Chapter 49

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it's been four days since Rhea left and I miss her like crazy, we haven't spoken to each other either. I guessing she's spending time with her family and also giving me the space I have asked for, which I'm grateful for. I'm walking through the car park going into work and I hear a beep, I turn around and see the bloodline in a golf cart " what's up uce" Roman says stopping the cart, Paul is sitting next to him holding Romans titles and Jimmy, Jey and Solo are sitting at the back with their backs facing Roman and Paul. " hey" I chuckle " where you going?" Jey asked " to my office, where I always am" I laugh " hop on uce, we're going catering" Jimmy says. I climb in and stand between Jimmy and Jey. " what's up" I say to Solo and he just nods at me " he doesn't talk much does he?" I laugh " he's shy" Jimmy laughs making us all laugh. Half way through the drive " uce, you down for a bit of fun right" Jey gives me a smirk " why?" I chuckle " dare you to climb on the roof of the cart" Jey looks at me with amusement in his eyes. I look at the roof and look for a way to do it " fuck it" I shrug and start climbing " this women's crazy" Solo chuckles " aye, he talks" I laugh  and I can the three man at the back laughing  as I sit down on the roof " what's going on back there" Roman shouts " nothing that concerns you, joe" I laugh and I see him look up at me " what the fuck, how did you even get up there" he chuckles " don't worry about it, Joe" I laugh he laughs and shakes his head and continues to drive. As we pull up outside catering, I notice the photographer's taking photos of us, I do a few poses for the shits and giggles and start to climb down. On the way down I feel someone lift me up and I squeal then I notice I'm on Roman's shoulders. Roman signals at paul to give he his titles, once Paul does what his is told Roman hands them to me " here hold these" he says I take them and put them around my shoulders. Again the photographer's are snapping picture of me sitting on Roman's shoulders holding his titles, we enter catering and he puts me down gently and I hand back the titles " well, thanks for the ride" I chuckle " no problem" he winks and pulls me into a hug which I return. I hug  and say goodbye to the twins and Solo and go to my office. 

I just finished the rotas and sent them out when I get an email from Ellie, my first thought was that she wanted to change something on her rota but the message said;

Ellie: sick photos! 

Attached, there were a few photos from earlier. I saved them and decided to upload them to instagram. The first photo was me sitting on the cart roof with Roman and Paul and Solo pulling their tough guy facial expressions trying to keep in character and then me, Jey and Jimmy goofing around.

I captioned it felling ucey 😎😝🤙

Romanreigns,uceyjucey,jonathanfatu and 3,876 others liked this post

@romanreigns: welcome to the best bloodline in wwe history☝️ @lucyrotunda: @romanreigns you need the rotunda's right?  😏

@uceyjucey: ucey lucy 😂😂 @lucyrotunda: @uceyjucey ffs 😂😂😫

@jonathanfatu: we da ones🩸☝️☝️@lucyrotuda: @jonathanfatu: day1 ishhh ☝️🩸

@dominik_35 tjd does not approve of this! @lucyrotunda: @ dominik_35 i still love tjd, my fav people 💜

The other picture is me and Roman, I sitting on his shoulders with my tongue poking out, as I'm holding up the titles and Roman is doing the bloodline pose with his arm raised and pointing. 

I captioned it; 

Head of the table,

The Tribal chief,

1,000 days plus champion, 

and @romanreigns 

Romanreigns, calista_bennett, shotziwwe and 3,675 others like this post. 

