Chapter 30

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Rhea's POV!

I wake up to an empty bed which isn't out of the ordinary, most days Lucy will wake up before me. I get out of bed and use the ensuite bathroom, I exit the bedroom and walk into the living room expecting to see Lucy sitting on the sofa but she wasn't. I walk into the dinning room, she wasn't there either, I call for her but there was no answer. I look in the office and it was empty, maybe she's making food   I thought to myself. I walk into the kitchen, she wasn't' there either. Maybe she's using the bigger bathroom so she didn't wake me I thought. I walk to the bigger bathroom and the door was open, I pop my head in and it was empty. Okay, she must have gone to work early I thought. I shower and get ready for work. As I leave I notice Lucy's keys in the key holder, how did she get to work then I thought to myself, I pick them up as I will give them to her when I get to the arena. I leave the house and see that her car is still on the driveway. I just get into my car and drive to work.

I arrive at work, I grab a cup of coffee and walk in to Lucy's office, I give a small knock and try and open the door but its locked meaning she is somewhere else. I head to catering to see Lex seating by herself. " hey" she smiles up at me as I sit down " hey, have you seen Lucy?" I ask taking a sip of my coffee. " No I haven't, why?" she looks at me " oh, she just wasn't at home when I woke up and her office is locked" I tell her and she pulls an confused face at me " erm, she hasn't gone to yours has she and told you not to tell me?" I look at her trying to hide the sadness " oh no, honestly I haven't seen or heard from her. Did yous have a fight?" she looks at me concerned " no, that's the confusing thing she just kind of disappeared" I tell her. " maybe she's at Bray's" Alexa says, " true I haven't asked Bray yet he is my last resort, I don't want to worry hom" I tell her. I heard my name being called to inform me it's time for The Judgement day to head into the ring " if you hear from her, tell me please" I say getting up and she nods and smiles at me. I meet Dom, Fin and Damion at the girllia and wait for our music to hit. Once our music hit we walk out to the ramp so I can do my stomp, I did it and we walk to the ring, I walk behind Dom, it was time for me to whisper something into Dom ear " have you seen Lucy?" I whisper, he looks at me confused but nods his head no and we get into the ring. We wait for the street profits to enter the ring which they did in hyper ways. I exit the ring and watch as Dom and montez start the match.  I don't really pay attention to the match as I'm think of the whereabouts of my girlfriend and why she has disappeared, I'm brought out of my thought when a fan calls me. I look at him with an eyebrow raise " I'm your papi" he laughs " no you're not" I simply say " oh sorry Lucy's your papi" he laughs again and I don't know why but it angered me  probably because I don't know where the fuck she is " shut your mouth before I shut it for ya" I shout at him and the audience laugh. I mean that's the best thing about  being a heel I can say pretty much anything and get away with it. I walk over to the other side of the ring where Dom is, I watch as Montez tried to cheat and beat up fin whilst the refs back is turned " Montez get your ass out of my ring" I shout and he shouts something back but  I didn't hear what he said  " hey, don't shout at mumi" I heard Dom say and I chuckled. We are nearing the end of the match and Montez is setting up for his big splash of the top rope onto Dom " Dom, Dom move!" I shout and he rolls out of the way " That would of hurt" I laugh and Dom rolls up Montez I saw Dawkins getting into the ring to try and break up the pin, So I grab him and throw him into the barricade and run off before the ref see's and Dom gets the 3 count and we win. 

