Chapter 18

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"Hey, can we talk," I ask her

"Of course" she smiles we take a seat on the bench behind us letting Barry smell about. " how was Australia?" I ask just making small talk so it's not mad awkward " it was good, I feel refreshed... wait how do you know I want home?" she looks at me confused " Dom told me" I chuckle " oh did he, little shit" Rhea laughs " he also said your knee is getting better" I smile up at her " yeah, a lot better I can  actually work out and wrestle a bit now, not fully but it shouldn't be long before I can" she smiles at me. My god I have missed that smile and the butterflies came back, "enough about me, how have you been" she ask watching Barry " coping"  I simply say honestly  , I keep my eyes in front of me to not make eye contact " I wish I knew how to make this better"  she says sadly and turning to face " you don't have to make it better" I look at her. Rhea looks at me confused " what do you mean?"there was worry in her voice. " well, I spoke to Sonya and got the truth of what actually happened" I give her a small smile " well can you tell me because I actually still don't know what happend" she looks at me her eyes are still soft and dark blue. This women still kills me by just looking at me, "well in sort terms Liv just basically jumped into bed with you, Sonya took the photo and they left" I explain. Rhea sighs in relief " well that's something I guess, at least nothing dodgy happened" she chuckles " well if it wasn't for Sonya then something could of happened #, she said that Liv wanted to do the most" I look at her and she rises her brows as to say "what". We sit in silence for a few minutes so Rhea can take in what I told her, " so what happens now?" I ask " well I still love you, I still want to be with you and I want you in my life" she makes eye contact " I want you to still be in my life as well" I smile at her. " come let me walk" you home Rhea stands up and stretches out her hand, I take it and she pulls me up so I can stand. 

We are walking back to mine in comfortable silence, we make it to the front of my house " so, what now?" Rhea asked " we take it slow and we see what happens naturally" I smile up at the taller women " I come work with that" she returns my smile " well I better go, I need to get ready for work tomorrow" I say, I kneel down and pet Barry. I stand in front of Rhea and hug her, we get go and I caught in her gaze, her dark blue eyes staring into mine. fuck it  i thought I wrap my arms around her shoulders and gently pull her head down and connect our lips together. " what happened to taking it slow" Rhea laughs breaking away so we can breath, "I missed kissing you" I look up at her innocently which makes Rhea laugh " message me so I know Barry got home safe" I give her a sweet smile, she giggles " well you will have to unblock me so I can reach you" she gives off a small chuckle " oh yeah, I will do that when I get in" I laugh " okay well good night luce" she hugs me again " night Ri" with that she turns and walks of with Barry and I unlock the front door.

  I'm currently at work and about to go on lunch after a boring morning my phone buzzes thats laying on my desk I read it 

rhea🖤: hey im in catering come get lunch with me🥺xx

I reply saying I'll be 5 minutes and leave for catering. I walk into catering and see Rhea sitting at a table with Dom and Damian " hey lads" I say sitting down next to Rhea  "lucy how are you, long time" Damian smiles at me "I'm good thanks yourself?" I return his smile  " I'm good thanks girl" he simply says " wassup" Dom nods at me "¿Qué tal?" I smile at him he "aha, nice" he smiles " want some food?" Rhea ask " yess, I'm starved"I hold my stomach all dramatically Rhea laughs " come on then, I can't have you dying, she stands up and helps me up. We walk up to the food area to pick what food we want "ugh just give up" I heard from behind me I turn to see Liv and Sonya standing behind me "I'm sorry?" I asked confused " she doesn't want you, give up" Liv said taking a step closer to me "whatever Liv, just get over it, move on be with Bo, be happy" I give her a blank expression. I walk past her and as Rhea walks past her, Liv stops Rhea " what does she have that I don't" she looks up at Rhea " Liv your embarrassing yourself, please stop" Rhea says kinda sadly " but what is it you see in her, do you feel sorry for her?" Liv now getting a bit angry " why would I feel sorry for her?" Rhea gives Liv a confused look " because her dad didn't want to know her and her own mother would rather OD then be with her" she shouts. I reached my boiling point at that comment and before I know it I punch her, she falls to the floor and I hover over her and repeatedly punch her she holds her arms over her face to try and block them, " Rhea stop her"  I hear Sonya shout " nahh" I hear Rhea laugh a few seconds later I feel arms wrap around me and lift me off Rhea and carry me somewhere " GET OFF ME" I shout to whoever is was holding me and they put me down, I push whoever he was in front of me but they didn't move " why did you stop me?" I shout slapping them in their chest, then the crying starts and he pulls me into a hug and I cry into their chest " it's alright lass" a scottish accent says stroking my hair. A few moments later I rise my head up from his chest and look at him and noticing it was Drew with me " Drew" I look at him confused " hey lass" he laughs " only just noticed aye?" he continues to giggle " yup" I let out a small chuckle and wipe a tear from under my eye " sorry for hitting you" I say looking up at Drew " it's okay lass don't worry about it" he smiles down at me  . Moments later there's a knock on my door and Stephanie walks in the office and she looks pissed " Drew give us a minute please" she demands. Drew nods and walks out closing the door behind him, she sits down and nods for me to sit as well, I do as I'm told and I sit. " what happened" she asked " she mentioned my mum and I just lost it" I give her a simple explanation and she nods to show she understands. " well I have also spoken to Liv and I personally wanted to give you this, I think you will enjoy this one" she smiles at me. Stephanie hands me a piece of paper,I take it and read what she wrote. I look at her in utter shock, " post this and then you can leave for the day" she says standing up " am I not gonna get punished" I asked confused " no,  she admitted what she done, she told me everything. I would of done the same to be honest, just say I gave you a warning if anyone asks" she smiles and walks out I log back on to the system find a standard photo of liv and start typing.

WWE can confirm that Liv Morgan and the WWE have mutually agreed to end Liv's contract with immediate effect. The WWE would like to wish Liv the best for the future.  

As I post it Rhea and Alexa walk into my room " lucy, you okay?"  Alexa ask hugging me " yeah I'm relaxed now" I laugh " what did Steph want" Rhea looks worried as she sat on my desk. " oh, this" I hand Rhea the piece of paper. " oh shit" she lets out a small giggle, more in relief I guess " what?" Alexa questions leaning  over Rhea's shoulder reading the writing on the paper. 

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