Chapter 11

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I was woken by my phone ringing, the room is pitch black and I'm now off Rhea facing away from her. I stretch over to the bedside table " hello?" I say half asleep and quietly to try and not wake Rhea. " oh my god lucy" I heard from the other side of side of the phone. " I'm sorry to wake up and Rhea but Ryan's on tour and I didn't know who to call" Alexa sobs down the phone. I get out of bed and walk into the Living room so I don't fully wake Rhea up. " Alexa what's wrong" I start to panic. " it's larry-Steve!" she begins to sob again " his fallen ill and his in so much pain and no vet will treat him or even give him painkillers. Luce I don't know what to do, I  have call 13 vet's one has agreed to see him so I'm there now waiting, but it's not looking good "she explains through sobs  " alright where are you I'm on my way?" I ask going back into the bedroom " I'm at this place called Farm vets, thank you lucy". I say goodbye find the place on google maps, get ready and leave to drive to the vets leaving Rhea looking peaceful in bed.

25 minutes later I have reached the vets and I call Alexa to let her know I'm outside, I see her come out so I get out  of the car. I walk towards her  and she pretty much runs to me hugging me tightly  crying into my shoulder. " where is he?" I ask " his in a room being seen by a vet" Alexa says wiping her eyes. "let go and be with him, he needs his mum right now " I smile at Alexa and she gives me a sad smile. We enter the vets, as we enter the reception there was a vet standing there waiting. " Miss Bliss?" the vet looked at Alexa with sad eyes and I can feel my heartbreak " that's me" Alexa says walking to the vet. " Miss Bliss as you are aware Larry-Steve is not in  good state, his in constant pain and we can not to anything to help. We have tried a pain killer and his body rejected it, with that happening we expect his body to reject all types medication. I'm sorry Miss Bliss the best option is to put Larry-Steve to sleep.  I'm sorry Miss Bliss. I'll give you some time to say goodbye." the vet explains, I turn to face Alexa and she's just standing there speechless letting the tears fall. I grab her and give the best hug I have anyone and she just sobs into my shoulder.  I just let her cry in my shoulder " hey, let's go see him" I say, Alexa just nods. We walk to the room and before we go in I stop her, " hey, remember these are his last moments with you, try and do you best to make make it a nice one, because you and Larry will remember it forever. Talk about all the good memories you have with him, I'm sure he'll love to go down memory lane with you and I'd like to hear some" I smile at her  wiping away her tear. I don't know if it made her feel better but I don't know what else to say. We're out the door now and she opens it and steps in and I step back, she looks at me confused " can you come in with me, he loved you and I'd like you to be here, he'll like it too" she smiles at me and I nod and walk in. Larry-Steve is laying on the floor on a blanket, Alexa kneels down next to him and cuddles I'm she sobs again and starts talking about all the memories she has with him, some were cute and some were funny making us both laugh. The vet gently puts Larry-Steve to sleep as we say goodbye and now even I'm crying a bit. 

We leave the vets " are you okay to drive?" I ask her as we are standing in the car park, " oh I didn't drive, I got into the pet ambulance, I didn't even think about getting home" she chuckles " alright get in" I say, I unlock the car and get in with Alexa getting in the passenger seat next to me. The drive to the car was comfortably silent, I look at the clock and it read 04:36am and it's the first time I seen the time and my body automatically feels tired and I yawn.  " sorry for waking you and Rhea up" Alexa turns to face me, " I'm glad you did I didn't want you to go through this on your own, plus Rhea was asleep when I left she sleeps like a log" I laugh and Alexa chuckles. " thank you for being there luce, I really appreciate it" she smiles at me I turn and face her for a second " anything for you lex" I smile at her and then turn to face the road.

We arrive at Alexa's house and I pull up outside "hmm" Alexa hums not being able to look at me " you okay Lex?" I ask " are you able to come in with me, I just feel like the house will be empty" she finally looks up at me " oh if you wanna get back to Rhea it's fine, I understand" she rambles I chuckle " Alexa, it's fine" she smiles and we go inside. I make her a strong cup of tea and myself a weak one just so Alexa isn't having one by herself. We sat at her kitchen table talking about random stuff and Alexa yawns " I think I'm gonna go to bed" sounds like a plan" I laugh. Alexa gives me some clothes to wear to bed and I go to open the guest bedroom but it won't open " ermm, Lex do you know this rooms is locked?" I say to her, she comes out of the bathroom " what?" she says with her toothbrush in her mouth. I laugh at her " door.. locked" I repeat " oh it shouldn't be, maybe Nikki locked it when she stayed last" she explains " I can't lie I'm too tired to look for the key, you comfortable to share with me?, the sofa isn't that great" she says " looks like I'm with you then" I laugh. We finish off getting ready for bed and climb into Alexa's bed " don't try any  funny business Bliss" I laugh " what me never" Alexa response acting shocked " yes you" I laugh " as stated before dear, I don't fancy being murdered by Ripley, so I think your safe" we both laugh " night Lex"  " night babes" and with that we both pretty much pass out within minutes.

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