Chapter 16

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It's been a month since Ryan filed for divorce but fortunately they agreed to talk and work things out and have been growing strong, which I'm so happy about, I love seeing Alexa so happy. I just got back from lunch, I say down on the chair and log back into the system and take a sip of my coffee when there's a knock on my door " it's open" I shout, I watch as the door opens and Dominik walks in " hey what's up" I asked confused, why is he here. " hey hmm you got a minute?" he says with nerves in his voice. " yeah sure" I nod to the chair in front of me and he sits down " want a coffee or something?" I just trying to be polite.  " I'm good thank you" he smiles at me " so what do I owe this pleasure" I ask with an eyebrow raised  " I'm not going to waste your time, I know your busy with work so I'll get straight to the point" he says leaning forward " I just want to talk about that night and figure this shit out with you, for you" he explains " have you spoke to Rhea?" she asked " nope, not since I left her house" I tell him. " well, I spoke to her a few hours ago, I don't know if you know are even care but she's gone to Australia to see her family and she's rehabbing her knee there too. which is getting better and stronger day by day" he explains " Dom, why are you telling me this, your right I don't care" I say a bit too harshly. Dom huffs and continues " lucy, she's telling me that she didn't cheat on you and she told me she didn't even see or remember Liv or Sonya  being at my house, I have to admit luce I believe her." he looks at me dead in the eyes to show his telling the truth " why's that?" I give him a stern look " why do you believe her, there is literally a picture of them in bed together" the pain clearly in my voice and face as Dom just looks at me sadly " look Lucy I know how it looks, trust me if I received that same picture of Marie and some other guy especially someone who I had problems with before, I think I would be in jail" he laughs  then continues " look Rhea didn't really drink because of her pain meds but she was every drunk for what she did drink, I don't know if the pain medication she is on affected it but I don't know it was just concerning" his face went all worried and sad at the thought, he continues " Marie helped Rhea into the guest room and Rhea was asleep before Liv and Sonya turned up" he looks at me and I just give him a confused look " and we partied a good two, three hours before Liv and Sonya left and there was no sign of Rhea, I personally was checking on her every so often and she was out cold every time until the morning." Dom explains  " so how did Liv stay in the bed with her if you was checking on her" I ask him " that's what I'm confused about, unless it happened when I feel asleep I really don't know, but Sonya and Liv and pretty much everyone else before I went to bed" he says with a confused look. What Dom is saying is making sense and I kinda believe him but I just don't know. " why did you wait until now to tell me this, did Rhea put you up to this?" I run my hands through my hair and take a deep breath " oh no, she doesn't know I'm here, she told me to stay out of it, but I can't have her lose the love of her live to some fucked up situation and to something I believe she didn't do, she really does love you luce, honest she's not been the same since you left" he looks at me with a soft face and continues " I waited this long because I thought that you wouldn't believe me and that Rhea told me to say all of this to you," he chuckles a bit. " I won't like I probably would of told you to fuck yourself" I giggle " exactly, please just told to her" he says standing up " I'll think about it" I look up at him. Dom nods and leaves my office, now my mind's like a mosh pit and I don't know what to think. 

I get home after work and I'm all by myself as Alexa text me saying her and Ryan are going to the cinema and for something to eat.  I shower get changed into more comfy clothes and order some sushi, I put the tv on to watch some shit tv but I'm not really paying attention my mind keeps replying the conversation with Dom. What if Rhea is innocent in this? I just throw away my one true love. But that picture just broke me ugh my head is a mess, I pick up my phone and call up someone who I can always rely on to give me some advice. 

"hello?" she answers   

" hey mumma" I smile, just hearing her voice relaxes me 

" you okay hun" concern in her voice

" Jojo my head is such a mess right now" I start to cry 

" oh baby, what's wrong has Rhea contacted you?" Jojo goes into mother mode.

I explain what Dominik has told me and Jojo would listen to me rant.

" listen babe your a smart girl, I have faith you will make the right decision on taking Rhea back or not. What I will say to you though, is talk to her get her side of the story, but truly listen to her don't jump to any conclusions until after she's finished then make your mind up. It is also important to take time to think about it after, take your time and don't rush it otherwise you might get hurt again if you jump head first. 

"okay, Thanks Jojo" I wipe my tears away 

"you're welcome sweetie, get some rest okay and I will see you soon we need a shopping date" Jojo laughs

"we do " I giggle 

" good night baby, I love you" I can feel Jojo's smile down the phone

" night mumma, I love you too"

with that the phone line goes dead, I feel so much better after talking with Jojo. I make myself a cup of tea and watched Lilo and Stitch as a comfort movie and just as it was finish Alexa and Ryan walked in  " hey" Alexa smiles at me sitting next to me " how are you luce?" Ryan says sitting on the other sofa, " I'm good thanks how are you" I smile at him " I'm good cheers"  he replies " how was the film, what film did you guys watch" I ask the couple " we watch the new avatar film and it was amazing" Alexa says all excitedly " it was total rubbish" Ryan laughs and Alexa flips him off watch makes me laugh. " I saw it got mixed reviews" I laugh.   About half an hour later Ryan and Alexa went to bed, I made myself another cup of tea to take to bed with me, I get into bed and scroll through social media until I finish my tea. I brush my teeth and turn the light of and try to get some sleep. 

3 hours later I'm still awake and it's now 1am, the conversations with Dom and Jojo are running through my mind. I think about what JoJo said and I pick up my phone and go on to Instagram and message someone I may regret but I have to try

@ lucyrotunda: hey sorry its late but can we meet and talk. 

I set my phone down again thinking I won't get a reply until the morning but  my phone buzzed also immediately

" hey yeah, costa in town tomorrow?" 

@ lucyrotunda: yeah thats fine

I place my phone down and focus on going to sleep.


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