 I walk back through the curtin " hey, is everything alright" I heard Dom say putting his hand on my shoulder " nope" I say walking off. I go to to Lucy's office again and it was still locked, I tried calling her, her phone is off. what the fuck is happening, I sigh and run my hands throw my hair. I walk to the manager's office and knock on the door " enter" I hear and I walk through the door " Demi, how can I help?" Paul asked look at me. I sit down on the chair opposite him " Lucy hasn't called in or spoke to you has she?" I ask trying to hide the concern in my voice " no, she hasn't which I am upset about. what's going on?" Paul asked setting his phone down on his desk " I don't know, I woke up and she's just gone" I sigh " have you guys argued?" he said rubbing his bread " no" I simply say " well I'm sorry she hasn't contacted me, but if she does this again she's fired" he said " okay, thanks anyways" I say and walk out of the office.  I leave work and drive to the last place I can think of, I knock on the door and a little wait later I'm greeted by Bray " Rhea? hey, come in" he says stepping aside " thanks" I say walking in their home " you okay, this is a surprise Lucy with you? he said " no, this is why I'm here but I think know my answer" I look at my feet " what's going on is Lucy okay?" worried clear in his voice " I don't know Bray, I woke up and she was gone, I have asked everyone at work and they haven't seen or heard from here and now I'm starting to worry" I say holding back the tears " look today will be rough on her, I'm sure she's fine just give her space and she'll come to you when she's" he says. I look a him " what's today?" I asked a bit confused " oh, then she hasn't told you, erm today is her mum's anniversary" he says softy " shit"  whisper " look go to this address, follow these steps and she might be there if not, then we worry" he says writing down something on a piece of paper.  I take it, thank him and leave. I type the address into my built in sat nav in my car and it's a three hour drive to a cemetery , fuck sake.  I start the car and drive. 

After three hours I park up in the parking lot and follow Bray's instruction's. Moments later I arrive at the grave and I see someone sitting there in a Rhea ripley hoodie with the hood up " Luce?" I call her, she turns around with her face pale and her eyes are red and puffy from crying " you found me?" she slurs  clearly drunk. I walk closer and see an empty bottle of Jack Daniels and a half empty one in her hand, I sit next to her. " mum this... this is Rhea who I was talking about " she barely gets out. you've been talking about me, good things I hope" I let a small chuckle escape" how did you find me?" she looks up at me " your dad said you might be here" I say " bastard" she says angrly " Luce, I asked him. I was worried" I explain. She doesn't say anything but takes a swig of the alcohol, I take the bottle away from her and pour it on the grass " what the fuck" she shouts " you've had enough" I said firmly. Lucy stands up and I copy her " you don't get to come here and tell me if  had enough" she shouts and pushes me " you're allowed to be sad and angry Lucy" I say watching her struggle to stand " don't you fucking dare " she pushes me again and this I grab her holding her tight " it's okay" I whisper . She tried fight me off but then gives up " I just fucking miss her so much" she begins to cry and we collapse on the floor as I still hold her tight allowing her to cry into my chest " it's okay" I whisper again as she continues to sob.  After a couple of minutes she stops crying " does it get easier?" she whispers " no, the pain of missing her will always be there but you'll  just find a easier way of coping" I simply say. After some time of silence "come on let's get you home" I say and help her up. Lucy stands up but stumbles, I catch her and pull her closer " lean on me" I say and we walk to my car. Once we reach the car, I help Lucy in as she's pretty much asleep on her feet, I climb in, text Bray and some others just to let them know I'm with Lucy then I start the three hours drive home.  We are now ten minutes away from home and Lucy has been asleep for all of the ride until now. Lucy kind of jumps up and looks at me confused " hey" I smile "I , I think, I'm gonna.." she mutters " Lucy I swear to god don't throw up in the car" I panic looking for somewhere to park. " we'll be home in  in a few minutes so hold it" I say " Ri I ca..." I heard then I heard her throw up at her feet " fuck sake"   I huff " sorry" she whispers. we get home and I help her out of the car. Lucy, the seat and the feet area is covered in puke. I pretty much carry Lucy in to our home and straight into the big bathroom and I seat her on the toilet, I take off her shoes and top, " Luce, I'm gonna need you to stand up" she tries and I help her, I mange to get her leggins down one handed as I needed the other one to help Lucy balance and I sit her down on the toilet again and pull the leggings off her. I pretty much carry her into the bedroom and lay her on the bed and she passes out immediately, I find her some shorts and a top to wear and put them on her with a struggle. 

" I wish you didn't love me so much, I don't deserve you " she mumbles.

" Wait until WrestleMania" I whisper.  

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