Chapter 38

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I'm just sitting there staring at the tv screen, watching the WWE universe going crazy over my dad, returning. I am brought back to reality by Rhea clicking her fingers in front of my face. " I take that has a no." Ellie laughs." Huh? What?" I look at Ellie confused." I asked if you knew Bray was returning, but judging by your reaction, we got our answer." Nattie laughs. " I didn't know, no." I simply say. The show ends, and without warning, I leave my seat and walk out.
I see my dad standing by the gorilla, "what the fuck" I say walking towards him, he turns around " a welcome back would of been nicer" he chuckles. " Why didn't you tell me?" I can't hide the hurt in my voice. " we'll if I did, then you would have told someone, and then that someone would have told someone else, then it wouldn't be a  surprise, would it?" he smiles at me. " You should have told me," I say a little louder, and I push him, and a tear falls. I feel myself getting lifted up and slung over someone should, I hit their back. " Let me down!" I hiss, and then I realise it's Rhea that's carrying me, and I know I won't win. I let her take me into Ellie's office, and she puts me down and shuts the door, " Sit" is all she says, and I do as I'm told and sit down and she grabs the other chair and it's on it backwards and rest her arms on the back of the chair and her chain on her forearms. " What was that all about?" she looks at me, and her deep blue eyes fill with confusion and concern. " I don't know" is all I say, looking at a photo of Ellie and her family so I don't have to make eye contact with Rhea. Rhea scoffed. " Don't lie to me, Luce." I sigh, knowing I can't lie. This woman knows me better than myself, which in moments like these I find annoying as fuck. " Just seeing my dad out there brought back all these emotions and flashbacks, and I don't know. I guess it was too much for me to comprehend at once, " I explain, looking at my hands and playing with my ring. I feel Rhea's finger felt my head up, so I have to make eye contact, " and that's okay. You just need to tell him that" she smiles at me. I take a deep breath and nod, " I'm sorry," I whisper. " it's not me you have to apologise too," she simply says " I waa hitting your back, which in my defence, I didn't know it was you" I look at her and she chuckles " well to be honest, I actually had a itch I couldn't reach and you got it for me so your forgiven" she chuckles which make me laugh. God, I love this woman so much. " Come on, you have someone to talk to," she says, standing up and reaching for my hand. I take it and we leave the office. We walk back to the gorilla hand in hand, my dad is still waiting, talking to Braun, Braun see's us and stands but in front of my dad " Bray hide the lion is loose again" he laughs and my dad smiles but rolls his eyes.  " can I talk to you" I look up at my dad and I forget how tall he actually is, " of course" he smiles. We walk to Ellie's office again. We enter and take a seat. " I just want to say sorry for reacting the way I did, it's just seeing you-" I get cut of " Lucy you don't have to apologize" he smiles at me " I just felt you might of wanted an explanation" I look at him " I mean I was a bit confused" he chuckles " well, it was just that seeing you at there brought back these memories of growing up and watching you with mum and these past few days have just been mentally draining but I am excited and happy to see you back"  I say playing up my ring. " I get it" he gets up and hugs me " I'm proud of you and I love you" he says kissing my forehead " I love you too dad" I smile up at him.

Now that the wrestlemania rush is over and everything has calmed down, the environment has become fun again and everyone is stress free. I'm sat in my office replying to an email when I get a text of Rhea telling me to come down to catering if I have time, I check the time and notice that my lunchtime is in five minutes anyways so, I tell her I'll be five. After I finish writing the email I make my way to catering, I walk in and get some food and see that Rhea is sitting with Dom and his girlfriend marie. " what's up" I say sitting down next to Rhea. " holla, amigo como estas" Dominik smiles " I'm so tired, I need a holiday" I yawn " I feel that" Marie chuckles " we should go on a cute couples vacation" Marie says excitedly " I don't think I'll get the time off" Rhea says sipping her water " I mean we could ask" Dom shrugs  " cool, well if you three speak to whoever you need to then if you guys can then let me know and I'll start looking" Marie smiles.

We speak to Paul and Steph after work and they agree the time off and now Marie is looking at places for us to go, and I'm so excited. Just spending a week in the sun sipping cocktails with my favorite person and her best friend. 

Me and Rhea are laying in bed watching a film, I have missed this. We haven't done this since wrestlemania as Rhea has been super busy with appearances and interviews so, it feels like we haven't had time to ourselves.   

The film finished and Rhea randomly grabs me making me squeal and laugh at the same time " you good" I continue to laugh " yup, I've just missed you" she smiles and runs the pad of her thumb over my cheek and I lean into her touch. " I've missed you too" I smile. Rhea holds my hand and twists my ring " I can't wait for you to be Mrs Bennett" she looks at me and smiles and I see the love fill her eyes " me either" I smile at her and plant a small kiss on her lips and I feel her smile into it. Rhea the cups my face with her hands and then licks my forehead " ew" I laugh wiping me forehead and she just laughs " you suck" I laugh. Rhea the moves us so that now she's hovering over me " I can if you want" she smirks " I mean" I breath, I so taken back by this behaviour but in a good way, I love it when Rhea is in this type of mood. Rhea leans down and kisses passionately.

" I fucking love you" she says and kisses me again.    

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