Chapter 45

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"why is this so stressful" I sigh throwing a wedding dress magazine on my desk, making Alexa and Ellie laugh. " I just can't find the right one" I say sadly " you need to go into shops and look at some dresses" Alexa says " so, wedding dress shopping" I smirk at the two " why not" Ellie shrugs  " that's settled then" Alexa smiles. " have you thought of where your having the wedding?" Alexa asked taking a sip of her coffee. " I have this place in Hawaii in mind but obviously I have to run it pass Rhea first" I explain and then show the pair the place I was thinking of.  " that's so beautiful" Alexa says as her eyes lay on the computer screen. " I know right, I'm hoping that the beach will give it a homey vibe for Rhea and her family too" I smile  " that's sweet" Ellie says. We sit and finish our coffee's and talk about other stuff " I have to go back now" Ellie says looking at her apple watch. " okay hon" I smile at her " oh Luce, I have something to ask" she looks at me " right?" I question " so, I asked on insta who the WWE universe want me to do an interview with and believe it or not you was the most popular" she chuckles " so, can you do one?" she asked " let me look at my schedule, with Backlash coming this weekend, it's a bit mad" I chuckle. I go on my dairy and scan through " okay, so I have an hour free in 30, if you can?" I explain " yeah sure sounds good I'll go and set up" she says and leaves my office, with Alexa behind her.  

I put on my socials that I'm going live with Ellie on thee WWE's Instagram account and they should put in some questions for me to answer. Ellie messages me asking if I am ready I reply with a yeah then wait for her to invite me on the live. 

I click the accept button and Ellie's face appears on my computer screen.

"hey" she smiles 

" hey" I smile back

" how are you doing today?" she chuckles 

" I'm good, it's kinda nerve wracking being on the other end of this" I chuckle  

" is this your first interview" she questions 

" it is" I say 

" oh that's cool, so should we get straight to it?" she laughs 

" let's do it" I chuckle 

I look and I can see thousands of people watching and my mind is blown, why are they all interested in me,  I'm just an average women. 

" so, wrestlemania let's talk about that--" I cut her off " oh god" I put my face in my hands and laugh making Ellie laugh.

" did you have any idea Rhea was going to pop the question?" she asked looking at her phone reading the questions the fans have sent in. 

" I had no idea, I knew she wanted me front row with our families but I just thought it was just to watch her." I explain " when she gave that speech, I was just standing there like what is actually happening because watching her, I didn't see Rhea, I saw Demi and I was thinking why is she showing Demi right after winning the Smackdown women's title" I continue to explain.

 " it will go down in wrestlemania history" Ellie laughs and I playfully roll my eyes 

" so next question, when are the WWE universe going to get a Lucy going mad in catering live" Ellie laughs as she reads the question 

I laugh and then in the comments I see a comment that caught my eye, @ dmcintyrewwe: leave catering alone lucy its been peaceful whilst you was away . I laugh at the comment " Drew your my next victim" I laugh  and Ellie laughs too. 

" moving on, you spoken on the difference between Rhea showing Rhea and then showing Demi, do you ever find it hard mixing the two persona's "she reads 

" hmm, not really, I understand at work she is Rhea, but once we get home she is Demi and the only time I see Rhea come out is when she has to work from home, like interviews and that" as I finish the sentence, my door opens slowly and then my eyes lay on Knash " hey little man" I smile at him " hi, Lucy" he says climb on my lap and hugs me. I look at the door expecting my dad or Jojo to walk through by to my suprise, Rhea walks through holding Hyire's hand. " hey beautiful" I smile at Hyire " hey" Rhea winks and I roll my eyes. Hyire climbs on my other leg so now I have both of them on my lap " hi Ellie" Knash waves sweetly at her " hey sweetie how are you?" she smiles  " I'm okay, mummy brought us here, daddy has to work with uncle Bon Bon" he explains " is that my little princess Hyire?" she chuckles, Hyire laughs " I didn't bring my crown today" Hyire says sweetly " that's okay maybe next time" Ellie chuckles. 

" so, next question, are you and Rhea planning on having children any time soon" she looks at me as if it say I shouldn't of asked that which makes me chuckle and Rhea laughs too from behind the computer screen. I look at Rhea to ask if it's okay for me to answer because I know with things like this she wants to keep it hidden for as long as possible, she gives me a nod to say yeah. " well, one day yeah, but right now I don't think it's the right time, as Rhea is champion and is super busy and I'm constantly working too, so not right now" I chuckle and Rhea nods to agree. " well as your adopted daughter, I think you should wait" Ellie jokes " whoa, wait when did this happen?" Rhea jumps up and pops her head into shot. Ellie just shrugs and laughs  " do I get a say?" Rhea chuckle's, I look up at her " no, pipe down" I laugh and she just ruffs my hair , making the kids laugh " aunty Rhea you made Lucy look silly" Hyire laughs 

We end the interview not long after and me and Rhea take Hyire and knash to catering and wait for my dad and Jojo to come. " the Rotunda's are here, are we safe" Drew laughs high fiving Knash and Hyire " for now" I smirk at him. 

Me and Rhea go with my dad, Jojo and the kids to get something to eat the we drive home.

I'm sitting on the sofa with my laptop resting on the arm looking at things for our wedding, " Bennet?" I call for Rhea, I didn't have to wait long before she walks into the Living room " you called?" she chuckles as she sits next to me " I did, I want your opinions of some stuff" I tell her moving my laptop so she can see as well. Firstly I saw her the black roses I had found, we have decided to have a black and white theme. " ohh, I like these" she smiles " cool, that's settled then" I smile at her. " I wanna show you a place I found in Maui, Hawaii" I say clicking on the tab " Hawaii, huh?" she raises an eyebrow  " yeah, the place is beautiful" I say. I click on the tab that shows a huge mansion, the walls are white with a red rooftop, the house can be divided into four, which will be good for keeping me and Rhea apart for the day so we don't see each other. the back garden is a private beach and that's where the magic will happen, I turn to face Rhea and her jaw has dropped " Luce, it's beautiful" she says facing me " I like the fact it's ono a beach because it has a Aussie vibe and you and your family can feel at home" I smile at her " I love the fact you thought of that" she smiles " of course, it's your day too" I smile back " so, you happy with the place?" I ask her " I love it" she smiles " good, I'll look at some dates" I say. Rhea then smashes her lips against mine which the force makes me fall back, so now I'm laying on my back and Rhea is on top of me. Rhea the straddles me and connects our lips again and the kiss gets deep and passionate. That's until Barry comes along and started to lick Rhea's face making me laugh, " fuck sake Barry" Rhea laughs " he felt left out" I laugh. Rhea just rolls her eyes and get's off me and opens the back door so Barry can go out. 

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