Chapter 58

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It's been six weeks since finding out I was pregnant, Rhea has been a godsend since finding out, maybe a little to protective but I love her for it, she's been taking care me, making sure I eat and stay hydrated, every moment she will get at work she would come to my office and check on me. 

We are currently sat in a room waiting for an ultrasound scan that needs to be done at six weeks to make sure everything is alright with the baby. The door opens and a young nurse walks through it " hi, Lucy right?"she smiles " yes, it is" I smile back " Demi" Rhea smiles at her " I'm nurse Kelly smith and I'll be doing your scan, so Lucy if you could pop on the bed, we can have a look at what's going on" she smiles and I get on the bed and Kelly puts some gloves on, brings down my legging a bit and wraps the helm of my legging in tissue, she then pours some freezing cold gel below my belly button " that's so cold" I laugh and Kelly and Rhea chuckle. " right let's see what's going on" she says and presses down on my stomach with the camera. I turn and face the screen and watch as Kelly moves the camera until she finds what we have been looking for. " there you are" she smiles and I stare at the screen to a little bean on the screen. " that's your baby" Kelly smiles at us and I turn to face Rhea whos smile of ear to ear and a tear in her eyes, I reach for her hand and give it a little squeeze and smile at her. We wait a few moments so Kelly could do her examinations, " so, everything sees normal at this stage of the pregnancy and I am happy to let you guys go" she smiles and wipes of the gel of my stomach and I pull my leggings back up " would you guy like to take some pictures of the scans home?" she asked " yeah, please" Rhea says. Kelly clicks a few buttons and then leaves the room, a few moments later she returns with an envelope " here's the scans and also I got you this, it's a card containing contact numbers just in case you need anything or have questions to ask" she smiles I thank her and take the stuff off her and me and Rhea leave the hospital. We get in the car and Rhea drive us home, " we can start telling people now" she turns and smiles " yeah, we should start with our families first and then tell work people a bit later on" I tell her " thats fair, I need to tell Paul and Steph though, just so they have time to write me off in time for the birth. Just so it makes sense I am gone and the women's world champion hasn't just vanished" she says " yeah we can tell them tomorrow" I smile at her 

I'm sitting in Ellies office explaining something to her workwise and just have a catch up with her as it feels like I haven't seen her in awhile. As I'm drinking some green tea my phone rings and it's Rhea. " hey" I say " hey, I'm going to speak to Paul now do you wanna come?" she asked " yeah sure" I say " okay, I see ya in a bit" she says and the phone goes dead. I say goodbye to Ellie and make my way to Paul's office. " hey I say as I walk up to Rhea was is sitting on an equipment box outside the office " hey, you ready" she smiles " yeah, I still have the scans in my bag from yesterday, so we can show him" I say knocking on the door " enter" he hear is husky voice. I open the door and walk in and Rhea follows behind me " Lucy, Demi what can we do for you" Steph says " great your both here" I smile " makes it easier" Rhea chuckles " what's up girls" Paul says " well I, I mean we need to talk to you guys" Rhea says nervously " what about" Steph says confused, I pull out the envelope, I take out a scan photo and hand it to her. Steph takes it and looks at it for a second. " oh my god" she smiles and passes it to Paul " congratulations" she hugs me and Rhea. " it worked then" Paul chuckles " yeah thankfully" Rhea chuckles " so what's the plan now" Paul asked Rhea "well, I'm still going to wrestle until like Lucy is eight months gone and then creative can write me out of a long period of time, we also ask you guys to keep it to yourself and not to tell anyone in the workplace for now, we are going to wait for as long as possible. " Rhea explains and Paul nods " understood,have you got an Idea of how you wanted to be written off?" Steph asked. " I do actually" Rhea says and goes on to explain how she wants to be wrote off. 

" so, how we gonna tell how family" Rhea asked handing me a red berry tea. " well we could just invite my family over for dinner and tell them, with your family it's kinda difficult as they live so far away, so it's whatever way you want to do it"I explain " I mean the easiest way is to video call them to be honest" she shrugs " when do you wanna do it?" I ask her, Rhea checks the time " it's not that late here, maybe now?" she suggested " sure" I smile. Rhea gets up and gets her phone and comes back and sits next to me, she gets her mums number up and presses the facetime call. It didn't take long for us to see Anna's bright smiles comes on Rhea phone screen.  " hiya baby" Anna smiles " hey mum" Rhea smiles " you okay darling?" Anna asked " yeah, erm is dad and Calista there" Rhea asked " yeah give me a minute" Anna says and she collects Peter and Calista. " what's up hon, oh hey Luce" Peter says " hey" I smile " we wanna tell you guys something" Rhea says " you guys getting a divorce already" Calista laughs " fuck sake" Rhea rolls her eyes " what is it, Lucy finally realised she's got the wrong sister" Calista laugh " oh yeah totally" I laugh earning a playful slap on the arm by Rhea " so, we have something to show you" Rhea smiles and pulls out the scan and shows it on screen so they all can see it. " oh my god, really?" Anna starts to cry " oh my god, I'm going to be an aunt" Calista shouts " oh wow, congratulations" Peter says " wait whos pregnant and how far?" Anna asked " me, and just coming up to 7 weeks" I say. We stay stay on the phone to Rhea family for a while and at the same time I text my dad asking if he wanted to come for dinner tomorrow. 

Me and Rhea are preparing dinner for when my dad, Jojo, Braun and the kids come. As dinner is cooking and Rhea is in a shower, I come up with an idea. I get an old vans shoe box and blue-tac a scan photo onto the inside of the lid so as they lift the lid they will see it, I put the baby vans we brought the other day in it and a baby grow and the pregnancy test into the box as well. I shower and get dressed just in time, as I came out the bedroom Rhea is opening the door to my family. "hey guys" I say welcoming my family. We spend time in the garden catching the last bit of the sun and watch Knash and Hyire and Barry go crazy until dinner is done. I help Rhea dish up dinner and hand out the plates. We sit and eat and fall into natural conversation, we finish and me and Rhea clean up and she gives me a nod to indicate that it's time I tell him. I go to the bedroom, grab the shoe back and walk back out. " okay guys, there's actually a reason why I brought you all here" I say getting their attention " I knew it" my dad laughs. " so me and Rhea have been hiding something" I say placing the shoe box on the table in front of Jojo and my dad earning a confused look from the both them. " you stole some one my shoes?" my dad laugh " just open the damn box" I laugh and he slowly and Jojo screams " oh my fucking god, no way" she says crying and pulls me into a hug. " I'm going to be a step nanny" she chuckles placing her hand on my belly "step?" I question " yeah?" she says " no, you're nanny Jojo" I laugh and she hugs me again. Braun and my dad also congratulates us and they chill for a bit and then leave.

" well, the hardest part is over" Rhea chuckles pulling me into a hug. I lean up a place a soft kiss on her lips " for me is waiting months to tell everyone at work" I chuckle.

They way Rhea as write herself off work, we need to keep my pregnancy hushed, otherwise it won't work because we won't get the reaction of the wrestler so is in the story we want, we want a true reaction and not a written one.

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