chapter 25

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I woke up with the worst headache I have ever had, I stretch out and notice Rhea is not by my side she must of woke up already. I notice there's a bottle of water and some painkillers on the bedside table which I'm grateful for. I take the painkillers and have some water when my phone rings. " hello?" I answer " how you sound rough, what's Aussie doing to you?" I heard  Alexa on the other side of the phone " Australia is amazing, I just went out with Rhea's sister Calista last night" I laugh "oh so we have a hungover lucy today?" Alexa laughs " we do" I chuckle " anyways, the reason I called you was because Barry only has one day of food left so I have wondering when his food is going to arrive, because Rhea orders it right?" Lex questions. " yeah she orders it, hmm I'm not sure let me sort myself out as I just woke up and I'll ask her then text you?" I say climbing out of  bed " yeah sure, I'm going asleep now it's late her so I'll response when I'm awake, night luce" she yawns " night lex" I say and the line goes dead. I shower to try and wash this hangover away, I get dressed and head down the stair and see Rhea, Anna and Peter in the garden relaxing in the Aussie sun. I walk out to the garden " oh look whos alive" Rhea laughs. I flip her off and Peter and Anna laugh, I sit next to her and she kisses me cheek " oh before I forget, lexi asked when Barry's food is being delivered?" Rhea checked her phone" tomorrow tually" she smiles at me " okay, I'll let her know" I just pulling my phone out to text Alexa. " how is my grandson" Anna smiles " still an asshole" Rhea laughs " hey don't talk smack about my boyfriend" I playfully hit Rhea on her arm earning an eye roll and making Peter and Anna laugh.   We're just relaxing in the sun, in conversation  then Rhea's phone goes off. " excuse me" she says, she gets up and and walks into the house. " so, Lucy how's the hangover" Anna asked chuckling. " yeah, Rhea left some painkillers so that's helped" I smiled " that's good" she returned my smile. Rhea then walks back out to us " hey, so that was WWE Australia. They asked me to o an interview with then so I have to leave" she looks at me " do you want to come or do you  want to stay here?". " I think I'll stay here, if that's okay?" I ask " sure honey" Anna smiles at me, I nod and smile. Rhea goes off to get ready for her interview,  some time later she's dress in black ripped jeans, wearing her dr martins and a black crop top and her makeup is her standard Rhea Ripley make up. She walks over to me " I shouldn't be long okay, I love you" she kisses my forehead as I'm sitting on a bench and it'll be awkward for her to kiss my lips I look up at her and smile " I love you too" she smiles and walks away. 

" what have you done with our daughter" Anna laughs " what do you mean?" I asked a little confused, oh shit did I do something last night, did I say something I shouldn't have.  Anna laughs at my reaction probably because I have a look of horror right now, "  no, no it's nothing bad me and peter love seeing it, Rhea is so in love with you, we have never seen her like this with anyone." Anna explains " but she's had other relationships, surly you have seen her happy with someone before?" I tilt my head a little " happy yes, with Buddy and Kevin she was happy, with Liv to be honest I don't know what that was but I know a few months in to the relationship she wasn't happy. But I watch her with you and it is totally different, for one she would never have left Buddy nor Kevin alone with us like she has done with you, she would of made them go with her, even with Calista she would have never let them go out with her, without Rhea being there. Rhea is different around you" Anna says and I feel an enormous amount of joy, love and happiness about what I just heard. " what do you mean different around me, I make her change?" I ask " oh hon, in the best way, like I said we have never seen Rhea so in love before. look not to bring back the bad parts but I'm going to tell you something, something that she would probably kill me for say but I just want you to understand what I mean." Anna takes a deep breath " when you guys had that bad patch with the picture and her injury, Rhea came here and I honestly she was broken, but not about the injury, she's used to them, but you Lucy. Rhea was here three months and she spent two of them locked away crying but of the thought of losing you. When me and Rhea had a conversation about it she even mentioned marriage, she thought/ thinks that you're the one she wants to marry and have a family with one day. When she called saying that you guys are back together, the happiness in her voice was very clear and when I watch her with you, that happiness shows" she smiles at me. I can feel my eyes tear up, I don't know if it's the thought of Rhea locking herself away and crying because of me or the fact she has told her family what she told me. " you guys must think I'm a right dick making her so upset, I mean if it helps I was like that too, when I saw that photo my world came crashing down around me." I look at Anna and her eyes show concern " we don't think anything bad about you doll, I would of done the same thing if it was peter in that photo. I'm glad you guys figured it out, you guys really love each other" she smiles at me and put her hand on my knee for comfort " we do" I smile at her 

A few hours later I'm relaxing on the bed in our room on my phone just scrolling through social media and replying to a few texts I got from Jojo, my dad, Alexa and others when the door just swings open making me jump and Rhea walks through with a smile on her face " hey" I smile at her " hey, I missed you" she says climbing on the bed and snuggling up to me " I missed you too" I laugh at her actions " how was the interview" I look down at her she moves up so she's level with me " yeah it was cool, I got to eat a load of Aussie food, you know how much I have missed food from here and the host was cool so we could joke around and that so I found it easy to relax" she tell me " that's cool " I smile at her. Rhea then leans in and kisses me and I kiss her back, Rhea then pushes me down and straddles me and deepens the kiss. I pull away " I think we should stop, I don't want someone walking in" I laugh " the door can lock" Rhea laughs she gets off runs over to the door and locks it and runs back and jumps on me playfully making me laugh. Rhea the kissed me again this time I straddle her and one thing led to another.

me and Rhea are just chilling watching a movie in our room when there's a knock on the door " enter" Rhea laughs. The door opens and Calista walks in " oh shit where have you been" Rhea sits up laughing " none of your business" Calista pokes her tongue out making us laugh " hey Luce, can I talk to you?" she looks at me " errm yeah sure" I say climbing out of bed.I walk out of the bedroom and Calista leads me into her, she sits on her double bed and pat's next to her to indicate I sit next to her. I sit next to her and she smiles at me " so, you know that guy Keenen from last night?" she says with excitement in her voice " I remember" I chuckle " well, you know you was saying that he likes me and he wants to be more than friends" she says with the biggest smile " yeah?" I question. " well after you left me and my friends went back to his, I ended up staying because I was too drunk to get home" she looks at me with a smile on her face " right" I tilt my head a bit " nothing happened, because we were both drunk but when we woke up he basically confessed he feelings for me so, Lucy you were right" she laughs " oh wow, how do you feel about it" I ask her " I feel the same, I told him that and we spend the whole day together, we went on for a walk on the beach then had a really nice lunch, we then went back to his and cuddled and watched movies and maybe kissed a little " Calista laughs   " well, I'm happy for you" I smile  " thank you" she smiles back " right I'm gonna make some tea and have a shower" Calista says getting up from her bed " tea sounds good to be honest" I let out a smile chuckle and follow her to the kitchen were we make tea, I make Rhea one as well and bring them up.  

Me and Rhea drink our tea whilst watching Dragon Ball-z as Rhea out it on whilst I was talking to Calista. I scroll through my phone for a bit and then decide to snuggle up to Rhea and go to sleep. 

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