Chapter 21

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It's Rhea's birthday really soon so I'm currently shopping in town for a present I saw online and I know she would love, I have a few plans for her birthday I just have to pull them off. I have already arranged her biggest present  and I cannot wait to see her face when she opens it, I have also arranged a meal for us at her favourite restaurant.  I have come to the decision that I will let her open them tomorrow because one of her presents, she needs time to prepare for so I'm giving her a week.  I left the shop with the present and do some more shopping as it's Hyrie's birthday tomorrow. I got Hyrie a few toys and some nices clothes and now I'm driving home. I get to Rhea's and wrap up the presents, Rhea is not home so I text her asking her to be home and ready by 3pm.  

I drive me and Rhea to my dads house for Hyrie's birthday party. After a sort drive we arrive at our destination, Rhea picks up the presents as I knock on the door. We don't have to wait long before we are greeted by Jojo at the door, she pulls us into a hug " hey guys" she says all happily " hey" me and Rhea both laugh. We walk into the house and my dad is talking to Braun and Mika and my Grandparents are playing with Knash and Hyrie. We are all talking and having a good time, what I love this that Rhea does not look uncomfortable and out of place, she's calm and joining in and look generally happy. " Bo's finally on his way" Mika says " oh his coming then" I ask " yeah he's just running late" she informs me. I give Rhea a Little tour of my old room, " his this your mum?" she asked picking up a picture frame. " yeah" I say smiling at her. " you look like her" she says smiling down at the photo. " everyone says that" I laugh a little " it's not a bad thing, your both very beautiful" she turns her head and smiles at me  " thanks I guess" I laugh " it's true" she says placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

An hour later we're all playing different types of games and having a good time, when there's a knock on the door, My dad goes to open it and Bo walks in and my jaw drops and I literally have to pinch myself thinking I'm dreaming because who is behind Bo, fucking liv. " she is fucking for real?!" I shout standing, Rhea stands up with me and put her hand on my shoulder to try to help me relax " babe, it's okay this isn't the time nor place. Think about where you are and why your here" she says " it's okay?!! fucking okay?, it's not okay Rhea you forgetting what she has done? and said about this family, my family" I shout. Liv just stands there just staring at me in shock. Bo and my dad look confused " liv I think you should leave" Jojo says " what's going on why does she have to leave" Bo questions " he doesn't know does he?" I ask Liv " know what, about the article, I mean I text you to ask if it was true but you never responded ?" my dad say "   the article was true and the reason I kicked the shit out of her was because she talked a lot of smack about my mum and lied in an interview making me all crazy saying I beat you up for no reason, oh and she got in bed with my girlfriend and made it out as if Rhea cheated. Liv you call me the sicko, but look at have you have done!" I scream at her. " babe, you're scaring the children" Rhea whispers, I look at Hyrie and Knash, their cuddled up to Mika and they look terrified and my heart sinks  " I'm sorry, kids" I say softly " this is true?" Bo says turning to Liv, Liv is just staring at her feet not answering " answer me " Bo shouts making us all jump. Liv just nods and you can see the hurt in his face " why" he asked " because she can't let me and Rhea be happy" I say  " leave, go home, get your shit and leave my house. I do not want to see your face around me or my family again" he says sharply. Liv snaps her head up " what?" she whispers, tears rolling down her cheeks " Liv, I can't  be with someone who is fucking with my family and hurting them lucy is my niece if you hurt her, you're hurting me ." Bo says kinda sadly. Liv just nods accepting  defeat and walks out. " I'm sorry Bo" I say softly " it's okay doll, it's not your fault" he says pulling me into a hug.  Two hours later, we continue with the party, we play more games, Hyrie opens her presents and we do a cake and let Hyrie blow out the candles but you can tell the atmosphere has changed. After a couple of hours we decide to head home.

" well that was eventful" Rhea sayd slumping on the sofa sitting next to me, " yeah tell me about it" I let out a small chuckle. We decide to watch some old school dragon ball-z because why not and have a cup of tea.  " you okay though" Rhea says breaking the silence I turn and face her " I'm angry at her for everything she says done but I could of moved past it you know?, but to have the audacity to show up at the families house you have been talking shit about and try and ruin a 3 year olds birthday , that's a new level of low" I say. Rhea is just smirking at me " why are you looking at me like that?" I ask her with a little giggle. " I just think angry lucy is kinda hot" she says giving me a devilish smirk. I climb on top of her so now I'm sitting on her lap and look down at her " is that so?" I tilt my head and smile at her, she stares at me for a minute and then wraps her arms around the back of my neck and gently pulls me down and connects our lips. The kiss turns into a passionate kiss filled with love and need, Rhea the moves us so that I'm laying on my back and she's hovering over me. Rhea then looks at me asking for consent, I just nod and she kisses me harder and before I know it we just did it on the sofa. 

We are still on the sofa, Rhea is sitting up and I'm laying in between her legs with my head on her stomach and she's running fingers through my hair,  " what time is it?" I ask sleepy "hmm 12:32am, why?" she says checking the watch on her left wrist. I move to look up at her " wait here" I say. I get off the sofa out my clothes back on and go into the guest room and collected all but one present. I run but to the sofa to where Rhea is waiting for me. Rhea looks at me all confused when she see's the bag and a massive smiles on my face. " what's all this" she looks at me " well" I say sitting on the sofa  " it's your birthday an.." I begin to say " not for another week luce" Rhea chuckles " I know, I know" I laugh then continue " I have a plan for your actual birthday so I have had to do your birthday a week in advance so you/ we have time to prepare" I explain " the fuck have you done women" Rhea laughs " well it would be a surprise if I tell you now would it? I laugh gently tapping her her nose  " you are one strange women" Rhea laughs " anyway, these are just little things I got you that I know you like." I say handing her a bag. Rhea looks into the bag " you didn't" she says surprised " I did" I laugh as I watch her excitedly empty the bag full of her favourite Australian candies and chocolates " how did you pull this off" she smiles at me " I have connections in OZ you know" I smirk at her " bet it was Calista or my mother" she laughs " I'm not giving away my business pals" I laugh and Rhea just shakes her head smiling. 

Rhea packs all the snacks away in the snack draws, we both brush our teeth and get changed and climb into bed, I lay on my side to put my phone on the bedside table and Rhea cuddles me from behind and wraps her arm around me and this is how we stayed until the morning.      

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