I smile at her. I quickly say hello and hug Peter and Calista and get in the car whilst Rhea puts our cases in the boot. Peter is driving us to Rhea's parent's house and I'm looking out of the window taking in the scenery, bright blue sky without a cloud with the sun beaming. It just makes everything feel better and happier. I'm broken out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my thigh, I turn to see Rhea nod at me asking if I was okay I give her a reinsuring smile and she returns the smile.

After an hour's drive, we finally arrive at the house and it was beautiful. The house is huge, it's brown with a huge driveway in front of it with a white statute in the middle. I help Rhea with getting our bags out of the car too as Anna opens the front door. I follow Rhea into the house and a small brown and white dog comes running up to me " hii" I say kneeling and stroking the dog " oh this is Luna" Calista says with a small chuckle. " lucy, make yourself at home darling, the kitchen is there help yourself to anything, the living room is here" Anna said point out the different rooms " the small bathroom is over here, the big one is upstairs, Rhea will show you when you go and unpack." Anna continues " thanks Anna" I smile " babe, I think she'll be fine" peter laughs. I follow Rhea up the stairs and she guides me to her old room. I walk into her room and it's exactly how I would picture teenager Rhea would have it. We unpack and put our clothes in the wardrobe and draws. I finish unpacking my clothes I notice a picture of Rhea on the beach in a blue bikini holding a surfboard, smiling at the camera, she looks so young and happy. " you were so adorable" I smile at her, " were?" She raises an eyebrow. "I need a nap" she yawns " me too, would your family mind?' I ask. Rhea nods her head smiling at me with her arms stretched out indicating she wants a cuddle. I climb onto the bed and hug Rhea, she falls back so she's now laying on her back and I lay my head on her chest and stretch my arm over her and she lays her arm over me. Before I know it, I was asleep
I was woken up by someone stroking my hair, I open my eyes to see Rhea smiling down at me as she was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Wake up sleepy head, dinner is nearly ready," she says softly " nope," I say joking rolling over to my other side so now my back is to her and I hear her giggle. Rhea then pulls me so now I'm on my back " you're annoying" I laugh "is that so?" Rhea smirks "yup" I yawn, Rhea then climbs on top of me straddling my hips " are you good?" I laugh "yup" Rhea nods dramatically, and we both laugh. " I need a shower before we go down," I say looking up at her. "I can help with that," Rhea says with a devilish smirk. "Is that so?" I laugh "yeah" she giggles and then all of a sudden Rhea plants kisses all over my face making me laugh. Rhea finally stops and we just smile at each over for a second, I tuck a piece of her black hair behind her ear and place a soft kiss on her lips. " I really need a shower" I laugh, she climbs off me and let's me off the bed. I dig out some joggers and one of Rhea's merch crop tops to relax in and hop into the shower.

After me and Rhea showered we make our way down to the Livingroom where Anna, Peter, and Calista were watching the telly. " hey girls, nice nap?" Anna says as we enter " needed" I say sitting next to Rhea. " lazy shits" Calista laughs and Rhea just flips her off. I see I have a few new notifications on my phone, one says that Calista tagged me in her story on Instagram so I check it. It's a picture of me and Rhea asleep earlier, where I'm laying pretty much on top of Rhea, with my head in between her neck and shoulder with my arm stretched over her and my leg bent on her thighs and Rhea as her arm around me.
She's captioned it 'these two make me feel very single...' I reposted the photo to my story. " are you stalking me around Cali?" I laugh " oh yess baby" she winks at me and we both laugh, " should I be worried" Rhea looks at us confused which makes us laugh more " she clearly hasn't been on insta" Calista rolls her eyes. Rhea immediately gets her phone out of her pocket and checks " ohh I get it now" she laughs " cute though" she smiles.
" guys food is ready" peter comes in from the kitchen " thank god I'm fucking starving," Rhea says walking into the kitchen " language Demi!" Peter says with an eyebrow raised. "That's so weird" I laugh " what is?" Calista asked "Rhea being called Demi, I know it's her name but Rhea is just so natural to me and everyone we are around, no one ever calls her Demi" I explain.
We eat dinner and call into a calm conversation, get getting to know each other but then the dreaded question "what do your parents do?" Peter asked. " well.. ermm..." I can feel everyone's eyes on me " my dad was a wrestler for the WWE before he had to retire through injury, and my mum.. she.. she was a waitress" I explain not making eye contact and just looking at my empty plate. " was, why did she stop?" Anna asked obviously not knowing " well she ermm, she passed a few years ago" I say still looking at my plate. " oh, I'm sorry for your loss my dear, how did pass?" Anna asked softly "mum" Rhea looks at her as if to say shut the fuck up, I let out a small chuckle " it's okay ri, she overdosed.. she.. she ermm.." I feel a hand on my tight, Rhea has my tight a reinsuring squeeze and I continue " my mum struggled mentally when my dad left to join the WWE she found out he was cheating on her a few years later and she took it very hard but always done right by me, eventually she met someone but he wasn't a nice person, he was abusive to me and my mum and she broke and turned to drugs and eventually it got the better of her. I walked in one day I got home from work and found her face first on her bedroom floor with a needle in her arm" I finally look up and see Anna and Calista crying and Peter with a sad look on his face. Rhea looks sad but it isn't a shock to her as she's heard it multiple times. " that's shit, I'm sorry you had to go through that" Calista says wiping her eyes. " don't be sorry, it's not your fault" I smile at her. We finish up and I help Anna tidy up the kitchen and dining room " you're a strong lady you know, going through what you went through" she smiles at me " thank you, I mean I didn't get the choice" I laugh and she chuckles " that's true".
After everything is tidied, me, Rhea and Calista are watching tv "guys wanna go shopping tomorrow" Calista says with a big smile on her face " oh my god yess" I say. We both look at Rhea's " surre" she gives in " yees" Calista shes clapping her hands " I'm gonna regret this" Rhea laughs " you'll be fine" I say kissing her cheek.
After a few hours of shit tv me and Rhea decided to go to bed as the journey kicked our butts and we immediately fall asleep.

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