Chapter 37

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The crowd is chanting really louding, tears are streaming down my face and I look down at Rhea and she frowns and concern and worry fills her eyes as she's probably been the longest few seconds of her life since she asked me to be her wife.

"yes" is all I can get out

Rhea stands up, puts the ring on my finger and picks me up and spins me around we chuckle she sets me down and places a kiss on my lips " you ruined my makeup" I laugh Rhea wipes some smudged mascara from under my eyes " you're still beautiful" she places a small kiss on my lips and and we leave the ring.

We walks over to our families and hugs them as they congratulates us then we make our way to backstage, we stop on the stage and Rhea turns around and lifts the title above her head. The pyro goes off and it makes me jump as I was not expecting it and it causes Rhea to laugh. We make our way through the curtin and I am Immediately jumped on, I catch the person who jumps on me " congrates, bestie" Alexa laughs " thank you, pixie" I chuckle " let me see!" Alexa grabs my left hand and looks at silver diamond ring " Ri, it looks amazing!". I laugh at how excited Alexa is " it does thanks for the help" Rhea chuckles " what you knew!" I playfully slap Alexa's arm " I did, Rhea called me and told me and we went ring shopping" she smiles " well, thank you Lex. I love it" I hug her. I playful point at Rhea " and you, your slick" I laugh. I cup her face and kiss her, I'm in hills so I don't have to lean up like I normally do.

" babe, can I have your hand?" Rhea gently pulls my left hand up and places it one the Smackdown women's championship " what are you doing?" I laugh. " taking a photo for instagram" she chuckles, she gets her phone out and takes a photo of my hand and the belt "you're weird" I laugh, Rhea just shrugs. All off a sudden there's a loud cheer and me and Rhea turn around to see our families are walking up to us. " how are you feeling" Anna smiles at me " my face hurts because I can't stop smiling" I laugh, Anna laughs and pulls me into a hug " welcome to the family" she kisses my cheek " thanks mamma" I smile at her " I finally have a sister" Calista laughs " erm, what am I" Rhea chuckles " your adopted" she ruffles Rhea's hair making everyone laugh. " thanks shithead" Rhea laughs " well, I'm wanted for press and the press conference. So, I'll see you guys later" Rhea then kisses me " I love you" she smiles " i love you too" I return her smile back at her. Rhea then walks off.

Me and both families are chilling backstage in catering waiting for Rhea to return, when Paul walks up to us " Lucy, can I have a word?" she simply says and I can't lie I'm a little anxious. " hey,whats up?" I say as I reach him " firstly, congratulations on the engagement" he smile " thank you" I smile " Luce,I really need a favour, Bryon has to go home because his unwell and Ellie is up to her neck in social's, I know your spending time celebrating with your family but is there any way you can host the press conference?" he looks at me pleadingly. I think about it, I was going to say no but I have to wait for Rhea to do the conference anyways so why not make money. "yeah no problem when am I needed?". " you're a lifesaver" he hugs me " can you be ready in 15?". " no problem" I smile at him.

I get mic'ed up and get ready to host the press conference, I walk into the room and there are hundreds of people.

" hi, I'm Lucy Rotunda and welcome to the press conference of Wrestlemania 39 Saturday, before we get into it, I would like to thank Snicker's for sponsoring Wrestlemania ." I smile down the camera." so, tonight we will be hearing from our new tag team champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, and also, the winner of the Smackdown Women's championship and the winner of the Father vs Son bout and the chief content officer of wwe Paul ' Triple H' Levesque. Now for our media members here, for your questions to get answered please raise your hand and when picked, simply state your name and the media outlet you are from, thank you." I explain. I go on and explain and recap the main event and how Sami and Kevin dethroned half of the bloodline and how it might affect Roman in his title defence against Cody tomorrow.

" now Ladies and Gentlemen, it's my honour to introduce to you someone who has just made history and is the new Smackdown women's champion. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Rhea Ripley. Rhea walks on so smug and showing off her new belt and laughing, I can't help but smile at her. We look eye for a second and she smiles at me and for a second I forget where I am. " okay, question for Rhea goes to the lady in the second row" I say trying to compose myself under Rhea's stare, the Lady states her name and what media outlet is she from " hi Rhea so firstly, I wanted to congratulate you and Lucy on your engagement. Secondly, now you have defeated Charlotte and become Smackdown women's champion as well as engaged how are you going to celebrate and what is next is for Rhea Ripley " the lady asked and Rhea has a big smile on her face and she lets out a chuckle " well thank you,erm in terms of what's next for Rhea Ripley, I mean complete control and domination over the women's locker room and hold on to this bad boy for a very long time" she says holding up her belt. " in terms of celebration, I mean I can't say because I'll probably get in trouble" she laughs " but all I will say is that The Judgment day knows how to party and when we do party we get a little wild so we will have a good time" she laughs making the audience laugh with her. As I'm standing away so the people and Rhea can talk, I'm watching Rhea and she just looks so happy, like she's on cloud 9 right now and it's so contagious because I can't stop smiling watching her. " okay, next question please.... that man on the left row 4" I say point to some guy. Again he introduces himself and the media company he works for. " Rhea what are your thoughts on Dominik's match, everyone thought we would see you out there especially when is bad bunny got involved. What are your thoughts on the match" the report asked " well firsty, what kind of father hits own son, I mean it show what father Rey is and Dom has been always right. I mean I wish I could of came out and help my Dom, Dom but Mami has her own business to attend to but The Judgement day will take care of the stupid bunny when we see fit. With that being said, I am proud of my Dom,Dom and he entrance was freaking amazing" she smiles. " okay last question goes to, you there on row five" I say pointing to the man, he introduces himself and starts with his question. " hi Rhea, how does your win affect The Judgement Day?" Rhea chuckle a bit " it just goes to show how dominate we are, I mean three out of the four of us are on the biggest stage and we will continue to dominate and it's only a matter or time before they join me in holding some gold" she smiles at the man. " okay that's it for the questions for Rhea, thank you all for getting involved. And thank you Rhea" I smile at her as she stands up, she picks up thr mic, " one last thing, Lucy you suck" she laughs and pic the mic down and grabs a Snickers bar and shrugs and walks off. Only rhea would do that, but I laugh and carry on with what I have to do.

It's the RAW after Wrestlemania which is dubbed the biggest RAW of the yeah. This is where people return or come up from NXT and madness just happends.
I'm currently sitting in Ellie's office with obviously Ellie, Rhea and Nattie. We are watching the ending of RAW before we go and the ring goes pitch black. Sportlights begin to shine in the crowd showing these crazy puppets a pig, then a buzzard, then a rabbit then lastly a women puppet dressed in black. Then the camrea pans and theres a door thats smoking, the doory swings open and a figure in a mask starts to walk through it holding a Latin. The crow is going crazy chanting 'holy shit' the guy walks through the door and holds up the Latin to their face.
"I'm here" they say and blows out the Latin

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