@shotzi: this caption finished me 😂😂

@romanreigns: i want my titles back 😒 @lucyrotunda: @romanreigns fight me for them😝😏

@charlottewwe; this photo and caption is everything x @lucyrotunda:@ charlotte miss you queeny x 

I'm in my office finishing off some work so I can go home and my phone rings, I look to see whos it is, Calista is calling me through instagram " hey" I answer " hey Luce, sorry to bother you, but it's Demi" she says sadly " what's happened" I say with panic in my voice " well, since she's been here she hasn't left her room, she hasn't eaten much and we are worried." she says sniffling like she's holding back her tears. Calista takes a keep breath " we are worried, and I don't know what has happened between you too but right now she needs you" she says but continues " please Luce, please fly over" she begins to cry " okay, I'll look at plane tickets" I say. " thank you Lucy, let me know your flight details and I will pick you up from the airport, oh I'm not telling Demi, I feel like she needs a nice surprise  " she says " will do, I'll get on it now" I tell her " okay, bye Lucy" she says and the line goes dead. The first thing I do is call Steph to ask for the time off and explain what Calista said and she gave me the go a-head.  I book the plane ticket and then leave work to pack. I ask Ellie if she could take care of Barry for us and she said she will help. I also send Calista my flight details and then pack.

I'm at the airport waiting for my flight and my phone rings again, I'm expecting it to be Calista but to my suprise, Rhea's name is on my screen. " hey" I say and smile like she can see me. " hi, sorry I know you wanted space but I just needed to hear your voice" she says " don't be sorry baby, how you holding up" I ask her " not good Luce, I wish you was here" she says with sadness evident in her voice " I will be with you soon" I say " I don't think I can do the funeral without you" her voice shakes. " Ri, I will be with you at the funeral" I say " really?" I can hear her smile " yeah, I'm coming in a few days, I have to finish some work stuff and then I'll be with you the night before the funeral" I tell her a little white lie " I can't lie, I was worried that I was coming back to an empty house" she lets out a small laugh " RI, I would never do that to you, I love you the most" I tell her " I love you too" she says softly " I have to go now, I have work in the morning and it's late" I tell her because I see that my flight is calling for people to board " night baby" she says and the line does dead. 

I collect my bags and make my way to the exit where Calista is waiting for me, I walk up to where she is parked " hey" she says embracing me into a hug " hey" I say back returning the hug. We drive to Anna's and Peter's house. The drive was calm, Calista was telling me how Rhea as been and I explain to her what happened. After we listen to a bit of music and just talk about random stuff.

We arrive and Anna and Peter are standing by the door to greet us at the door, " hello sweetie" Anna says hugging me " thanks for coming" Peter says also hugging me " where is she?" I ask " in her room" Anna says, I give her a little nod and walk to the bedroom " Dem's open the door please, lunch is ready" Calista says knocking on the door " go away" I hear Rhea say " that's not a nice way to talk to your sister" I chuckle, there was a moment of silence and then to door unlocks and swings open. Rhea then pulls me into a hug " your here" she whispers " I am" I chuckle " what how, I thought you was coming in a couple of days" she looks at me confused " you have your sister to thank" I laugh and Rhea looks at Calista and hugs her. Calista goes into her room and leaves us together, we go into our room and I unpack. We then lay on the bed and cuddle " I'm so fucking sorry, Lucy" she says into my chest " all is forgiven and forgotten, baby" I say and kiss the top of her head " I'm sorry too, I should have never left you like this" I say " let's forgive and forget" she chuckles and lifts her head up and kisses me. " right, go and shower and we will have some lunch, I'm hungry" I chuckle and she nods and leaves to shower. As Rhea is showering, I change the bedding and open the curtains and window to let some air in and give the room a happier glow. Rhea come back into the room to get dress. " feel up for a walk?" I say " erm, yeah" she smiles. 

We get ready for our walk and we make our way down to the rest of the family " where are you two" Anna smiles " oh we're gonna go for a walk" Rhea says " do you guys wanna come?" I offer " nah, it's okay" Peter says and I nod. Rhea opens the door and leaves " thank you" Anna mouths so Rhea couldn't here and I smile at her and leave the house. 

On our walk we get some lunch, we visit a few shops and then get some ice cream and walk along the beach, we chill for a bit eating our ice creams and joking around, after everything that was said and done, I thought we might not be the same but nothing feels different and everything is the same between us. We head back to the house and just chill with the bennett family for the rest of the day.

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