Chapter 44

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I wake up to my beautiful fiancée smiling down at me " morning beautiful"  I look around confused at first, collecting my bearings because the last thing I remember is being on the beach. " you fell asleep so I brought you back to bed" she explains catching on to my confusion " oh" I chuckle " we are all going out for breakfast, do you wanna come or do you want to  stay in bed and I will bring you something back?" she says moving some hair out of my face. All off the sudden everyone runs into our room and jumps on the bed " wake your lazy ass up" Damian shouts  " Luce its the last day you can't spend it in bed" Alexa say. "I'm getting up" laugh. To my surprise we all chill on the bed for a bit, I don't know how we all found a space, especially Damian, that guy is huge. About 30 minutes later I decided I need a shower " guys, if ya'll want me up, I need to get ready so, some privacy would be nice" I chuckle " yeah Fin" Dom says and pushes Fin off the bed making everyone laugh " your such an asshole" the Irishman laughs as he lays on the floor. They all leave to let me get ready, I quickly shower and get dressed and meet everyone else in the living room and we head out. 

 We chose this cute little restaurant, the waiter sits us down and has he hands us the menu we winks at me. I look around to see if everyone else saw it and Alexa and Ellie are laughing and Rhea does not look impressed. We order our food and drinks and have a good time, but throughout the meal I can feel the waiter's eye on me but I choose to ignore it and focus on having a good time with my fiancée and friends on our last day on holiday. After we ate our food I decided I would pay, it took some convincing but the group allowed me after putting up a good argument.  I go up to the till and this the man who as been staring at me all the time " hey, can I pay the bill for table 36 please?" I smile " sure, cash or card?" he smiles creepily at me " card please" I say getting out my card holder. " so, do you have a partner" he says, like why is that irrelevant?. " yes, I'm happily engaged" I say using my left hand to tap my card so he can see my engagement ring. " oh, congrats to who, him?"  he nods over to Damian who is walking over to us " thank fuck" I sigh mentally " no, to her" I nod over to Rhea who was watching like a hawk. " everything good?" Damian says wrapping a protective arm around me. " yeah" I smile up and him and he nods " here's your receipt ma'am" the creepy man says coldly " thanks" I say as I take it off him and walk away. As we leave the restaurant and Rhea wraps her arm around me, I know she's hoping that guy is watching, let's be honest, he probably is. " that guy was weird" Ellie chuckles " tell me about it" I roll my eyes. I go to throw the receipt in the bin " hang on, Luce what's that on the back of the paper" Vero says " what?" I say confused and looked at the back of it. 

when u decide that men are better and u want a real relationship ill be here ;) 

call me : deans number was here

dean x 

I laugh more in disbelief then anything, Rhea snaches it out of my hand, reads it " who the fuck does he think he is" she starts to walk back, I pull her back " babe don't worry about it, it's nothing" I say taking the paper out of her hand and putting it in the bin. " it's not nothing though, did you not see him write this?" she is so angry right now, normally Rhea is the calm one out of us but she is fuming. " he must of done it when I was talking to Damian" I shrug. Rhea runs her hand through her hair and walks off and sits on a wall, I give her a minute to calm down, I tell the guys to go ahead and we will catch up. " hey" I say sitting next to her and she just smiles at me. " you okay?"  I say hugging into her " yeah, it just got to me, you know?" she says wrapping an arm around me. I move so I can look into her deep blue eyes, " I said this countless time, your the only one for me" I say " I know, I just got protective and just a little but jealous" she chuckles " you don't need to feel jealous" I say cupping her face with my hands and placing a kiss on her lips and feel her relax.  " come on, the guys are waiting" I say standing up, I help her up and we make our way back to the apartment. 

We finishing packing and we all decided to chill by the pool for a few hours because our flight is not until 7pm and it's only 1pm now. I change into my bikini and grab a drink and head out to the pool where everyone else is.

We spend the rest of the day by the pool and now it is time to leave, I feel sad because I have had the best time with the guys and I don't want it to bed with that being said, I can't wait to go home at the same time. 

We are at the airport getting ready to board the plane, once our gate number comes up on the screen, we grab our bags and head to the gate. We find our seats and get relaxed for our plane ride. I put on the movie bad neighbours and put in my headphones in as Rhea as fell asleep, no surprise there. About an hour and an half into the movie I feel Rhea move " hey" I smile at her " hey" she smiles back. " what are you watching?" she asked taking a sip of water " bad neighbours" I say offering her a headphone to watch it with me, she takes it and cuddles up to me and watches the movie. We finish the movie and the aeroplane lands, we get our bags and we say goodbye to everyone and order our uber home. 

I get woken up by my phone ringing, I stretch over with a huff and answer it " hello?" I sigh " morning baby, I'm just making sure your awake for work?" Rhea giggles " my alarm hasn't gone off yet, wait you not home?" I say sitting up just to see Barry at the bottom of the bed looking at me " your alarm is going off in 3,2," Rhea laughs at my alarm goes off " you're a weird guy" I laugh getting out of bed and Rhea laughs " I'm going to shower now, bye" I chuckle " wait, wait, wait" I hear Rhea say as I'm about to hang up " what?" I ask. I look at my phone as it's making other noises and it's a facetime request, I answer it to see her smiling at my " what do you want" I laugh " well you said you was going to shower, sooo.... I facetimed you to see" she smirks at me " your not watching me shower" I laugh and she pouts making me laugh even more " where even are you" I ask looking at her surroundings " I'm getting about to drive back from the gym, meet me in the shower in 10"? she winks " fine" I roll my eyes " but no funny business, I can't late I have meetings" I say and Rhea just hangs up, now rude. I pick out my work outfit and run the shower, I get in and not long after I hear Rhea come through the front door, I see the bathroom door open and Rhea walks through, she undresses and climbs in behind me, " morning" she says kissing my neck. I turn and face her " morning" I smile at her. I wrap my arms around her neck and gently pull her down for a kiss. " I thought you said no funny business" Rhea says into my kiss, I just smirks and Rhea deepens the kiss.

Rhea pulls up at our work car park and we walk into work together, Rhea heads to meet the rest of TJD and I make my way to the office. The day went fast but boring, it was just meetings after meetings. I meet Rhea by the car and we head home.    

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