Chapter 34

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 I'm in my office and my office phone rings " hello?" I answer "hey, lucy it's Paul are you free?" Paul's deep voice fills my ear. " ermm, yeah in like five minutes. Why?" confusion clear in my voice " cool, can you come to my office?, me and Steph would like to talk to you" Pauls voice is giving no emotion so I'm getting a bit anxious. " okay cool, I'll be like 10 minutes?" I say " okay see you then" Paul the hangs up the phone. I finish what I was doing and walk down to paul's office.

 I knock on the door and wait for the command to enter, after I hear it I slowly open the door and see Paul and Stephanie sitting at the desk. " hey" I give them a small smile " Lucy, good to see you. How are you?" Steph returns my smile " I'm good thanks, how are you both?" I look at them both. " so you're probably wondering why we have pulled you in here" Paul gets straight to the point. " yeah I've been sitting here thinking what have I done wrong now" I laugh and Steph and Paul let out a small chuckle " quite the opposite actually, but first, let me ask how this, and be honest, How is Ellie getting on with everything.? Paul asks " I mean she's still shy when it comes to meeting some of the wrestlers and other people who work behind the scenes but, she is still young so that's normal. I feel like she gets along with Rhea and our group of friends though. In terms or work, she has been doing amazingly, she learnt quickly and just gets what needs to be done, done, I don't have to help her anymore and even when I check on her and the work, it's so well done." I explain honestly. Steph smiles and Paul just nods " do you think she is capable of doing this full time?" Steph " oh, definitely. She has expressed how she enjoys this job and everyone involved in it" I smile  " okay good, the reason for this conversation is because her two week work experience is ending in a few days, we have to decide if we should keep her on, on a permanent bases and if you think she is capable, then we will" Steph explains " I honestly think she is" I say " good, we have her contract here" Paul hands me a envelope " she will be taking over you" Paul simply says " wait, what" I question. Paul and Steph just laugh and I look at them in confusion " we want you to be the manager of the social media department, taking over me" Paul explains " oh" is all I can say " would you want to run the department?" Steph asked with a smile " yeah, of course." I smile " good now your first job is to tell Ellie about her new contract, get her to sign it if she wishes and then bring it back to me. You will move into a bigger office and you will have the mobile phone so if people need you they can reach you" Paul says handing me a phone, a charger and a set of keys of my new office. " thank you" I smile at the husband and wife 2 I have a question though" I say " go ahead" Paul says " will I be doing the social media side of things or just checking in on people and their work" I ask " well we want you to focus on more of the lives and the interviews you do because the wwe universe loves you doing them so now you can do them more often, and Ellie can mod the chats so nothing goes wrong. But your main focus is to do rotas, making sure everyone is okay and doing the thing and taking care of things that needs attending too" Steph explains  " okay I understand" I smile and they give me a nod. " I think we have covered everything so, you can go and tell Ellie the news." Steph smiles. I thank them again and hug them and leave to find Ellie. 

Firstly, I find my new office. It was double the size with a full wall window from floor to ceiling looking over the city as it's now on the third floor. There is a coffee machine and a water fountain in the corner, a mini fridge filled with drinks. a desk with two monitors and three chairs, one for the person at the pc and two on the other side of the desk, there is a office phone and it is decorated with white walls with a couple off wwe ppv posters. Whilst Ellie was on her morning brake I grabbed all my stuff from the old office like a couple of photo frames I had filled with pictures of my wwe family. There was a three seater sofa, a small table and and to chairs 

I walk back to find Ellie as she should be back from her brake, I tap on the office door and walk in to find her at the pc, " hey I was wondering where you were" she smiles at me. " I have been a busy girl" I laugh " I gathered, I noticed all your stuff has gone, what's with that?" her green eyes fills with worry " about that, I need to have a meeting with you. Log off and follow me please" I smile at her, she nods and follows my instructions. I guide Ellie to the third floor and in to my new office " whoaa" Ellie says look around. " right" I chuckle " please, take a seat" I say sitting in on the sofa. Ellie sits next to me looking very anxious " please don't think this is something bad" I smile at her to try and reinsure her and she smiles and nods " so, I called you in here to speak about your time with us, your future with us and obviously your thoughts. This is just because your two weeks with us is coming to an end, sadly." I look at her and try and read what she is thinking. " firstly how do you think your time with us went?" I smile at her " well, I have loved every minute of it. I know I'm still learning but the work is not bad and I feel like I have made life long friends, family even. I mean you and Rhea have become like my adoptive mums" she chuckles and I smile at the thought of one day becoming a mother along side Rhea. " I feel like I can do well in this company and maybe follow in your footsteps" she smiles at me. " so, If I offered you a permanent role, would you take it?" I ask her and I see the excitement grow within her green eyes. " oh my god, yes I would" she can't hold back her excitement making me laugh " okay good because, we would like to offer you a role with us" I smile at her and she hugs me " thank you" she smiles " your hard work and fast learning is who you have to thank" I laugh " okay, I have your contract here. Take it home, read it and get back to me. Your time up is not up until friday so you still have four days with us. So, take your time and yet back to me on thursday, If you have any questions call me" I hand her the envelop " so, will I be getting my own office" she laughs " will if you take the job after reading the contract, your already in it" I return her smile " But thats your office" she tilts her head in confusion " Ellie, you will be taking over my role" I let out a small chuckle " wait, what?" she confusion gets worse and I laugh a little " this is my new office and I'll be running the department" I smile at her " oh, congrats" she hugs me. " thank you, congratulations to you also. With that being said it's home time and I'm hungry so let's leave" I laugh standing up and she follows. As we are about to leave my phone rings and Rhea's name comes up " hey" I smile even though she can't see it. " Luce, the office is empty and all your stuff is gone, whats happens and where are you and Ellie? me and Lexi have been looking all over for yous ." concern is evident in her voice " come to the third floor and the first door to your left with you come out of the elevator" I explain.  alright" she breathes out maybe in relief. 

Me and Ellie didn't wait long before a 5 ft 9 Australian  and the 5ft of fury walks through the door. " hey" I hug Alexa first as she was closer and then I take a step to Rhea and lean up and kiss for softly on her lips. " ugh, get a room" Ellie laughs and Rhea laughs. " so, what you guys gonna do it on first. The sofa or the huge desk" Alexa smirk at us as she  runs her hand over the desk that had to monitors on it. Rhea laughs " Lex, there's a child here" I act shocked " I would personally go for the sofa" Rhea shrugs making the situation worse and I slap her arm making her laugh " well, you both done it on a work desk already so, Rips, I agree" Alexa winks at me " wait, you guys did it on the desk I have been working on" Ellie says looking like she's about to throw up. Rhea and Alexa laugh " I'm sure Lucy cleaned it with disinfectant" Rhea laughs " Luce, you watched me eat lunch on that desk" Ellie says " guys can you stop terrorising the poor child" I laugh " I'm not a child" Ellie laughs " well you're not 21 yet so technically you are" I smile sarcastically and she flips me off, I act hurt my her actions and then we both fall into a laughing fit. " I'm hungry, lets get food" Alexa pipes up " I think you guys have ruined my appetite" Ellie laughs as we leave the office and I lock up.

The four of us make our way to the nearest restaurant and sit down on the first table we see. We spend about an hour and a half in the food place celebrating mine and Ellie's promotions and having a good time with a few drinks and  good food. Eventually we said our goodbyes and make our way home. 

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