Chapter 8

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I was woken up by the bed moving and I assume it's Rhea, I would get up with her but after last night I'm just too tired, plus its my day off so I fall back to sleep.

I wake up to Barry, laying his head on my stomach, sleeping, but he wakes up once I move, and he gets off me. I get out of bed and use the bathroom and then walk into the kitchen, I am hit with something smelling delicious and Rhea standing over the hob. I walk over to her and hug her from behind " morning beautiful" I say kissing her shoulder Rhea then spins around to face me " morning baby, you slept well" she chuckles " well, somebody tired me out" I wink at her, kiss her then go and sit at the counter and Rhea puts a plate and a mug in front of me, it's a bagel with avocado and scrambled eggs " I could get used to this" I say shoving a forkful of egg in my mouth Rhea just laughs and eats.

Breakfast was chill, I just finished washing up and now we're planning on taking Barry to the woods for a decent run out, I'm fresh out of the shower sitting on the edge of Rhea's bed and my phone goes off, I pick it up realizing how many notifications I have and all of them consist of me being with Rhea, " the fucking is happening" I thought to myself, like everyone is messaging me asking if I'm dating Rhea. I respond to people like Alexa, Bailey, Bianca, and Becky, all the people I have gotten to know. I just told them that we are seeing how it goes and asked where this is all coming from.

Alexa: Dude, the internet is going cray. Have u and rhea made it official? xx

Me: wft is going on. i haven't been on my phone this morning. Where is this coming from?xx

Alexa: Have u not seen rheas insta stories?xx

Me: na i haven't been on my phone since last night. I'll check now xx

Alexa: Check them out xx

I check Rhea's Instagram stories and there are two there one where I'm sitting on the sofa facing Barry and I'm kissing his nose, it's a cute picture and she's captioned it " she doesnt even kiss me like this..😒😂 and then the second one is me and Barry asleep together, I'm on my back and his got his head resting on my stomach and my arm is wrapped around him, its another cute picture and this is captioned " my lazy bubbies 🖤😴

Me: i understand now 😂😂xx

Alexa, bishh, and i was the last to know i am you bestfren 😒😂xx

Me: im my defence. i didn't know she put them up i thought we were gonna keep it hush for a bit, apparently not lol xx

Alexa: Well, im happy for you. we need a coffee date soon to catch up xx

Me: yesss we doo! I'll ring you tomoz xx

Alexa: ok, dear xx

I quickly get dressed in leggings and a white crop top, then I walk into the living room and sit next to Rhea, " Hey, you know you broke the internet, right?" she looks at me confused." How so?"  I laugh," your Insta story. " I rise an eyebrow." Oh yeah, people have been asking me about us. " she laughs." What did you tell them? I ask her all serious. " I told them the truth, that you are my girlfriend. Have I done something wrong?" she looks all sad at me." Oh no, I just thought we would have some time for ourselves, you know, to make sure it works and stuff before telling everyone. Your fans are crazy" I chuckle " tell me about it" she giggles " I'm sorry, I thought you will be alright with it, I should of spoke to you about it before I posted anything" she apologies " it's fine Rhea honestly, I don't mind" I smile at her " besides those photos are too cute not to share" Rhea laughs " honestly, you're the cutest" she kisses my forehand and gets up "   you ready to take Barry out?" she asks." Yeah, whenever you are, " I say. 

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